public void testAddEntryUUIDAndCSNAttributes() throws Exception
LdapConnection con = getClientApiConnection( ldapServer );
String dn = "cn=Kate Bush," + BASE;
Entry entry = new DefaultClientEntry( new DN( dn ) );
entry.add( "objectclass", "top", "person" );
entry.add( "sn", "Bush" );
entry.add( "cn", "Kate Bush" );
String descr = "a British singer-songwriter with an expressive four-octave voice";
entry.add( "description", descr );
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
entry.add( SchemaConstants.ENTRY_UUID_AT, uuid.toString() );
CsnFactory csnFac = new CsnFactory( 0 );
Csn csn = csnFac.newInstance();
entry.add( SchemaConstants.ENTRY_CSN_AT, csn.toString() );
con.add( entry );
// Analyze entry and description attribute
SearchResultEntry resp = ( SearchResultEntry ) con.lookup( dn, "*", "+" );