* Handles processing with referrals without ManageDsaIT control.
public void handleWithReferrals( LdapSession session, DN reqTargetDn, InternalSearchRequest req ) throws LdapException
InternalLdapResult result = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();
ClonedServerEntry entry = null;
boolean isReferral = false;
boolean isparentReferral = false;
ReferralManager referralManager = session.getCoreSession().getDirectoryService().getReferralManager();
reqTargetDn.normalize( session.getCoreSession().getDirectoryService().
getSchemaManager().getNormalizerMapping() );
// Check if the entry itself is a referral
isReferral = referralManager.isReferral( reqTargetDn );
if ( !isReferral )
// Check if the entry has a parent which is a referral
isparentReferral = referralManager.hasParentReferral( reqTargetDn );
if ( !isReferral && !isparentReferral )
// This is not a referral and it does not have a parent which
// is a referral : standard case, just deal with the request
LOG.debug( "Entry {} is NOT a referral.", reqTargetDn );
handleIgnoringReferrals( session, req );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lookup Entry
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// try to lookup the entry but ignore exceptions when it does not
// exist since entry may not exist but may have an ancestor that is a
// referral - would rather attempt a lookup that fails then do check
// for existence than have to do another lookup to get entry info
entry = session.getCoreSession().lookup( reqTargetDn );
LOG.debug( "Entry for {} was found: ", reqTargetDn, entry );
catch ( LdapException e )
/* ignore */
LOG.debug( "Entry for {} not found.", reqTargetDn );
catch ( Exception e )
/* serious and needs handling */
handleException( session, req, e );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handle Existing Entry
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( entry != null )
LOG.debug( "Entry is a referral: {}", entry );
handleReferralEntryForSearch( session, ( InternalSearchRequest ) req, entry );
catch ( Exception e )
handleException( session, req, e );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handle Non-existing Entry
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// if the entry is null we still have to check for a referral ancestor
// also the referrals need to be adjusted based on the ancestor's ref
// values to yield the correct path to the entry in the target DSAs
// The entry is null : it has a parent referral.
ClonedServerEntry referralAncestor = null;
referralAncestor = getFarthestReferralAncestor( session, reqTargetDn );
catch ( Exception e )
handleException( session, req, e );
if ( referralAncestor == null )
result.setErrorMessage( "Entry not found." );
result.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT );
session.getIoSession().write( req.getResultResponse() );
// if we get here then we have a valid referral ancestor
InternalReferral referral = getReferralOnAncestorForSearch( session, ( InternalSearchRequest ) req, referralAncestor );
result.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.REFERRAL );
result.setReferral( referral );
session.getIoSession().write( req.getResultResponse() );
catch ( Exception e )
handleException( session, req, e );