
Examples of


        StoreUtils.loadExampleData( store, schemaManager );

        DirectoryService directoryService = new MockDirectoryService();
        directoryService.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
        session = new MockCoreSession( new LdapPrincipal(), directoryService );

        LOG.debug( "Created new store" );
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        replicaId = 1,
        refreshNPersist = true
    public static void startPeer1() throws Exception
        DirectoryService provDirService = DSAnnotationProcessor.getDirectoryService();

        peer1Server = ServerAnnotationProcessor.getLdapServer( provDirService );
        peer1Server.setReplicationReqHandler( new SyncReplRequestHandler() );
        final ReplicationConsumerImpl consumer = ( ReplicationConsumerImpl ) ServerAnnotationProcessor.createConsumer();
        List<ReplicationConsumer> replConsumers = new ArrayList<ReplicationConsumer>();
        replConsumers.add( consumer );
        peer1Server.setReplConsumers( replConsumers );

        Runnable r = new Runnable()
            public void run()
                    DirectoryService ds = peer1Server.getDirectoryService();

                    Dn configDn = new Dn( ds.getSchemaManager(), "ads-replConsumerId=localhost,ou=system" );
                    consumer.getConfig().setConfigEntryDn( configDn );

                    Entry provConfigEntry = new DefaultEntry( ds.getSchemaManager(), configDn,
                        "objectClass: ads-replConsumer",
                        "ads-replConsumerId: localhost",
                        "ads-searchBaseDN", consumer.getConfig().getBaseDn(),
                        "ads-replProvHostName", consumer.getConfig().getRemoteHost(),
                        "ads-replProvPort", String.valueOf( consumer.getConfig().getRemotePort() ),
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        refreshNPersist = true,
        replicaId = 1
    public static void startPeer2() throws Exception
        DirectoryService provDirService = DSAnnotationProcessor.getDirectoryService();

        peer2Server = ServerAnnotationProcessor.getLdapServer( provDirService );
        peer2Server.setReplicationReqHandler( new SyncReplRequestHandler() );
        final ReplicationConsumerImpl consumer = ( ReplicationConsumerImpl ) ServerAnnotationProcessor.createConsumer();
        List<ReplicationConsumer> replConsumers = new ArrayList<ReplicationConsumer>();
        replConsumers.add( consumer );
        peer2Server.setReplConsumers( replConsumers );

        Runnable r = new Runnable()
            public void run()
                    DirectoryService ds = peer2Server.getDirectoryService();

                    Dn configDn = new Dn( ds.getSchemaManager(), "ads-replConsumerId=localhost,ou=system" );
                    consumer.getConfig().setConfigEntryDn( configDn );

                    Entry provConfigEntry = new DefaultEntry( ds.getSchemaManager(), configDn,
                        "objectClass: ads-replConsumer",
                        "ads-replConsumerId: localhost",
                        "ads-searchBaseDN", consumer.getConfig().getBaseDn(),
                        "ads-replProvHostName", consumer.getConfig().getRemoteHost(),
                        "ads-replProvPort", String.valueOf( consumer.getConfig().getRemotePort() ),
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    public void handleExtendedOperation( LdapSession requestor, PasswordModifyRequest req ) throws Exception
        LOG.debug( "Password modification requested" );

        // Grab the adminSession, we might need it later
        DirectoryService service = requestor.getLdapServer().getDirectoryService();
        CoreSession adminSession = service.getAdminSession();
        String userIdentity = Strings.utf8ToString( req.getUserIdentity() );
        Dn userDn = null;

        if ( !Strings.isEmpty( userIdentity ) )
                userDn = service.getDnFactory().create( userIdentity );
            catch ( LdapInvalidDnException lide )
                LOG.error( "The user DN is invalid : " + userDn );
                // The userIdentity is not a DN : return with an error code.
                requestor.getIoSession().write( new PasswordModifyResponseImpl(
                    req.getMessageId(), ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, "The user DN is invalid : " + userDn ) );

        byte[] oldPassword = req.getOldPassword();
        byte[] newPassword = req.getNewPassword();

        // First check if the user is bound or not
        if ( requestor.isAuthenticated() )
            Dn principalDn = requestor.getCoreSession().getEffectivePrincipal().getDn();

