
Examples of

        Entry entry = searchResultEntry.getEntry();
        assertEquals( 1, entry.size() );

        Iterator<Attribute> attributeIterator = entry.iterator();
        Attribute attribute =;
        assertEquals( "objectclass", attribute.getUpId() );
        assertEquals( 2, attribute.size() );

        Iterator<Value<?>> valueIterator = attribute.iterator();
        assertTrue( valueIterator.hasNext() );
        Value<?> value =;
        assertEquals( "top", value.getString() );
        assertTrue( valueIterator.hasNext() );
        value =;
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        Entry entry = searchResultEntry.getEntry();
        assertEquals( 2, entry.size() );

        Attribute objectClassAttribute = entry.get( "objectclass" );
        assertEquals( 1, objectClassAttribute.size() );

        Iterator<Value<?>> valueIterator = objectClassAttribute.iterator();
        assertTrue( valueIterator.hasNext() );
        Value<?> value =;
        assertEquals( "top", value.getString() );
        assertFalse( valueIterator.hasNext() );

        Attribute dcAttribute = entry.get( "dc" );
        assertEquals( 1, objectClassAttribute.size() );

        valueIterator = dcAttribute.iterator();
        assertTrue( valueIterator.hasNext() );
        value =;
        assertEquals( "example", value.getString() );
        assertFalse( valueIterator.hasNext() );
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     *            the id for the attribute
     * @return the AttributeImpl assembled for testing
    private Attribute getAttribute( String id ) throws LdapException
        Attribute attr = new DefaultAttribute( id );
        attr.add( "value0" );
        attr.add( "value1" );
        attr.add( "value2" );
        return attr;
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     * Test method testEquals()
    public void testEquals() throws LdapException
        Attribute attr1 = new DefaultAttribute( atCN );

        assertFalse( attr1.equals( null ) );

        Attribute attr2 = new DefaultAttribute( atCN );

        assertTrue( attr1.equals( attr2 ) );

        attr2.setUpId( "CN" );
        assertTrue( attr1.equals( attr2 ) );

        attr1.setUpId( "CommonName" );
        assertTrue( attr1.equals( attr2 ) );

        attr1.setUpId( "CN" );
        assertTrue( attr1.equals( attr2 ) );

        attr1.add( "a", "b", "c" );
        attr2.add( "c", "b", "a" );
        assertTrue( attr1.equals( attr2 ) );

        assertTrue( attr1.equals( attr2 ) );

        Attribute attr3 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );
        Attribute attr4 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        attr3.add( NULL_BINARY_VALUE );
        attr4.add( NULL_BINARY_VALUE );
        assertTrue( attr3.equals( attr4 ) );

        Attribute attr5 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );
        Attribute attr6 = new DefaultAttribute( atDC );
        assertFalse( attr5.equals( attr6 ) );

        attr5.add( NULL_BINARY_VALUE );
        attr6.add( NULL_STRING_VALUE );
        assertFalse( attr5.equals( attr6 ) );

        Attribute attr7 = new DefaultAttribute( atCN );
        Attribute attr8 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        attr7.add( "a" );
        attr8.add( BYTES2 );
        assertFalse( attr7.equals( attr8 ) );

        Attribute attr9 = new DefaultAttribute( atCN );
        Attribute attr10 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        attr9.add( "a" );
        attr9.add( BYTES2 );
        attr10.add( "a", "b" );
        assertFalse( attr9.equals( attr10 ) );
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     * Test method get()
    public void testGet() throws LdapException
        Attribute attr1 = new DefaultAttribute( "dc", atDC );

        attr1.add( ( String ) null );
        assertEquals( NULL_STRING_VALUE, attr1.get() );

        Attribute attr2 = new DefaultAttribute( "email", atEMail );

        attr2.add( "a", "b", "c" );
        assertEquals( "a", attr2.get().getString() );

        attr2.remove( "a" );
        assertEquals( "b", attr2.get().getString() );

        attr2.remove( "b" );
        assertEquals( "c", attr2.get().getString() );

        attr2.remove( "c" );
        assertNull( attr2.get() );

        Attribute attr3 = new DefaultAttribute( "userPassword", atPwd );

        attr3.add( BYTES1, BYTES2, BYTES3 );
        assertTrue( Arrays.equals( BYTES1, attr3.get().getBytes() ) );

        attr3.remove( BYTES1 );
        assertTrue( Arrays.equals( BYTES2, attr3.get().getBytes() ) );

        attr3.remove( BYTES2 );
        assertTrue( Arrays.equals( BYTES3, attr3.get().getBytes() ) );

        attr3.remove( BYTES3 );
        assertNull( attr2.get() );
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     * Test method getAll()
    public void testIterator2() throws LdapException
        Attribute attr = new DefaultAttribute( atEMail );

        Iterator<Value<?>> iterator = attr.iterator();
        assertFalse( iterator.hasNext() );

        attr.add( NULL_STRING_VALUE );
        iterator = attr.iterator();
        assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );

        Value<?> value =;
        assertEquals( NULL_STRING_VALUE, value );

        iterator = attr.iterator();
        assertFalse( iterator.hasNext() );

        attr.add( "a", "b", "c" );
        iterator = attr.iterator();
        assertTrue( iterator.hasNext() );
        assertEquals( "a", );
        assertEquals( "b", );
        assertEquals( "c", );
        assertFalse( iterator.hasNext() );
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     * Test method size()
    public void testSize() throws Exception
        Attribute attr1 = new DefaultAttribute( atDC );

        assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );

        attr1.add( ( String ) null );
        assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() );

        Attribute attr2 = new DefaultAttribute( atCN );

        attr2.add( "a", "b" );
        assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );

        assertEquals( 0, attr2.size() );

