
Examples of

    public void testLdapClassLoaderWithClassLoadedAtDefaultSearchSubtree() throws Exception
        LdapContext root = getRootContext( service );

        // get default naming context to work on
        ServerLdapContext defaultContext = ( ServerLdapContext ) root.lookup( "ou=system" );

        // create an extensible object for holding custom config data
        Attributes classLoaderDefaultSearchContextConfig = new BasicAttributes( true );
        Attribute objectClass = new BasicAttribute( "objectClass" );
        objectClass.add( "top" );
        objectClass.add( "javaContainer" );
        // We need to ad this extensibleObject OC in order to avoid an error
        // with the classLoaderDefaultSearchContext AT used later (no OC contains
        // this AT)
        objectClass.add( "extensibleObject" );

        // create custom config entry
        classLoaderDefaultSearchContextConfig.put( objectClass );
        classLoaderDefaultSearchContextConfig.put( new BasicAttribute( "cn", "classLoaderDefaultSearchContext" ) );

        // add a default search context to the configuration
        classLoaderDefaultSearchContextConfig.put( new BasicAttribute( "classLoaderDefaultSearchContext", "ou=system" ) );

        // add the configuration entry to the DIT
        ServerLdapContext configContext = ( ServerLdapContext ) defaultContext.lookup( "ou=configuration" );
        configContext.createSubcontext( "cn=classLoaderDefaultSearchContext", classLoaderDefaultSearchContextConfig );

        // create a class holder entry and add it to the DIT
        Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes( "objectClass", "top", true );
        attributes.get( "objectClass" ).add( "javaClass" );
        attributes.put( "fullyQualifiedJavaClassName", "HelloWorld" );
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    public void testAdminAccountCreation() throws Exception
        String userDn = "uid=admin,ou=system";
        LdapContext ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "secret".getBytes() ), new DN( "ou=system" ) );
        Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "uid=admin" );
        performAdminAccountChecks( attrs );
        assertTrue( ArrayUtils.isEquals( attrs.get( "userPassword" ).get(), StringTools.getBytesUtf8( "secret" ) ) );


        ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "secret".getBytes() ), new DN( "ou=system" ) );
        attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "uid=admin" );
        performAdminAccountChecks( attrs );
        assertTrue( ArrayUtils.isEquals( attrs.get( "userPassword" ).get(), StringTools.getBytesUtf8( "secret" ) ) );
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    public void test3UseAkarasulu() throws Exception
        apply( service, getUserAddLdif() );
        String userDn = "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,ou=system";
        LdapContext ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );

        Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        Attribute ou = attrs.get( "ou" );
        assertTrue( ou.contains( "Engineering" ) );
        assertTrue( ou.contains( "People" ) );

        Attribute objectClass = attrs.get( "objectClass" );
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    public void test8PassPrincAuthTypeSimple() throws Exception
        String userDn = "uid=admin,ou=system";
        assertNotNull( new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "secret".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) ) );
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    public void test10TestNonAdminUser() throws Exception
        apply( service, getUserAddLdif() );
        String userDn = "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,ou=system";
        assertNotNull( new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) ) );
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    public void test11InvalidateCredentialCache() throws Exception
        apply( service, getUserAddLdif() );
        String userDn = "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,ou=system";
        LdapContext ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
        assertNotNull( ctx );
        Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        Attribute ou = attrs.get( "ou" );
        assertTrue( ou.contains( "Engineering" ) );
        assertTrue( ou.contains( "People" ) );

        Attribute objectClass = attrs.get( "objectClass" );
        assertTrue( objectClass.contains( "top" ) );
        assertTrue( objectClass.contains( "person" ) );
        assertTrue( objectClass.contains( "organizationalPerson" ) );
        assertTrue( objectClass.contains( "inetOrgPerson" ) );

        assertTrue( attrs.get( "telephonenumber" ).contains( "+1 408 555 4798" ) );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "givenname" ).contains( "Alex" ) );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "mail" ).contains( "" ) );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "l" ).contains( "Bogusville" ) );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "sn" ).contains( "Karasulu" ) );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "cn" ).contains( "Alex Karasulu" ) );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "facsimiletelephonenumber" ).contains( "+1 408 555 9751" ) );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "roomnumber" ).contains( "4612" ) );

        // now modify the password for akarasulu
        Attribute userPasswordAttribute = new BasicAttribute( "userPassword", "newpwd" );
        ctx.modifyAttributes( "", new ModificationItem[] {
            new ModificationItem( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, userPasswordAttribute ) } );

        // close and try with old password (should fail)

            new ServerLdapContext( service,
                service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
            fail( "Authentication with old password should fail" );
        catch ( NamingException e )
            // we should fail

