
Examples of

                new GrammarAction( "Stores CancelId" )
                    public void action( Asn1Container container ) throws DecoderException
                        CancelContainer cancelContainer = ( CancelContainer ) container;
                        BerValue value = cancelContainer.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            int cancelId = IntegerDecoder.parse( value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "CancelId = " + cancelId );

                            cancelContainer.getCancel().setCancelId( cancelId );
                            cancelContainer.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                        catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04031, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ) );
                            LOG.error( msg );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );
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                CertGenerationStatesEnum.TARGETDN_STATE, UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<CertGenerationContainer>( "Set Cert Generation target Dn value" )
                    public void action( CertGenerationContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        String targetDN = Strings.utf8ToString( value.getData() );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "Target Dn = " + targetDN );

                        if ( ( targetDN != null ) && ( targetDN.trim().length() > 0 ) )
                            if ( !Dn.isValid( targetDN ) )
                                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04032, targetDN );
                                LOG.error( msg );
                                throw new DecoderException( msg );

                            container.getCertGenerationObject().setTargetDN( targetDN );
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04033, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ) );
                            LOG.error( msg );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );

         * Transition from targetDN state to issuerDN
         * CertGenerationObject ::= SEQUENCE {
         *     ...
         *     issuerDN IA5String,
         *     ...
         * Set the issuerDN value into the CertGenerationObject instance.
        super.transitions[CertGenerationStatesEnum.TARGETDN_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition<CertGenerationContainer>( CertGenerationStatesEnum.TARGETDN_STATE,
                CertGenerationStatesEnum.ISSUER_STATE, UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<CertGenerationContainer>( "Set Cert Generation issuer Dn value" )
                    public void action( CertGenerationContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        String issuerDN = Strings.utf8ToString( value.getData() );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "Issuer Dn = " + issuerDN );

                        if ( ( issuerDN != null ) && ( issuerDN.trim().length() > 0 ) )
                            if ( !Dn.isValid( issuerDN ) )
                                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04034, issuerDN );
                                LOG.error( msg );
                                throw new DecoderException( msg );

                            container.getCertGenerationObject().setIssuerDN( issuerDN );
                } );

         * Transition from issuerDN state to subjectDN
         * CertGenerationObject ::= SEQUENCE {
         *     ...
         *     subjectDN IA5String,
         *     ...
         * Set the subjectDN value into the CertGenerationObject instance.
        super.transitions[CertGenerationStatesEnum.ISSUER_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition<CertGenerationContainer>( CertGenerationStatesEnum.ISSUER_STATE,
                CertGenerationStatesEnum.SUBJECT_STATE, UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<CertGenerationContainer>( "Set Cert Generation subject Dn value" )
                    public void action( CertGenerationContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        String subjectDN = Strings.utf8ToString( value.getData() );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "subject Dn = " + subjectDN );

                        if ( ( subjectDN != null ) && ( subjectDN.trim().length() > 0 ) )
                            if ( !Dn.isValid( subjectDN ) )
                                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04035, subjectDN );
                                LOG.error( msg );
                                throw new DecoderException( msg );

                            container.getCertGenerationObject().setSubjectDN( subjectDN );
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04033, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ) );
                            LOG.error( msg );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );

         * Transition from subjectDN state to keyAlgo
         * CertGenerationObject ::= SEQUENCE {
         *     ...
         *     keyAlgorithm IA5String
         * Set the key algorithm value into the CertGenerationObject instance.
        super.transitions[CertGenerationStatesEnum.SUBJECT_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition<CertGenerationContainer>( CertGenerationStatesEnum.SUBJECT_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<CertGenerationContainer>( "Set Cert Generation key algorithm value" )
                    public void action( CertGenerationContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        String keyAlgorithm = Strings.utf8ToString( value.getData() );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "key algorithm = " + keyAlgorithm );
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                new GrammarAction<EntryChangeContainer>( "Set EntryChangeControl changeType" )
                    public void action( EntryChangeContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            int change = IntegerDecoder.parse( value, 1, 8 );

                            switch ( ChangeType.getChangeType( change ) )
                                case ADD:
                                case DELETE:
                                case MODDN:
                                case MODIFY:
                                    ChangeType changeType = ChangeType.getChangeType( change );

                                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                        LOG.debug( "changeType = " + changeType );

                                    container.getEntryChangeDecorator().setChangeType( changeType );

