
Examples of

        // The password must not be empty or null
        if ( Strings.isEmpty( credentials ) && Strings.isNotEmpty( name ) )
            LOG.debug( "The password is missing" );
            throw new LdapAuthenticationException( "The password is missing" );

        // Create the BindRequest
        BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( name, Strings.getBytesUtf8( credentials ) );
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        // The password must not be empty or null
        if ( Strings.isEmpty( credentials ) && ( !Dn.EMPTY_DN.equals( name ) ) )
            LOG.debug( "The password is missing" );
            throw new LdapAuthenticationException( "The password is missing" );

        // Create the BindRequest
        BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( name.getName(), Strings.getBytesUtf8( credentials ), null );
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        // The password must not be empty or null
        if ( Strings.isEmpty( credentials ) && ( !Dn.EMPTY_DN.equals( name ) ) )
            LOG.debug( "The password is missing" );
            throw new LdapAuthenticationException( "The password is missing" );

        // Create the BindRequest
        BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( name, Strings.getBytesUtf8( credentials ) );
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            catch ( LdapException le )
                String message = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_230, bindContext.getDn().getName() );
       message );
                throw new LdapAuthenticationException( message );
            // Create the new principal
            principal = new LdapPrincipal( getDirectoryService().getSchemaManager(), bindContext.getDn(), AuthenticationLevel.SIMPLE,
                bindContext.getCredentials() );
            IoSession session = bindContext.getIoSession();
            if ( session != null )
                SocketAddress clientAddress = session.getRemoteAddress();
                principal.setClientAddress( clientAddress );
                SocketAddress serverAddress = session.getServiceAddress();
                principal.setServerAddress( serverAddress );
            return principal;

        catch ( LdapException e )
            // Bad password ...
            String message = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_230, bindContext.getDn().getName() );
   message );
            throw new LdapAuthenticationException( message );
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        // The password must not be empty or null
        if ( Strings.isEmpty( credentials ) && Strings.isNotEmpty( name ) )
            LOG.debug( "The password is missing" );
            throw new LdapAuthenticationException( "The password is missing" );

        // Create the BindRequest
        BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( name, Strings.getBytesUtf8( credentials ) );
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        // The password must not be empty or null
        if ( Strings.isEmpty( credentials ) && ( !Dn.EMPTY_DN.equals( name ) ) )
            LOG.debug( "The password is missing" );
            throw new LdapAuthenticationException( "The password is missing" );

        // Create the BindRequest
        BindRequest bindRequest = createBindRequest( name, Strings.getBytesUtf8( credentials ) );
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                    // If we have a password but no Dn, this is invalid
           "Bad authentication for {}", dn );
                    throw new LdapAuthenticationException( "Invalid authentication" );
            else if ( Strings.isEmpty(credentials) )
                return AuthenticationLevel.UNAUTHENT;
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