int pos = 0;
for ( Value<?> value : attr )
ObjectClass objectClass = null;
objectClass = objectClassParser.parseObjectClassDescription( value.getString() );
catch ( ParseException e )
LdapInvalidAttributeValueException iave = new LdapInvalidAttributeValueException( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, I18n.err( I18n.ERR_417,
value.getString() ) );
iave.initCause( e );
throw iave;
// if the super objectClasses are provided make sure it exists in some schema
if ( objectClass.getSuperiorOids() != null && objectClass.getSuperiorOids().size() > 0 )
for ( String superiorOid : objectClass.getSuperiorOids() )
if ( superiorOid.equals( SchemaConstants.TOP_OC_OID )
|| superiorOid.equalsIgnoreCase( SchemaConstants.TOP_OC ) )
if ( !schemaManager.getObjectClassRegistry().contains( superiorOid ) )
throw new LdapUnwillingToPerformException( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
I18n.err( I18n.ERR_418, superiorOid ) );
// if the may list is provided make sure attributes exists in some schema
if ( objectClass.getMayAttributeTypeOids() != null && objectClass.getMayAttributeTypeOids().size() > 0 )
for ( String mayAttrOid : objectClass.getMayAttributeTypeOids() )
if ( !schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().contains( mayAttrOid ) )
throw new LdapUnwillingToPerformException( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
I18n.err( I18n.ERR_419, mayAttrOid ) );
// if the must list is provided make sure attributes exists in some schema
if ( objectClass.getMustAttributeTypeOids() != null && objectClass.getMustAttributeTypeOids().size() > 0 )
for ( String mustAttrOid : objectClass.getMustAttributeTypeOids() )
if ( !schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().contains( mustAttrOid ) )
throw new LdapUnwillingToPerformException( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
I18n.err( I18n.ERR_420, mustAttrOid ) );
List<Throwable> errors = new ArrayList<Throwable>();
objectClass.setRegistries( schemaManager.getRegistries() );
objectClasses[pos++] = objectClass;
return objectClasses;