                                    String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04044 );
                                    LOG.error( msg );
                                    throw new DecoderException( msg );

                            // We can have an END transition
                            container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                        catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04044 );
                            LOG.error( msg, e );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                        catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
                            throw new DecoderException( e.getLocalizedMessage() );
                } );

        // ============================================================================================
        // Transition from Change Type to Previous Dn
        // ============================================================================================
        // EntryChangeNotification ::= SEQUENCE {
        //     ...
        //     previousDN LDAPDN OPTIONAL,
        //     ...
        // Set the previousDN into the structure. We first check that it's a
        // valid Dn
        super.transitions[EntryChangeStates.CHANGE_TYPE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition<EntryChangeContainer>( EntryChangeStates.CHANGE_TYPE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<EntryChangeContainer>( "Set EntryChangeControl previousDN" )
                    public void action( EntryChangeContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        ChangeType changeType = container.getEntryChangeDecorator().getChangeType();

                        if ( changeType != ChangeType.MODDN )
                            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04045 ) );
                            throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04046 ) );
                            BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();
                            Dn previousDn;

                                previousDn = new Dn( Strings.utf8ToString( value.getData() ) );
                            catch ( LdapInvalidDnException ine )
                                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04047, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ) ) );
                                throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04048 ) );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "previousDN = " + previousDn );

                            container.getEntryChangeDecorator().setPreviousDn( previousDn );

                            // We can have an END transition
                            container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                } );

        // Change Number action
        GrammarAction<EntryChangeContainer> setChangeNumberAction = new GrammarAction<EntryChangeContainer>(
            "Set EntryChangeControl changeNumber" )
            public void action( EntryChangeContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    long changeNumber = LongDecoder.parse( value );
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                new GrammarAction<GracefulShutdownContainer>( "Set Graceful Shutdown time offline" )
                    public void action( GracefulShutdownContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            int timeOffline = IntegerDecoder.parse( value, 0, 720 );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "Time Offline = " + timeOffline );

                            container.getGracefulShutdown().setTimeOffline( timeOffline );
                            container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                        catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04037, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ) );
                            LOG.error( msg );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );

         * Transition from time offline to delay
         * GracefulShutdown ::= SEQUENCE {
         *     ...
         *     delay [0] INTEGER (0..86400) DEFAULT 0 }
         * Set the delay value into the GracefulShutdown
         * object.
        super.transitions[GracefulShutdownStatesEnum.TIME_OFFLINE_STATE.ordinal()][GracefulActionConstants.GRACEFUL_ACTION_DELAY_TAG] =
            new GrammarTransition<GracefulShutdownContainer>( GracefulShutdownStatesEnum.TIME_OFFLINE_STATE,

                new GrammarAction<GracefulShutdownContainer>( "Set Graceful Shutdown Delay" )
                    public void action( GracefulShutdownContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            int delay = IntegerDecoder.parse( value, 0, 86400 );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "Delay = " + delay );

                            container.getGracefulShutdown().setDelay( delay );
                            container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                        catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04036, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ) );
                            LOG.error( msg );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );

         * Transition from graceful shutdown to delay
         * GracefulShutdown ::= SEQUENCE {
         *     ...
         *     delay [0] INTEGER (0..86400) DEFAULT 0 }
         * Set the delay value into the GracefulShutdown
         * object.
        super.transitions[GracefulShutdownStatesEnum.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_SEQUENCE_STATE.ordinal()][GracefulActionConstants.GRACEFUL_ACTION_DELAY_TAG] =
            new GrammarTransition<GracefulShutdownContainer>(

                new GrammarAction<GracefulShutdownContainer>( "Set Graceful Shutdown Delay" )
                    public void action( GracefulShutdownContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        GracefulShutdownContainer gracefulShutdownContainer = ( GracefulShutdownContainer ) container;
                        BerValue value = gracefulShutdownContainer.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            int delay = IntegerDecoder.parse( value, 0, 86400 );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "Delay = " + delay );

                            gracefulShutdownContainer.getGracefulShutdown().setDelay( delay );
                            gracefulShutdownContainer.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                        catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04036, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ) );
                            LOG.error( msg );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );
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            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04067 ) );

        BerValue value = tlv.getValue();

            int number = IntegerDecoder.parse( value, minValue, maxValue );

