// Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
ClonedServerEntry entry = moveContext.lookup( oriChildName, ByPassConstants.LOOKUP_BYPASS );
DN newName = ( DN ) newParentName.clone();
newName.add( oriChildName.get( oriChildName.size() - 1 ) );
LdapPrincipal principal = moveContext.getSession().getEffectivePrincipal();
DN principalDn = principal.getClonedName();
// bypass authz code if we are disabled
if ( !moveContext.getSession().getDirectoryService().isAccessControlEnabled() )
next.move( moveContext );
protectCriticalEntries( oriChildName);
// bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
if ( isPrincipalAnAdministrator( principalDn ) )
next.move( moveContext );
tupleCache.subentryRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
groupCache.groupRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
Set<DN> userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( principalDn.getNormName() );
Collection<ACITuple> tuples = new HashSet<ACITuple>();
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( moveContext, tuples, oriChildName, entry.getOriginalEntry() );
addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
addSubentryAciTuples( moveContext, tuples, oriChildName, entry );
engine.checkPermission( schemaManager, moveContext, userGroups, principalDn,
principal.getAuthenticationLevel(), oriChildName, null,
null, EXPORT_PERMS, tuples, entry, null );
// Get the entry again without operational attributes
// because access control subentry operational attributes
// will not be valid at the new location.
// This will certainly be fixed by the SubentryInterceptor,
// but after this service.
ServerEntry importedEntry = moveContext.lookup( oriChildName,
// As the target entry does not exist yet and so
// its subentry operational attributes are not there,
// we need to construct an entry to represent it
// at least with minimal requirements which are object class
// and access control subentry operational attributes.
SubentryInterceptor subentryInterceptor = ( SubentryInterceptor )
chain.get( SubentryInterceptor.class.getName() );
ServerEntry subentryAttrs = subentryInterceptor.getSubentryAttributes( newName, importedEntry );
for ( EntryAttribute attribute:importedEntry )
subentryAttrs.put( attribute );
Collection<ACITuple> destTuples = new HashSet<ACITuple>();
// Import permission is only valid for prescriptive ACIs
addPerscriptiveAciTuples( moveContext, destTuples, newName, subentryAttrs );
// Evaluate the target context to see whether it
// allows an entry named newName to be imported as a subordinate.
engine.checkPermission( schemaManager, moveContext, userGroups, principalDn,
principal.getAuthenticationLevel(), newName, null,
null, IMPORT_PERMS, destTuples, subentryAttrs, null );
next.move( moveContext );
tupleCache.subentryRenamed( oriChildName, newName );
groupCache.groupRenamed( oriChildName, newName );