* Disable a schema and update all of its schemaObject
private void disable( SchemaObject schemaObject, CoreSession session, Registries registries )
throws Exception
Schema schema = registries.getLoadedSchema( schemaObject.getSchemaName() );
List<Modification> modifications = new ArrayList<Modification>();
// The m-disabled AT
EntryAttribute disabledAttr = new DefaultServerAttribute( disabledAT, "FALSE" );
Modification disabledMod = new ServerModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, disabledAttr );
modifications.add( disabledMod );
// The modifiersName AT
EntryAttribute modifiersNameAttr =
new DefaultServerAttribute( modifiersNameAT, session.getEffectivePrincipal().getName() );
Modification modifiersNameMod = new ServerModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, modifiersNameAttr );
modifications.add( modifiersNameMod );
// The modifyTimestamp AT
EntryAttribute modifyTimestampAttr =
new DefaultServerAttribute( modifyTimestampAT, DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime() );
Modification modifyTimestampMod = new ServerModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, modifyTimestampAttr );
modifications.add( modifyTimestampMod );
// Call the modify operation
DN dn = buildDn( schemaObject.getObjectType(), schemaObject.getName() );
ModifyOperationContext modifyContext = new ModifyOperationContext( session, dn, modifications );
modifyContext.setByPassed( ByPassConstants.BYPASS_ALL_COLLECTION );
OperationManager operationManager =
operationManager.modify( modifyContext );
// Now iterate on all the schemaObject under this schema
for ( SchemaObjectWrapper schemaObjectWrapper : schema.getContent() )