
Examples of

            setRWLock( searchContext );

            PartitionSearchResult searchResult = searchEngine.computeResult( schemaManager, searchContext );

            Cursor<Entry> result = new EntryCursorAdaptor( this, searchResult );

            return new BaseEntryFilteringCursor( result, searchContext, schemaManager );
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            SearchOperationContext searchContext = new SearchOperationContext( null );
            searchContext.setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES );
            searchContext.setDn( baseDn );
            searchContext.setFilter( filter );
            searchContext.setScope( scope );
            PartitionSearchResult searchResult = se.computeResult( schemaManager, searchContext );

            cursor = searchResult.getResultSet();

            // First, check if we have some entries to process.
            if ( ! )
                if ( mandatory )
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            startingPos.setKey( new ParentIdAndRdn( id, ( Rdn[] ) null ) );
            cursor.before( startingPos );


            PartitionSearchResult searchResult = new PartitionSearchResult( schemaManager );
            Set<IndexEntry<String, String>> resultSet = new HashSet<IndexEntry<String, String>>();

            Cursor<IndexEntry<String, String>> childrenCursor = new ChildrenCursor( this, id, cursor );

            return childrenCursor;
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            startingPos.setKey( new ParentIdAndRdn( id, ( Rdn[] ) null ) );
            cursor.before( startingPos );


            PartitionSearchResult searchResult = new PartitionSearchResult( schemaManager );
            Set<IndexEntry<String, String>> resultSet = new HashSet<IndexEntry<String, String>>();

            Cursor<IndexEntry<String, String>> childrenCursor = new ChildrenCursor( this, id, cursor );

            while ( )
                IndexEntry<String, String> element = childrenCursor.get();
                resultSet.add( element );

            searchResult.setResultSet( resultSet );
            searchResult.setEvaluator( new PassThroughEvaluator( this ) );

            return new BaseEntryFilteringCursor( new EntryCursorAdaptor( this, searchResult ),
                listContext );
        catch ( Exception e )
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    public EntryFilteringCursor search( SearchOperationContext searchContext ) throws LdapException

            PartitionSearchResult searchResult = searchEngine.computeResult( schemaManager, searchContext );

            Cursor<Entry> result = new EntryCursorAdaptor( this, searchResult );

            return new BaseEntryFilteringCursor( result, searchContext );
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        // Compute the UUID of the baseDN entry
        String baseId = db.getEntryId( baseDn );

        // Prepare the instance containing the search result
        PartitionSearchResult searchResult = new PartitionSearchResult( schemaManager );
        Set<IndexEntry<String, String>> resultSet = new HashSet<IndexEntry<String, String>>();

        // Check that we have an entry, otherwise we can immediately get out
        if ( baseId == null )
            if ( ( ( Partition ) db ).getSuffixDn().equals( baseDn ) )
                // The context entry is not created yet, return an empty result
                searchResult.setResultSet( resultSet );

                return searchResult;
                // The search base doesn't exist
                throw new LdapNoSuchObjectException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_648, baseDn ) );

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Determine the effective base with aliases
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        String aliasedBase = db.getAliasIndex().reverseLookup( baseId );
        Dn effectiveBase = baseDn;
        String effectiveBaseId = baseId;

        if ( ( aliasedBase != null ) && aliasDerefMode.isDerefFindingBase() )
             * If the base is an alias and alias dereferencing does occur on
             * finding the base, or always then we set the effective base to the alias target
             * got from the alias index.
            effectiveBase = new Dn( schemaManager, aliasedBase );
            effectiveBaseId = db.getEntryId( effectiveBase );

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Specifically Handle Object Level Scope
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ( scope == SearchScope.OBJECT )
            IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
            indexEntry.setId( effectiveBaseId );
            optimizer.annotate( filter );
            Evaluator<? extends ExprNode> evaluator = filter );

            // Fetch the entry, as we have only one
            Entry entry = db.lookup( indexEntry.getId(), effectiveBase );

            indexEntry.setEntry( entry );
            resultSet.add( indexEntry );

            searchResult.setEvaluator( evaluator );
            searchResult.setResultSet( resultSet );

            return searchResult;

        // This is not a BaseObject scope search.