        Attribute attr3 = new DefaultAttribute( atC );

        attr3.add( "US" );
        assertEquals( 1, attr3.size() );

        // TODO : forbid addition of more than 1 value for SINGLE-VALUE attributes
        attr3.add( "FR" );
        assertEquals( 1, attr3.size() );
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     * Test method put( byte[]... )
    public void testPutByteArray() throws InvalidAttributeValueException, Exception
        Attribute attr1 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        int nbAdded = attr1.add( ( byte[] ) null );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertFalse( attr1.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( Arrays.equals( NULL_BINARY_VALUE.getBytes(), attr1.getBytes() ) );

        Attribute attr2 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        nbAdded = attr2.add( StringConstants.EMPTY_BYTES );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertFalse( attr2.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( Arrays.equals( StringConstants.EMPTY_BYTES, attr2.getBytes() ) );

        Attribute attr3 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        nbAdded = attr3.add( BYTES1 );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertFalse( attr3.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( Arrays.equals( BYTES1, attr3.getBytes() ) );

        Attribute attr4 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        nbAdded = attr4.add( BYTES1, BYTES2 );
        assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
        assertFalse( attr4.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( BYTES1 ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( BYTES2 ) );

        nbAdded = attr4.add( BYTES3, BYTES4 );
        assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
        assertFalse( attr4.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( BYTES3 ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( BYTES4 ) );

        Attribute attr5 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        nbAdded = attr5.add( BYTES1, BYTES2, ( byte[] ) null, BYTES3 );
        assertEquals( 4, nbAdded );
        assertFalse( attr5.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( attr5.contains( BYTES1 ) );
        assertTrue( attr5.contains( BYTES2 ) );
        assertTrue( attr5.contains( ( byte[] ) null ) );
        assertTrue( attr5.contains( BYTES3 ) );

        Attribute attr6 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        assertFalse( attr6.isHumanReadable() );
        nbAdded = attr6.add( BYTES1, ( byte[] ) null );
        assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr6.contains( BYTES1 ) );
        assertTrue( attr6.contains( ( byte[] ) null ) );
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     * Test method put( String... )
    public void testPutStringArray() throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException
        Attribute attr1 = new DefaultAttribute( atDC );

        int nbAdded = attr1.add( ( String ) null );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr1.isHumanReadable() );
        assertEquals( NULL_STRING_VALUE, attr1.get() );

        Attribute attr2 = new DefaultAttribute( atDC );

        nbAdded = attr2.add( "" );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr2.isHumanReadable() );
        assertEquals( "", attr2.getString() );

        Attribute attr3 = new DefaultAttribute( atDC );

        nbAdded = attr3.add( "t" );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr3.isHumanReadable() );
        assertEquals( "t", attr3.getString() );

        Attribute attr4 = new DefaultAttribute( atEMail );

        nbAdded = attr4.add( "a", "b", "c", "d" );
        assertEquals( 4, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr4.isHumanReadable() );
        assertEquals( "a", attr4.getString() );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "a" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "b" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "c" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "d" ) );

        nbAdded = attr4.add( "e" );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr4.isHumanReadable() );
        assertEquals( "e", attr4.getString() );
        assertFalse( attr4.contains( "a" ) );
        assertFalse( attr4.contains( "b" ) );
        assertFalse( attr4.contains( "c" ) );
        assertFalse( attr4.contains( "d" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "e" ) );

        nbAdded = attr4.add( BYTES1 );
        assertEquals( 0, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr4.isHumanReadable() );

        Attribute attr5 = new DefaultAttribute( atEMail );

        nbAdded = attr5.add( "a", "b", ( String ) null, "d" );
        assertEquals( 4, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr5.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( attr5.contains( "a" ) );
        assertTrue( attr5.contains( "b" ) );
        assertTrue( attr5.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
        assertTrue( attr5.contains( "d" ) );

        Attribute attr6 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        nbAdded = attr6.add( "a", ( String ) null );
        assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
        assertFalse( attr6.isHumanReadable() );
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     * Test method put( Value... )
    public void testPutValueArray() throws Exception
        Attribute attr1 = new DefaultAttribute( atDC );

        assertEquals( 0, attr1.size() );

        attr1.add( NULL_STRING_VALUE );
        assertEquals( 1, attr1.size() );
        assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );

        attr1.add( STR_VALUE1, STR_VALUE2, STR_VALUE3 );
        assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
        assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE1 ) );
        assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE2 ) );
        assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE3 ) );

        attr1.add( STR_VALUE1, NULL_STRING_VALUE, STR_VALUE3 );
        assertEquals( 3, attr1.size() );
        assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE1 ) );
        assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
        assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE3 ) );

        attr1.add( STR_VALUE1, NULL_STRING_VALUE, BIN_VALUE3 );
        assertEquals( 2, attr1.size() );
        assertTrue( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE1 ) );
        assertTrue( attr1.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
        assertFalse( attr1.contains( STR_VALUE3 ) );

        Attribute attr2 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );
        assertEquals( 0, attr2.size() );

        attr2.add( NULL_BINARY_VALUE );
        assertEquals( 1, attr2.size() );
        assertTrue( attr2.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );

        attr2.add( BIN_VALUE1, BIN_VALUE2, BIN_VALUE3 );
        assertEquals( 3, attr2.size() );
        assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE1 ) );
        assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE2 ) );
        assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE3 ) );

        attr2.add( BIN_VALUE1, NULL_BINARY_VALUE, STR_VALUE3 );
        assertEquals( 2, attr2.size() );
        assertTrue( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE1 ) );
        assertTrue( attr2.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
        assertFalse( attr2.contains( BIN_VALUE3 ) );
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