            LOG.debug( "User {} trying to modify password of user {}", principalDn, userDn );

            // First, check that the userDn is null : we can't change the password of someone else
            // except if we are admin
            if ( ( userDn != null ) && ( !userDn.equals( principalDn ) ) )
                // Are we admin ?
                if ( !requestor.getCoreSession().isAdministrator() )
                    // No : error
                    LOG.error( "Non-admin user cannot access another user's password to modify it" );
                    requestor.getIoSession().write( new PasswordModifyResponseImpl(
                        req.getMessageId(), ResultCodeEnum.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS,
                        "Non-admin user cannot access another user's password to modify it" ) );
                    // We are administrator, we can try to modify the user's credentials
                    modifyUserPassword( requestor.getCoreSession(), requestor.getIoSession(), userDn, oldPassword, newPassword, req );
                // We are trying to modify our own password
                modifyUserPassword( requestor.getCoreSession(), requestor.getIoSession(), principalDn, oldPassword, newPassword, req );
            // The user is not authenticated : we have to use the provided userIdentity
            // and the oldPassword to check if the user is present
            BindOperationContext bindContext = new BindOperationContext( adminSession );
            bindContext.setDn( userDn );
            bindContext.setCredentials( oldPassword );

                service.getOperationManager().bind( bindContext );
            catch ( LdapException le )
                // We can't bind with the provided information : we thus can't
                // change the password...
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     * @throws Exception If the authentication cannot be done
    // This will suppress PMD.EmptyCatchBlock warnings in this method
    public void handleSimpleAuth( LdapSession ldapSession, BindRequest bindRequest ) throws Exception
        DirectoryService directoryService = ldapServer.getDirectoryService();

        // if the user is already bound, we have to unbind him
        if ( ldapSession.isAuthenticated() )
            // We already have a bound session for this user. We have to
            // abandon it first.

        // Set the status to SimpleAuthPending

        // Now, bind the user

        // create a new Bind context, with a null session, as we don't have
        // any context yet.
        BindOperationContext bindContext = new BindOperationContext( null );

        // Stores the Dn of the user to check, and its password
        bindContext.setDn( bindRequest.getDn() );
        bindContext.setCredentials( bindRequest.getCredentials() );
        bindContext.setIoSession( ldapSession.getIoSession() );
        bindContext.setInterceptors( directoryService.getInterceptors( OperationEnum.BIND ) );

        // Stores the request controls into the operation context
        LdapProtocolUtils.setRequestControls( bindContext, bindRequest );

             * Referral handling as specified by RFC 3296 here:
             * See section 5.6.1 where if the bind principal Dn is a referral
             * we return an invalidCredentials result response.  Optionally we
             * could support delegated authentication in the future with this
             * potential.  See the following JIRA for more on this possibility:
             * NOTE: if this is done then this handler should extend the
             * a modified form of the ReferralAwareRequestHandler so it can
             * detect conditions where ancestors of the Dn are referrals
             * and delegate appropriately.
            Entry principalEntry = null;

                principalEntry = directoryService.getAdminSession().lookup( bindRequest.getDn() );
            catch ( LdapException le )
                // this is OK

            if ( principalEntry == null )
       "The {} principalDN cannot be found in the server : bind failure.", bindRequest.getName() );
            else if ( ( ( ClonedServerEntry ) principalEntry ).getOriginalEntry().contains(
                SchemaConstants.REFERRAL_OC ) )
       "Bind principalDn points to referral." );
                LdapResult result = bindRequest.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();
                result.setDiagnosticMessage( "Bind principalDn points to referral." );
                result.setResultCode( ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_CREDENTIALS );
                ldapSession.getIoSession().write( bindRequest.getResultResponse() );

            // TODO - might cause issues since lookups are not returning all
            // attributes right now - this is an optimization that can be
            // enabled later after determining whether or not this will cause
            // issues.
            // reuse the looked up entry so we don't incur another lookup
            // opContext.setEntry( principalEntry );

            // And call the OperationManager bind operation.
            bindContext.setInterceptors( directoryService.getInterceptors( OperationEnum.BIND ) );
            directoryService.getOperationManager().bind( bindContext );

            // As a result, store the created session in the Core Session
            CoreSession coreSession = bindContext.getSession();
            ldapSession.setCoreSession( coreSession );