        // Add the scope node using the effective base to the filter
        BranchNode root = new AndNode();
        ExprNode node = new ScopeNode( aliasDerefMode, effectiveBase, effectiveBaseId, scope );
        root.getChildren().add( node );
        root.getChildren().add( filter );

        // Annotate the node with the optimizer and return search enumeration.
        optimizer.annotate( root );
        Evaluator<? extends ExprNode> evaluator = root );

        Set<String> uuidSet = new HashSet<String>();
        searchResult.setAliasDerefMode( aliasDerefMode );
        searchResult.setCandidateSet( uuidSet );

        long nbResults = root, searchResult );

        if ( nbResults < Long.MAX_VALUE )
            for ( String uuid : uuidSet )
                IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
                indexEntry.setId( uuid );
                resultSet.add( indexEntry );
            // Full scan : use the MasterTable
            Cursor<IndexEntry<String, String>> cursor = new IndexCursorAdaptor( db.getMasterTable().cursor(), true );

            while ( )
                IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = cursor.get();

                // Here, the indexEntry contains a <UUID, Entry> tuple. Convert it to <UUID, UUID>
                IndexEntry<String, String> forwardIndexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
                forwardIndexEntry.setKey( indexEntry.getKey() );
                forwardIndexEntry.setId( indexEntry.getKey() );
                forwardIndexEntry.setEntry( null );

                resultSet.add( forwardIndexEntry );

        searchResult.setEvaluator( evaluator );
        searchResult.setResultSet( resultSet );

        return searchResult;
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        searchContext.setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode.DEREF_ALWAYS );
        searchContext.setDn( new Dn( base ) );
        searchContext.setFilter( root );
        searchContext.setScope( searchScope );

        PartitionSearchResult searchResult = partition.getSearchEngine().computeResult( schemaManager, searchContext );

        Cursor cursor = searchResult.getResultSet();

        String[] cols = new String[2];
        cols[0] = "id";
        cols[1] = "dn";
        DefaultTableModel tableModel = new DefaultTableModel( cols, 0 );
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    protected Cursor<Entry> buildCursor( ExprNode root ) throws Exception
        Evaluator<? extends ExprNode> evaluator = root );

        PartitionSearchResult searchResult = new PartitionSearchResult( schemaManager );
        Set<IndexEntry<String, String>> resultSet = new HashSet<IndexEntry<String, String>>();

        Set<String> uuids = new HashSet<String>();
        searchResult.setCandidateSet( uuids );

        long candidates = root, searchResult );

        if ( candidates < Long.MAX_VALUE )
            for ( String uuid : uuids )
                IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
                indexEntry.setId( uuid );
                resultSet.add( indexEntry );
            // Full scan : use the MasterTable
            Cursor<IndexEntry<String, String>> cursor = new IndexCursorAdaptor( store.getMasterTable().cursor(), true );

            while ( )
                IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = cursor.get();

                // Here, the indexEntry contains a <UUID, Entry> tuple. Convert it to <UUID, UUID>
                IndexEntry<String, String> forwardIndexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
                forwardIndexEntry.setKey( indexEntry.getKey() );
                forwardIndexEntry.setId( indexEntry.getKey() );
                forwardIndexEntry.setEntry( indexEntry.getEntry() );

                resultSet.add( forwardIndexEntry );

        searchResult.setResultSet( resultSet );
        searchResult.setEvaluator( evaluator );

        SearchingOperationContext operationContext = new SearchOperationContext( null );

        return new BaseEntryFilteringCursor( new EntryCursorAdaptor( ( AbstractBTreePartition ) store, searchResult ),
            operationContext );
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        // Compute the UUID of the baseDN entry
        String baseId = db.getEntryId( baseDn );

