This class store the name-component part or the following BNF grammar (as of RFC2253, par. 3, and RFC1779, fig. 1) :
- <name-component> ::= <attributeType> <spaces> '=' <spaces> <attributeValue> <attributeTypeAndValues>
- <attributeTypeAndValues> ::= <spaces> '+' <spaces> <attributeType> <spaces> '=' <spaces> <attributeValue> <attributeTypeAndValues> | e
- <attributeType> ::= [a-zA-Z] <keychars> | <oidPrefix> [0-9] <digits> <oids> | [0-9] <digits> <oids>
- <keychars> ::= [a-zA-Z] <keychars> | [0-9] <keychars> | '-' <keychars> | e
- <oidPrefix> ::= 'OID.' | 'oid.' | e
- <oids> ::= '.' [0-9] <digits> <oids> | e
- <attributeValue> ::= <pairs-or-strings> | '#' <hexstring> |'"' <quotechar-or-pairs> '"'
- <pairs-or-strings> ::= '\' <pairchar> <pairs-or-strings> | <stringchar> <pairs-or-strings> | e
- <quotechar-or-pairs> ::= <quotechar> <quotechar-or-pairs> | '\' <pairchar> <quotechar-or-pairs> | e
- <pairchar> ::= ',' | '=' | '+' | '<' | '>' | '#' | ';' | '\' | '"' | [0-9a-fA-F] [0-9a-fA-F]
- <hexstring> ::= [0-9a-fA-F] [0-9a-fA-F] <hexpairs>
- <hexpairs> ::= [0-9a-fA-F] [0-9a-fA-F] <hexpairs> | e
- <digits> ::= [0-9] <digits> | e
- <stringchar> ::= [0x00-0xFF] - [,=+<>#;\"\n\r]
- <quotechar> ::= [0x00-0xFF] - [\"]
- <separator> ::= ',' | ';'
- <spaces> ::= ' ' <spaces> | e
A Rdn is a part of a Dn. It can be composed of many types, as in the Rdn following Rdn :
ou=value + cn=other value
ou=value + ou=another value
In this case, we have to store an 'ou' and a 'cn' in the Rdn.
The types are case insensitive.
Spaces before and after types and values are not stored.
Spaces before and after '+' are not stored.
Thus, we can consider that the following RDNs are equals :
'ou=test 1'
' ou=test 1'
'ou =test 1'
'ou= test 1'
'ou=test 1 '
' ou = test 1 '
So are the following :
'ou=test 1+cn=test 2'
'ou = test 1 + cn = test 2'
' ou =test 1+ cn =test 2 '
'cn = test 2 +ou = test 1'
but the following are not equal :
'ou=test 1'
'ou=test 1'
because we have more than one spaces inside the value.
The Rdn is composed of one or more Ava. Those Avas are ordered in the alphabetical natural order : a < b < c ... < z As the type are not case sensitive, we can say that a = A
This class is immutable.
Apache Directory Project