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                LdapPrincipal ldapPrincipal = ( LdapPrincipal ) ldapSession
                    .getSaslProperty( SaslConstants.SASL_AUTHENT_USER );

                if ( ldapPrincipal != null )
                    DirectoryService ds = ldapSession.getLdapServer().getDirectoryService();
                    String saslMechanism = bindRequest.getSaslMechanism();
                    byte[] password = null;

                    if ( ldapPrincipal.getUserPasswords() != null )
                        password = ldapPrincipal.getUserPasswords()[0];

                    CoreSession userSession = ds.getSession( ldapPrincipal.getDn(),
                        password, saslMechanism, null );

                    // Set the user session into the ldap session
                    ldapSession.setCoreSession( userSession );
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    private CoreSession authenticate( String user, String password ) throws InvalidNameException, Exception
        LdapSession ldapSession = getLdapSession();
        CoreSession adminSession = getAdminSession();
        DirectoryService directoryService = adminSession.getDirectoryService();
        LdapServer ldapServer = ldapSession.getLdapServer();
        OperationManager operationManager = directoryService.getOperationManager();

        // first, we have to find the entries which has the uid value
        EqualityNode<String> filter = new EqualityNode<String>(
            directoryService.getSchemaManager().getAttributeType( SchemaConstants.UID_AT ), new StringValue( user ) );

        SearchOperationContext searchContext = new SearchOperationContext( directoryService.getAdminSession() );
        searchContext.setDn( directoryService.getDnFactory().create( ldapServer.getSearchBaseDn() ) );
        searchContext.setScope( SearchScope.SUBTREE );
        searchContext.setFilter( filter );
        searchContext.setNoAttributes( true );

        EntryFilteringCursor cursor = searchContext );
        Exception bindException = new LdapAuthenticationException( "Cannot authenticate user uid=" + user );

        while ( )
            Entry entry = cursor.get();

                BindOperationContext bindContext = new BindOperationContext( ldapSession.getCoreSession() );
                bindContext.setDn( entry.getDn() );
                bindContext.setCredentials( Strings.getBytesUtf8( password ) );
                bindContext.setIoSession( ldapSession.getIoSession() );
                bindContext.setInterceptors( directoryService.getInterceptors( OperationEnum.BIND ) );

                operationManager.bind( bindContext );


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        LdapResult result = req.getResultResponse().getLdapResult();
        Entry entry = null;
        boolean isReferral = false;
        boolean isparentReferral = false;
        DirectoryService directoryService = session.getCoreSession().getDirectoryService();
        ReferralManager referralManager = directoryService.getReferralManager();
        Dn reqTargetDn = req.getBase();

        reqTargetDn.apply( directoryService.getSchemaManager() );

        // Check if the entry itself is a referral

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    private boolean isSubSchemaSubEntrySearch( LdapSession session, SearchRequest req ) throws Exception
        Dn base = req.getBase();
        String baseNormForm = ( base.isSchemaAware() ? base.getNormName() : base.getNormName() );

        DirectoryService ds = session.getCoreSession().getDirectoryService();
        PartitionNexus nexus = ds.getPartitionNexus();

        if ( SUBSCHEMA_SUBENTRY_AT == null )
            SUBSCHEMA_SUBENTRY_AT = session.getCoreSession().getDirectoryService().getSchemaManager().getAttributeType(
                SchemaConstants.SUBSCHEMA_SUBENTRY_AT );

        Value<?> subschemaSubentry = nexus.getRootDseValue( SUBSCHEMA_SUBENTRY_AT );
        Dn subschemaSubentryDn = ds.getDnFactory().create( subschemaSubentry.getString() );
        String subschemaSubentryDnNorm = subschemaSubentryDn.getNormName();

        return subschemaSubentryDnNorm.equals( baseNormForm );
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    @CreateLdapServer(transports =
        { @CreateTransport(port = 16000, protocol = "LDAP") })
    public static void startProvider() throws Exception
        DirectoryService provDirService = DSAnnotationProcessor.getDirectoryService();

        providerServer = ServerAnnotationProcessor.getLdapServer( provDirService );

        providerServer.setReplicationReqHandler( new SyncReplRequestHandler() );
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