        // close and try again now with new password (should fail)
        ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "newpwd".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
        attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        ou = attrs.get( "ou" );
        assertTrue( ou.contains( "Engineering" ) );
        assertTrue( ou.contains( "People" ) );

        objectClass = attrs.get( "objectClass" );
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    public void testSHA() throws Exception
        apply( service, getUserAddLdif() );
        String userDn = "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,ou=system";
        LdapContext ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );

        // Check that we can get the attributes
        Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        assertNotNull( attrs );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );

        // now modify the password for akarasulu : 'secret', encrypted using SHA
        Attribute userPasswordAttribute = new BasicAttribute( "userPassword", "{SHA}5en6G6MezRroT3XKqkdPOmY/BfQ=" );
        ctx.modifyAttributes( "", new ModificationItem[] {
            new ModificationItem( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, userPasswordAttribute ) } );

        // close and try with old password (should fail)

            ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
                service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
            fail( "Authentication with old password should fail" );
        catch ( Exception e )
            // we should fail
            if ( ctx != null )

        // try again now with new password (should be successfull)
        ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "secret".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
        attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        assertNotNull( attrs );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );

        // close and try again now with new password, to check that the
        // cache is updated (should be successfull)
        ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "secret".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
        attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        assertNotNull( attrs );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );
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    public void testSSHA() throws Exception
        apply( service, getUserAddLdif() );
        String userDn = "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,ou=system";
        LdapContext ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );

        // Check that we can get the attributes
        Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        assertNotNull( attrs );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );

        // now modify the password for akarasulu : 'secret', encrypted using SHA
        BasicAttribute userPasswordAttribute = new BasicAttribute( "userPassword", "{SSHA}mjVVxasFkk59wMW4L1Ldt+YCblfhULHs03WW7g==" );
        ctx.modifyAttributes( "", new ModificationItem[] {
            new ModificationItem( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, userPasswordAttribute ) } );

        // close and try with old password (should fail)

            ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
                service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
            fail( "Authentication with old password should fail" );
        catch ( Exception e )
            // we should fail
            if ( ctx != null )

        // try again now with new password (should be successfull)
        ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "secret".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
        attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        assertNotNull( attrs );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );

        // close and try again now with new password, to check that the
        // cache is updated (should be successfull)
        ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "secret".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
        attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        assertNotNull( attrs );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );
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    public void testSSHA4BytesSalt() throws Exception
        apply( service, getUserAddLdif() );
        String userDn = "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,ou=system";
        LdapContext ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );

        // Check that we can get the attributes
        Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        assertNotNull( attrs );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );

        // now modify the password for akarasulu : 'test123', encrypted using SHA with a 4 bytes salt
        BasicAttribute userPasswordAttribute = new BasicAttribute( "userPassword", "{SSHA}0TT388zsWzHKtMEpIU/8/W68egchNEWp" );
        ctx.modifyAttributes( "", new ModificationItem[] {
            new ModificationItem( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, userPasswordAttribute ) } );

        // close and try with old password (should fail)

            ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
                service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
            fail( "Authentication with old password should fail" );
        catch ( Exception e )
            // we should fail
            if ( ctx != null )

        // try again now with new password (should be successful)
        ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test123".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
        attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        assertNotNull( attrs );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );

        // close and try again now with new password, to check that the
        // cache is updated (should be successfull)
        ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test123".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
        attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        assertNotNull( attrs );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );
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    public void testMD5() throws Exception
        apply( service, getUserAddLdif() );
        String userDn = "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,ou=system";
        LdapContext ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );

        // Check that we can get the attributes
        Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        assertNotNull( attrs );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );

        // now modify the password for akarasulu : 'secret', encrypted using MD5
        Attribute userPasswordAttribute = new BasicAttribute( "userPassword", "{MD5}Xr4ilOzQ4PCOq3aQ0qbuaQ==" );
        ctx.modifyAttributes( "", new ModificationItem[] {
            new ModificationItem( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, userPasswordAttribute ) } );

        // close and try with old password (should fail)

            ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
                service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "test".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
            fail( "Authentication with old password should fail" );
        catch ( Exception e )
            // we should fail
            if ( ctx != null )

        // try again now with new password (should be successfull)
        ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "secret".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
        attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        assertNotNull( attrs );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );

        // try again now with new password, to check that the
        // cache is updated (should be successfull)
        ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service,
            service.getSession( new DN( userDn ), "secret".getBytes() ), new DN( userDn ) );
        attrs = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
        assertNotNull( attrs );
        assertTrue( attrs.get( "uid" ).contains( "akarasulu" ) );
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