
Examples of

        int pos = 0;

        for ( Value<?> value : attr )
            MatchingRule matchingRule = null;

                matchingRule = matchingRuleParser.parseMatchingRuleDescription( value.getString() );
                matchingRule.setSpecification( value.getString() );
            catch ( ParseException e )
                LdapInvalidAttributeValueException iave = new LdapInvalidAttributeValueException(
                    ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX, I18n.err( I18n.ERR_424,
                        value.getString() ) );
                iave.initCause( e );
                throw iave;

            if ( !schemaManager.getLdapSyntaxRegistry().contains( matchingRule.getSyntaxOid() ) )
                throw new LdapUnwillingToPerformException( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
                    I18n.err( I18n.ERR_425, matchingRule.getSyntaxOid() ) );

            matchingRules[pos++] = matchingRule;
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         * We prefer matching using the Normalizer and Comparator pair from
         * the ordering matchingRule if one is available.  It may very well
         * not be.  If so then we resort to using the Normalizer and
         * Comparator from the equality matchingRule as a last resort.
        MatchingRule mr = attributeType.getOrdering();

        if ( mr == null )
            mr = attributeType.getEquality();

        if ( mr == null )
            throw new IllegalStateException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_717, node ) );

        normalizer = mr.getNormalizer();
        ldapComparator = mr.getLdapComparator();
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        if ( db.hasIndexOn( attributeType ) )
            idx = ( Index<T, Entry, String> ) db.getIndex( attributeType );

        MatchingRule mr = attributeType.getEquality();

        if ( mr == null )
            normalizer = new NoOpNormalizer( attributeType.getOid() );
            ldapComparator = null;
            normalizer = mr.getNormalizer();
            ldapComparator = mr.getLdapComparator();
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    public void init( SchemaManager schemaManager, AttributeType attributeType ) throws Exception
        this.attributeType = attributeType;

        MatchingRule mr = attributeType.getEquality();

        if ( mr == null )
            mr = attributeType.getOrdering();

        if ( mr == null )
            mr = attributeType.getSubstring();

        normalizer = mr.getNormalizer();

        if ( normalizer == null )
            throw new Exception( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_212, attributeType ) );

        LdapComparator<K> comp = ( LdapComparator<K> ) mr.getLdapComparator();

         * The forward key/value map stores attribute values to master table
         * primary keys.  A value for an attribute can occur several times in
         * different entries so the forward map can have more than one value.
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    public void init( SchemaManager schemaManager, AttributeType attributeType ) throws Exception
        this.attributeType = attributeType;

        MatchingRule mr = attributeType.getEquality();

        if ( mr == null )
            mr = attributeType.getOrdering();

        if ( mr == null )
            mr = attributeType.getSubstring();

        normalizer = mr.getNormalizer();

        if ( normalizer == null )
            throw new Exception( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_212, attributeType ) );

        ParentIdAndRdnComparator<String> comp = new ParentIdAndRdnComparator<String>( mr.getOid() );

        UuidComparator.INSTANCE.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );

         * The forward key/value map stores attribute values to master table
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    private void initTables( SchemaManager schemaManager ) throws IOException
        SerializableComparator<K> comp;

        MatchingRule mr = attributeType.getEquality();

        if ( mr == null )
            throw new IOException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_574, attributeType.getName() ) );

        comp = new SerializableComparator<K>( mr.getOid() );

         * The forward key/value map stores attribute values to master table
         * primary keys.  A value for an attribute can occur several times in
         * different entries so the forward map can have more than one value.
        UuidComparator.INSTANCE.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
        comp.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );

        if ( mr.getSyntax().isHumanReadable() )
            forward = new JdbmTable<K, String>( schemaManager, attributeType.getOid() + FORWARD_BTREE, numDupLimit,
                comp, UuidComparator.INSTANCE, StringSerializer.INSTANCE, UuidSerializer.INSTANCE );
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     * tables
     * @throws NamingException
    private void initTables( SchemaManager schemaManager ) throws IOException
        MatchingRule mr = attributeType.getEquality();

        if ( mr == null )
            throw new IOException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_574, attributeType.getName() ) );

        ParentIdAndRdnComparator<String> comp = new ParentIdAndRdnComparator<String>( mr.getOid() );

        UuidComparator.INSTANCE.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );

        ParentIdAndRdnSerializer parentIdAndSerializer = new ParentIdAndRdnSerializer( schemaManager );

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            indexEntry.setKey( node.getInitial() );

            cursor.before( indexEntry );
            int nbResults = 0;

            MatchingRule rule = attributeType.getSubstring();

            if ( rule == null )
                rule = attributeType.getEquality();

            Normalizer normalizer;
            Pattern regexp;

            if ( rule != null )
                normalizer = rule.getNormalizer();
                normalizer = new NoOpNormalizer( attributeType.getSyntaxOid() );
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        throws LdapException
        Dn name = modifyContext.getDn();
        Entry entry = modifyContext.getEntry();
        String schemaName = getSchemaName( name );
        MatchingRule mr = factory.getMatchingRule( schemaManager, targetEntry, schemaManager.getRegistries(),
            schemaName );

        String oldOid = getOid( entry );

        if ( isSchemaEnabled( schemaName ) )
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        checkOidIsUnique( entry );

        // Build the new MatchingRule from the given entry
        String schemaName = getSchemaName( dn );

        MatchingRule matchingRule = factory.getMatchingRule( schemaManager, entry, schemaManager.getRegistries(),
            schemaName );

        // At this point, the constructed MatchingRule has not been checked against the
        // existing Registries. It may be broken (missing SUP, or such), it will be checked
        // there, if the schema and the MatchingRule are both enabled.
        Schema schema = schemaManager.getLoadedSchema( schemaName );

        if ( schema.isEnabled() && matchingRule.isEnabled() )
            if ( schemaManager.add( matchingRule ) )
                LOG.debug( "Added {} into the enabled schema {}", dn.getName(), schemaName );
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