            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                LOG.debug( "read integer value : {}", number );

            setIntegerValue( number, container );
        catch ( IntegerDecoderException ide )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04070, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ), ide
                .getLocalizedMessage() ) );

            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( ide.getMessage(), ide );
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            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04067 ) );

        BerValue value = tlv.getValue();

        // The data should not be null
        if ( ( value.getData() == null ) && ( !canBeNull ) )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04066 ) );

            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04067 ) );

        setOctetString( value.getData(), container );
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            parent = parent.getParent();

        BerValue value = current.getValue();

        if ( ( value != null ) && ( value.getData() != null ) )
            return ( current.getExpectedLength() == value.getData().length );
            return current.getExpectedLength() == 0;
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        // The current TLV should be a integer
        // We get it and store it in MessageId
        TLV tlv = container.getCurrentTLV();

        BerValue value = tlv.getValue();

        if ( ( value == null ) || ( value.getData() == null ) )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04075 );
            LOG.error( msg );

            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( msg );

            int abandonnedMessageId = IntegerDecoder.parse( value, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE );

            abandonRequest.setAbandoned( abandonnedMessageId );

            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                    .debug( "AbandonMessage Id has been decoded : {}", Integer
                        .valueOf( abandonnedMessageId ) );

            container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );

        catch ( IntegerDecoderException ide )
            LOG.error( I18n
                .err( I18n.ERR_04076, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ), ide.getMessage() ) );

            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( ide.getMessage(), ide );
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                new GrammarAction<PagedResultsContainer>( "Set PagedSearchControl size" )
                    public void action( PagedResultsContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            // Check that the value is into the allowed interval
                            int size = IntegerDecoder.parse( value, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE );

                            // We allow negative value to absorb a bug in some M$ client.
                            // Those negative values will be transformed to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
                            if ( size < 0 )
                                size = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "size = " + size );

                            container.getDecorator().setSize( size );
                        catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04050 );
                            LOG.error( msg, e );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );

         * Transition from size to cookie
         * realSearchControlValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     cookie   OCTET STRING
         * }
         * Stores the cookie flag
        super.transitions[PagedResultsStates.SIZE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition<PagedResultsContainer>( PagedResultsStates.SIZE_STATE,
                PagedResultsStates.COOKIE_STATE, UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<PagedResultsContainer>( "Set PagedSearchControl cookie" )
                    public void action( PagedResultsContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        if ( container.getCurrentTLV().getLength() == 0 )
                            container.getDecorator().setCookie( StringConstants.EMPTY_BYTES );
                            container.getDecorator().setCookie( value.getData() );

                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
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                new GrammarAction<PersistentSearchContainer>( "Set PSearchControl changeTypes" )
                    public void action( PersistentSearchContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            // Check that the value is into the allowed interval
                            int changeTypes = IntegerDecoder.parse( value,
                                PersistentSearch.CHANGE_TYPES_MAX );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "changeTypes = " + changeTypes );

                            container.getPersistentSearchDecorator().setChangeTypes( changeTypes );
                        catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04051 );
                            LOG.error( msg, e );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );

         * Transition from Change types to Changes only
         * PSearch ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     changeOnly   BOOLEAN,
         *     ...
         * Stores the change only flag
        super.transitions[PersistentSearchStates.CHANGE_TYPES_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition<PersistentSearchContainer>( PersistentSearchStates.CHANGE_TYPES_STATE,
                PersistentSearchStates.CHANGES_ONLY_STATE, UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<PersistentSearchContainer>( "Set PSearchControl changesOnly" )
                    public void action( PersistentSearchContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            boolean changesOnly = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "changesOnly = " + changesOnly );

                            container.getPersistentSearchDecorator().setChangesOnly( changesOnly );
                        catch ( BooleanDecoderException e )
                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04052 );
                            LOG.error( msg, e );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );
                } );

         * Transition from Change types to Changes only
         * PSearch ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     returnECs    BOOLEAN
         * }
         * Stores the return ECs flag
        super.transitions[PersistentSearchStates.CHANGES_ONLY_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition<PersistentSearchContainer>( PersistentSearchStates.CHANGES_ONLY_STATE,
                PersistentSearchStates.RETURN_ECS_STATE, UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<PersistentSearchContainer>( "Set PSearchControl returnECs" )
                    public void action( PersistentSearchContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                            boolean returnECs = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

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