        // Prepare the instance containing the search result
        PartitionSearchResult searchResult = new PartitionSearchResult( schemaManager );
        Set<IndexEntry<String, String>> resultSet = new HashSet<IndexEntry<String, String>>();

        // Check that we have an entry, otherwise we can immediately get out
        if ( baseId == null )
            if ( ( ( Partition ) db ).getSuffixDn().equals( baseDn ) )
                // The context entry is not created yet, return an empty result
                searchResult.setResultSet( resultSet );

                return searchResult;
                // The search base doesn't exist
                throw new LdapNoSuchObjectException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_648, baseDn ) );

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Determine the effective base with aliases
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        String aliasedBase = db.getAliasIndex().reverseLookup( baseId );
        Dn effectiveBase = baseDn;
        String effectiveBaseId = baseId;

        if ( ( aliasedBase != null ) && aliasDerefMode.isDerefFindingBase() )
             * If the base is an alias and alias dereferencing does occur on
             * finding the base, or always then we set the effective base to the alias target
             * got from the alias index.
            effectiveBase = new Dn( schemaManager, aliasedBase );
            effectiveBaseId = db.getEntryId( effectiveBase );

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Specifically Handle Object Level Scope
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        if ( scope == SearchScope.OBJECT )
            IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
            indexEntry.setId( effectiveBaseId );
            optimizer.annotate( filter );
            Evaluator<? extends ExprNode> evaluator = filter );

            // Fetch the entry, as we have only one
            Entry entry = db.fetch( indexEntry.getId(), effectiveBase );

            indexEntry.setEntry( entry );
            resultSet.add( indexEntry );

            searchResult.setEvaluator( evaluator );
            searchResult.setResultSet( resultSet );

            return searchResult;

        // This is not a BaseObject scope search.

        // Add the scope node using the effective base to the filter
        BranchNode root = new AndNode();
        ExprNode node = new ScopeNode( aliasDerefMode, effectiveBase, effectiveBaseId, scope );
        root.getChildren().add( node );
        root.getChildren().add( filter );

        // Annotate the node with the optimizer and return search enumeration.
        optimizer.annotate( root );
        Evaluator<? extends ExprNode> evaluator = root );

        Set<String> uuidSet = new HashSet<String>();
        searchResult.setAliasDerefMode( aliasDerefMode );
        searchResult.setCandidateSet( uuidSet );

        long nbResults = root, searchResult );

        if ( nbResults < Long.MAX_VALUE )
            for ( String uuid : uuidSet )
                IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
                indexEntry.setId( uuid );
                resultSet.add( indexEntry );
            // Full scan : use the MasterTable
            Cursor<IndexEntry<String, String>> cursor = new IndexCursorAdaptor( db.getMasterTable().cursor(), true );

            while ( )
                IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = cursor.get();

                // Here, the indexEntry contains a <UUID, Entry> tuple. Convert it to <UUID, UUID>
                IndexEntry<String, String> forwardIndexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
                forwardIndexEntry.setKey( indexEntry.getKey() );
                forwardIndexEntry.setId( indexEntry.getKey() );
                forwardIndexEntry.setEntry( null );

                resultSet.add( forwardIndexEntry );

        searchResult.setEvaluator( evaluator );
        searchResult.setResultSet( resultSet );

        return searchResult;
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            SearchOperationContext searchContext = new SearchOperationContext( null );
            searchContext.setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES );
            searchContext.setDn( baseDn );
            searchContext.setFilter( filter );
            searchContext.setScope( scope );
            PartitionSearchResult searchResult = se.computeResult( schemaManager, searchContext );

            cursor = searchResult.getResultSet();

            // First, check if we have some entries to process.
            if ( ! )
                if ( mandatory )
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