
Examples of

    public void test4ReverseRenameCompositeSimpleNotOverlappingDeleteOldRdnExistInEntry() throws LdapException
        Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=small+cn=test,ou=system" );
        Rdn oldRdn = new Rdn( "cn=small+cn=test" );
        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( "cn=big" );

        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn );
        entry.put( "cn", "test", "small", "big" );
        entry.put( "objectClass", "person", "top" );
        entry.put( "sn", "this is a test" );
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    public void test5ReverseRenameCompositeSimpleOverlappingKeepOldRdn() throws LdapException
        Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=small+cn=test,ou=system" );
        Rdn oldRdn = new Rdn( "cn=small+cn=test" );
        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( "cn=test" );

        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn );
        entry.put( "cn", "test", "small" );
        entry.put( "objectClass", "person", "top" );
        entry.put( "sn", "this is a test" );
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    public void test5ReverseRenameCompositeSimpleOverlappingDeleteOldRdn() throws LdapException
        Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=small+cn=test,ou=system" );
        Rdn oldRdn = new Rdn( "cn=small+cn=test" );
        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( "cn=test" );

        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn );
        entry.put( "cn", "test", "small" );
        entry.put( "objectClass", "person", "top" );
        entry.put( "sn", "this is a test" );
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    public void test61ReverseRenameSimpleCompositeNotOverlappingKeepOldRdnDontExistInEntry() throws LdapException
        Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=test,ou=system" );
        Rdn oldRdn = new Rdn( "cn=test" );
        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( "cn=joe+cn=plumber" );

        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn );
        entry.put( "cn", "test", "small" );
        entry.put( "objectClass", "person", "top" );
        entry.put( "sn", "this is a test" );
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    public void test62ReverseRenameSimpleCompositeNotOverlappingKeepOldRdnDontExistInEntry() throws LdapException
        Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=test,ou=system" );
        Rdn oldRdn = new Rdn( "cn=test" );
        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( "cn=joe+cn=small" );

        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn );
        entry.put( "cn", "test", "small" );
        entry.put( "objectClass", "person", "top" );
        entry.put( "sn", "this is a test" );
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    public void test71ReverseRenameSimpleCompositeNotOverlappingDeleteOldRdnDontExistInEntry() throws LdapException
        Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=test,ou=system" );
        Rdn oldRdn = new Rdn( "cn=test" );
        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( "cn=joe+cn=plumber" );

        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn );
        entry.put( "cn", "test", "small" );
        entry.put( "objectClass", "person", "top" );
        entry.put( "sn", "this is a test" );
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    public void test72ReverseRenameSimpleCompositeNotOverlappingDeleteOldRdnExistInEntry() throws LdapException
        Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=test,ou=system" );
        Rdn oldRdn = new Rdn( "cn=test" );
        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( "cn=joe+cn=small" );

        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn );
        entry.put( "cn", "test", "small" );
        entry.put( "objectClass", "person", "top" );
        entry.put( "sn", "this is a test" );
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    public void test81ReverseRenameSimpleCompositeOverlappingKeepOldRdnDontExistInEntry() throws LdapException
        Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=test,ou=system" );
        Rdn oldRdn = new Rdn( "cn=test" );
        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( "cn=small+cn=test" );

        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn );
        entry.put( "cn", "test", "big" );
        entry.put( "objectClass", "person", "top" );
        entry.put( "sn", "this is a test" );
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    public void test82ReverseRenameSimpleCompositeOverlappingKeepOldRdnExistInEntry() throws LdapException
        Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=test,ou=system" );
        Rdn oldRdn = new Rdn( "cn=test" );
        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( "cn=small+cn=test+cn=big" );

        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn );
        entry.put( "cn", "test", "big" );
        entry.put( "objectClass", "person", "top" );
        entry.put( "sn", "this is a test" );
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    public void test91ReverseRenameSimpleCompositeOverlappingDeleteOldRdnDontExistInEntry() throws LdapException
        Dn dn = new Dn( "cn=test,ou=system" );
        Rdn oldRdn = new Rdn( "cn=test" );
        Rdn newRdn = new Rdn( "cn=small+cn=test" );

        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( dn );
        entry.put( "cn", "test", "big" );
        entry.put( "objectClass", "person", "top" );
        entry.put( "sn", "this is a test" );
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