
Examples of

            fail( de.getMessage() );

        // Check the decoded BindRequest
        Ticket ticket = ( ( TicketContainer ) ticketContainer ).getTicket();

        assertEquals( 5, ticket.getTktVno() );
        assertEquals( "EXAMPLE.COM", ticket.getRealm() );

        PrincipalName principalName = ticket.getSName();

        assertNotNull( principalName );
        assertEquals( PrincipalNameType.KRB_NT_PRINCIPAL, principalName.getNameType() );
        assertTrue( principalName.getNames().contains( "hnelson" ) );

        EncryptedData encryptedData = ticket.getEncPart();

        assertNotNull( encryptedData );
        assertEquals( EncryptionType.AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96, encryptedData.getEType() );
        assertEquals( 5, encryptedData.getKvno() );
        assertTrue( Arrays.equals( Strings.getBytesUtf8( "abcdef" ), encryptedData.getCipher() ) );

        // Check the encoding
            ByteBuffer bb = ticket.encode( null );

            // Check the length
            assertEquals( 0x46, bb.limit() );

            String encodedPdu = Strings.dumpBytes( bb.array() );
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        EncryptedData encAuthorizationData = new EncryptedData( EncryptionType.AES128_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96,
            "abcdef".getBytes() );
        body.setEncAuthorizationData( encAuthorizationData );

        Ticket ticket1 = new Ticket();
        ticket1.setTktVno( 5 );
        ticket1.setRealm( "EXAMPLE.COM" );
        ticket1.setSName( new PrincipalName( "client", PrincipalNameType.KRB_NT_PRINCIPAL ) );
        ticket1.setEncPart( new EncryptedData( EncryptionType.AES128_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96, "abcdef".getBytes() ) );

        body.addAdditionalTicket( ticket1 );

        Ticket ticket2 = new Ticket();
        ticket2.setTktVno( 5 );
        ticket2.setRealm( "EXAMPLE.COM" );
        ticket2.setSName( new PrincipalName( "server", PrincipalNameType.KRB_NT_PRINCIPAL ) );
        ticket2.setEncPart( new EncryptedData( EncryptionType.AES128_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96, "abcdef".getBytes() ) );

        body.addAdditionalTicket( ticket2 );

        // Check the encoding
        int length = body.computeLength();
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        // Seal the ticket for the server.
        KerberosPrincipal serverPrincipal = new KerberosPrincipal( "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        String passPhrase = "randomKey";
        EncryptionKey serverKey = getEncryptionKey( serverPrincipal, passPhrase );
        Ticket tgt = getTicket( encTicketPart, serverPrincipal, serverKey );

        KdcReqBody kdcReqBody = new KdcReqBody();
        kdcReqBody.setSName( getPrincipalName( "ldap/" ) );
        kdcReqBody.setRealm( "EXAMPLE.COM" );
        kdcReqBody.setEType( config.getEncryptionTypes() );
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        // Seal the ticket for the server.
        KerberosPrincipal serverPrincipal = new KerberosPrincipal( "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        String passPhrase = "randomKey";
        EncryptionKey serverKey = getEncryptionKey( serverPrincipal, passPhrase );
        Ticket tgt = getTicket( encTicketPart, serverPrincipal, serverKey );

        KdcReqBody kdcReqBody = new KdcReqBody();
        kdcReqBody.setSName( getPrincipalName( "ldap/" ) );
        kdcReqBody.setRealm( "EXAMPLE.COM" );
        kdcReqBody.setEType( config.getEncryptionTypes() );
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        // Seal the ticket for the server.
        KerberosPrincipal serverPrincipal = new KerberosPrincipal( "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        String passPhrase = "randomKey";
        EncryptionKey serverKey = getEncryptionKey( serverPrincipal, passPhrase );
        Ticket tgt = getTicket( encTicketPart, serverPrincipal, serverKey );

        KdcReqBody kdcReqBody = new KdcReqBody();
        kdcReqBody.setSName( getPrincipalName( "ldap/" ) );
        kdcReqBody.setRealm( "EXAMPLE.COM" );
        kdcReqBody.setEType( config.getEncryptionTypes() );
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        // Seal the ticket for the server.
        KerberosPrincipal serverPrincipal = new KerberosPrincipal( "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        String passPhrase = "randomKey";
        EncryptionKey serverKey = getEncryptionKey( serverPrincipal, passPhrase );
        Ticket tgt = getTicket( encTicketPart, serverPrincipal, serverKey );

        KdcReqBody kdcReqBody = new KdcReqBody();
        kdcReqBody.setSName( getPrincipalName( "ldap/" ) );
        kdcReqBody.setRealm( "EXAMPLE.COM" );
        kdcReqBody.setEType( config.getEncryptionTypes() );
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        // Seal the ticket for the server.
        KerberosPrincipal serverPrincipal = new KerberosPrincipal( "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        String passPhrase = "randomKey";
        EncryptionKey serverKey = getEncryptionKey( serverPrincipal, passPhrase );
        Ticket tgt = getTicket( encTicketPart, serverPrincipal, serverKey );

        KdcReqBody kdcReqBody = new KdcReqBody();
        kdcReqBody.setSName( getPrincipalName( "ldap/" ) );
        kdcReqBody.setRealm( "EXAMPLE.COM" );
        kdcReqBody.setEType( config.getEncryptionTypes() );
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        // Seal the ticket for the server.
        KerberosPrincipal serverPrincipal = new KerberosPrincipal( "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        String passPhrase = "randomKey";
        EncryptionKey serverKey = getEncryptionKey( serverPrincipal, passPhrase );
        Ticket tgt = getTicket( encTicketPart, serverPrincipal, serverKey );

        KdcReqBody kdcReqBody = new KdcReqBody();
        kdcReqBody.setSName( getPrincipalName( "ldap/" ) );
        kdcReqBody.setRealm( "EXAMPLE.COM" );
        kdcReqBody.setEType( config.getEncryptionTypes() );
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        // Seal the ticket for the server.
        KerberosPrincipal serverPrincipal = new KerberosPrincipal( "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        String passPhrase = "randomKey";
        EncryptionKey serverKey = getEncryptionKey( serverPrincipal, passPhrase );
        Ticket tgt = getTicket( encTicketPart, serverPrincipal, serverKey );

        KdcReqBody kdcReqBody = new KdcReqBody();
        kdcReqBody.setSName( getPrincipalName( "ldap/" ) );
        kdcReqBody.setRealm( "EXAMPLE.COM" );
        kdcReqBody.setEType( config.getEncryptionTypes() );
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        // Seal the ticket for the server.
        KerberosPrincipal serverPrincipal = new KerberosPrincipal( "krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM" );
        String passPhrase = "randomKey";
        EncryptionKey serverKey = getEncryptionKey( serverPrincipal, passPhrase );
        Ticket tgt = getTicket( encTicketPart, serverPrincipal, serverKey );

        KdcReqBody kdcReqBody = new KdcReqBody();
        kdcReqBody.setSName( getPrincipalName( "ldap/" ) );
        kdcReqBody.setRealm( "EXAMPLE.COM" );
        kdcReqBody.setEType( config.getEncryptionTypes() );
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