
Examples of

        // Get the SchemaName
        String schemaName = getSchemaName( entry.getDn() );

        // Get the schema
        Schema schema = schemaManager.getLoadedSchema( schemaName );

        if ( schema.isDisabled() )
            // The schema is disabled, nothing to do.
            LOG.debug( "The AttributeType {} cannot be removed from the disabled schema {}.",
                dn.getName(), schemaName );
        // Test that the Oid exists
        AttributeType attributeType = ( AttributeType ) checkOidExists( entry );

        if ( schema.isEnabled() && attributeType.isEnabled() )
            if ( schemaManager.delete( attributeType ) )
                LOG.debug( "Removed {} from the schema {}", attributeType, schemaName );
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        LdapSyntax syntax = factory.getSyntax( schemaManager, entry, schemaManager.getRegistries(), schemaName );

        // At this point, the constructed Syntax has not been checked against the
        // existing Registries. It may be broken (missing SUP, or such), it will be checked
        // there, if the schema and the Syntax are both enabled.
        Schema schema = schemaManager.getLoadedSchema( schemaName );

        if ( schema.isEnabled() && syntax.isEnabled() )
            if ( schemaManager.add( syntax ) )
                LOG.debug( "Added {} into the enabled schema {}", dn.getName(), schemaName );
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        // Get the Syntax from the given entry ( it has been grabbed from the server earlier)
        String schemaName = getSchemaName( entry.getDn() );

        // Get the schema
        Schema schema = schemaManager.getLoadedSchema( schemaName );
        if ( schema.isDisabled() )
            // The schema is disabled, nothing to do.
            LOG.debug( "The Syntax {} cannot be removed from the disabled schema {}.",
                dn.getName(), schemaName );

        // Test that the Oid exists
        LdapSyntax syntax = ( LdapSyntax ) checkOidExists( entry );

        List<Throwable> errors = new ArrayList<Throwable>();

        if ( schema.isEnabled() && syntax.isEnabled() )
            if ( schemaManager.delete( syntax ) )
                LOG.debug( "Removed {} from the schema {}", syntax, schemaName );
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    public void addSchemaObject( OperationContext opContext, SchemaObject obj ) throws Exception
        Schema schema = schemaManager.getLoadedSchema( obj.getSchemaName() );
        DN dn = getDn( obj );
        ServerEntry entry = factory.getAttributes( obj, schema, schemaManager );
        entry.setDn( dn );

        opContext.add( entry, BYPASS );
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         * fail.

        if ( isEnabled )
            Schema schema = factory.getSchema( entry );
            schemaManager.load( schema );
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     * Disable a schema and update all of its schemaObject
    private void disable( SchemaObject schemaObject, CoreSession session, Registries registries )
        throws Exception
        Schema schema = registries.getLoadedSchema( schemaObject.getSchemaName() );
        List<Modification> modifications = new ArrayList<Modification>();
        // The m-disabled AT
        EntryAttribute disabledAttr = new DefaultServerAttribute( disabledAT, "FALSE" );
        Modification disabledMod = new ServerModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, disabledAttr );
        modifications.add( disabledMod );
        // The modifiersName AT
        EntryAttribute modifiersNameAttr =
            new DefaultServerAttribute( modifiersNameAT, session.getEffectivePrincipal().getName() );
        Modification modifiersNameMod = new ServerModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, modifiersNameAttr );
        modifications.add( modifiersNameMod );
        // The modifyTimestamp AT
        EntryAttribute modifyTimestampAttr =
            new DefaultServerAttribute( modifyTimestampAT, DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime() );
        Modification modifyTimestampMod = new ServerModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, modifyTimestampAttr );
        modifications.add( modifyTimestampMod );
        // Call the modify operation
        DN dn = buildDn( schemaObject.getObjectType(), schemaObject.getName() );
        ModifyOperationContext modifyContext = new ModifyOperationContext( session, dn, modifications );
        modifyContext.setByPassed( ByPassConstants.BYPASS_ALL_COLLECTION );

        OperationManager operationManager =
        operationManager.modify( modifyContext );
        // Now iterate on all the schemaObject under this schema
        for ( SchemaObjectWrapper schemaObjectWrapper : schema.getContent() )
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    private boolean disableSchema( CoreSession session, String schemaName ) throws Exception
        Schema schema = registries.getLoadedSchema( schemaName );

        if ( schema == null )
            // This is not possible. We can't enable a schema which is not loaded.
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_85, schemaName );
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     * Enabling a schema consist on switching all of its schema element to enable.
     * We have to do it on a temporary registries.
    private boolean enableSchema( String schemaName ) throws Exception
        Schema schema = registries.getLoadedSchema( schemaName );

        if ( schema == null )
            // We have to load the schema before enabling it.
            schemaManager.loadDisabled( schemaName );
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            schemaName );

        // At this point, the constructed LdapComparator has not been checked against the
        // existing Registries. It will be checked there, if the schema and the
        // LdapComparator are both enabled.
        Schema schema = schemaManager.getLoadedSchema( schemaName );

        if ( schema.isEnabled() && comparator.isEnabled() )
            if ( schemaManager.add( comparator ) )
                LOG.debug( "Added {} into the enabled schema {}", dn.getName(), schemaName );
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        // Get the SchemaName
        String schemaName = getSchemaName( entry.getDn() );

        // Get the Schema
        Schema schema = schemaManager.getLoadedSchema( schemaName );

        if ( schema.isDisabled() )
            // The schema is disabled, nothing to do.
            LOG.debug( "The Comparator {} cannot be deleted from the disabled schema {}", dn.getName(), schemaName );

        // Test that the Oid exists
        LdapComparator<?> comparator = null;

            comparator = ( LdapComparator<?> ) checkComparatorOidExists( entry );
        catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException lsve )
            // The comparator does not exist
            comparator = factory.getLdapComparator( schemaManager, entry, schemaManager.getRegistries(), schemaName );

            if ( schemaManager.getRegistries().contains( comparator ) )
                // Remove the Comparator from the schema/SchemaObject Map
                schemaManager.getRegistries().dissociateFromSchema( comparator );

                // Ok, we can exit.
                // Ok, definitively an error
                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_351, entry.getDn().getName() );
       msg );
                throw new LdapSchemaViolationException( msg, ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM );

        List<Throwable> errors = new ArrayList<Throwable>();

        if ( schema.isEnabled() && comparator.isEnabled() )
            if ( schemaManager.delete( comparator ) )
                LOG.debug( "Deleted {} from the enabled schema {}", dn.getName(), schemaName );
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