
Examples of

    public void decode( IoSession session, IoBuffer buffer, ProtocolDecoderOutput out ) throws Exception
        // Allocate a LdapMessage Container
        Asn1Decoder ldapDecoder = new Asn1Decoder();
        IAsn1Container ldapMessageContainer = (LdapMessageContainer)session.getAttribute( "LDAP-Container" );
        ByteBuffer buf = buffer.buf();
        int currentPos = 0;
        while ( buf.hasRemaining() )
                ldapDecoder.decode( buf, ldapMessageContainer );
                if ( IS_DEBUG )
                    LOG.debug( "Decoding the PDU : " );
                    int pos = buf.position();
                    byte[] b = new byte[pos-currentPos];
                    System.arraycopy( buf.array(), currentPos, b, 0, pos-currentPos );
                    currentPos = pos;
                    System.out.println( "Received buffer : " + StringTools.dumpBytes( b ) );
                if ( ldapMessageContainer.getState() == TLVStateEnum.PDU_DECODED )
                    // get back the decoded message
                    LdapMessageCodec message = ( ( LdapMessageContainer ) ldapMessageContainer ).getLdapMessage();
                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
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        // Get back the session
        ldapSession = connectionFuture.getSession();
        connected.set( true );

        // And inject the current Ldap container into the session
        IAsn1Container ldapMessageContainer = new LdapMessageContainer();

        // Store the container into the session
        ldapSession.setAttribute( "LDAP-Container", ldapMessageContainer );
        // Initialize the MessageId
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        DefaultMutableTreeNode messTrue;

        Asn1Decoder ldapDecoder = new LdapDecoder();

        // Allocate a LdapMessageContainer Container
        IAsn1Container ldapMessageContainer = new LdapMessageContainer();

        // Decode the PDU
        ldapDecoder.decode( buffer, ldapMessageContainer );
        // Check that everything is OK
        LdapMessage ldapmessage = ( (LdapMessageContainer) ldapMessageContainer ).getLdapMessage();
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        super.transitions[CancelStatesEnum.START_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition<CancelContainer>( CancelStatesEnum.START_STATE,
                new GrammarAction( "Init Cancel" )
                    public void action( Asn1Container container )
                        CancelContainer cancelContainer = ( CancelContainer ) container;
                        Cancel cancel = new Cancel();
                        cancelContainer.setCancel( cancel );
                } );

         * Transition from cancel SEQ to cancelId
         * cancelRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE {
         *     cancelId   MessageID
         * }
         * Set the cancelId value into the Cancel object.   
        super.transitions[CancelStatesEnum.CANCEL_SEQUENCE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.INTEGER.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition<CancelContainer>( CancelStatesEnum.CANCEL_SEQUENCE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction( "Stores CancelId" )
                    public void action( Asn1Container container ) throws DecoderException
                        CancelContainer cancelContainer = ( CancelContainer ) container;
                        Value value = cancelContainer.getCurrentTLV().getValue();
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    public void action( LdapMessageContainer<SearchRequestDecorator> container ) throws DecoderException
        SearchRequestDecorator searchRequest = container.getMessage();

        TLV tlv = container.getCurrentTLV();

        // Store the value.
        ExtensibleMatchFilter extensibleMatchFilter = ( ExtensibleMatchFilter ) searchRequest.getTerminalFilter();

        // We get the value. If it's a 0, it's a FALSE. If it's
        // a FF, it's a TRUE. Any other value should be an error,
        // but we could relax this constraint. So if we have
        // something
        // which is not 0, it will be interpreted as TRUE, but we
        // will generate a warning.
        Value value = tlv.getValue();

            extensibleMatchFilter.setDnAttributes( BooleanDecoder.parse( value ) );
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    public void unstackFilters( Asn1Container container )
        LdapMessageContainer<MessageDecorator<Message>> ldapMessageContainer =
            ( LdapMessageContainer<MessageDecorator<Message>> ) container;

        TLV tlv = ldapMessageContainer.getCurrentTLV();
        TLV localParent = tlv.getParent();
        Filter localFilter = terminalFilter;

        // The parent has been completed, so fold it
        while ( ( localParent != null ) && ( localParent.getExpectedLength() == 0 ) )
            int parentTlvId = localFilter.getParent() != null ? localFilter.getParent().getTlvId() : localFilter

            if ( localParent.getId() != parentTlvId )
                localParent = localParent.getParent();
                Filter filterParent = localFilter.getParent();

                // We have a special case with PresentFilter, which has not been
                // pushed on the stack, so we need to get its parent's parent
                if ( localFilter instanceof PresentFilter )
                    if ( filterParent == null )
                        // We don't have parent, get out

                    filterParent = filterParent.getParent();
                else if ( filterParent instanceof Filter )
                    filterParent = filterParent.getParent();

                if ( filterParent instanceof Filter )
                    // The parent is a filter ; it will become the new currentFilter
                    // and we will loop again.
                    currentFilter = ( Filter ) filterParent;
                    localFilter = currentFilter;
                    localParent = localParent.getParent();
                    // We can stop the recursion, we have reached the searchResult Object
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                SubentriesStates.SUB_ENTRY_VISIBILITY_STATE, UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<SubentriesContainer>( "SubEntryControl visibility" )
                    public void action( SubentriesContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                        TLV tlv = container.getCurrentTLV();

                        // We get the value. If it's a 0, it's a FALSE. If it's
                        // a FF, it's a TRUE. Any other value should be an error,
                        // but we could relax this constraint. So if we have
                        // something
                        // which is not 0, it will be interpreted as TRUE, but we
                        // will generate a warning.
                        Value value = tlv.getValue();

                            container.getSubentriesControl().setVisibility( BooleanDecoder.parse( value ) );
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        if ( stream.hasRemaining() )
            byte octet = stream.get();

            TLV tlv = new TLV( container.getNewTlvId() );
            tlv.setTag( octet );

            // Store the current TLV in the container.
            container.setCurrentTLV( tlv );

            // Create a link between the current TLV with its parent
            tlv.setParent( container.getParentTLV() );

            // Switch to the next state, which is the Length decoding
            container.setState( TLVStateEnum.LENGTH_STATE_START );

            if ( IS_DEBUG )
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     * @param container The container
    private void dumpTLVTree( Asn1Container container )
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        TLV current = container.getCurrentTLV();

        sb.append( "TLV" ).append( Asn1StringUtils.dumpByte( current.getTag() ) ).append( "(" ).append(
            current.getExpectedLength() ).append( ")" );

        current = current.getParent();

        while ( current != null )
            sb.append( "-TLV" ).append( Asn1StringUtils.dumpByte( current.getTag() ) ).append( "(" ).append(
                current.getExpectedLength() ).append( ")" );
            current = current.getParent();

        if ( IS_DEBUG )
            LOG.debug( "TLV Tree : {}", sb.toString() );
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            container.getLdapCodecService(), internalAbandonRequest );
        container.setMessage( abandonRequest );

        // The current TLV should be a integer
        // We get it and store it in MessageId
        TLV tlv = container.getCurrentTLV();

        Value value = tlv.getValue();

        if ( ( value == null ) || ( value.getData() == null ) )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04075 );
            LOG.error( msg );
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