
Examples of

     * Test that a BTree which forbid duplicate values does not accept them
    @Test(expected = DuplicateValueNotAllowedException.class)
    public void testBTreeForbidDups() throws IOException, BTreeAlreadyManagedException
        BTree<Long, String> singleValueBtree = BTreeFactory.createInMemoryBTree( "test2", new LongSerializer(),
            new StringSerializer(), BTree.FORBID_DUPLICATES );

        for ( long i = 0; i < 64; i++ )
            singleValueBtree.insert( i, Long.toString( i ) );
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            // Create a new BTree
            btree = recordManager1.addBTree( "test", new LongSerializer(), new StringSerializer(), false );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new RuntimeException( e );
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            // Create a new BTree
            btree = recordManager.addBTree( "test", new LongSerializer(), new StringSerializer(), false );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new RuntimeException( e );
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        int numKeys = 1;
        String name = "duplicateTree";
        String[] testValues = new String[]
            { "00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "0A", "0B", "0C", "0D", "0E", "0F", "10" };

        BTree<Long, String> dupsTree = BTreeFactory.createPersistedBTree( name, new LongSerializer(),
            new StringSerializer(), pageSize, true );

        recordManager.manage( dupsTree );

        for ( long i = 0; i < numKeys; i++ )
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     * @throws IOException If the creation failed
    public static void setup() throws IOException
        btree = BTreeFactory.createInMemoryBTree( "test", new LongSerializer(), new StringSerializer() );
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            // Create a new BTree with transaction and another one without
            btreeWithTransactions = recordManagerTxn.addBTree( "testWithTxn", new LongSerializer(), new StringSerializer(), false );
            btreeNoTransactions = recordManagerNoTxn.addBTree( "testNoTxn", new LongSerializer(), new StringSerializer(), false );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new RuntimeException( e );
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        // Set the offset of the end of the file
        endOfFileOffset = fileChannel.size();

        // First, create the btree of btrees <NameRevision, Long>
        btreeOfBtrees = BTreeFactory.createPersistedBTree( BOB_ONE_NAME, new NameRevisionSerializer(),
            new LongSerializer() );

        // Now, initialize the Copied Page BTree
        copiedPageBTree = BTreeFactory.createPersistedBTree( COPIED_PAGE_BTREE_NAME, new RevisionNameSerializer(),
            new LongArraySerializer() );

        // and initialize the Revision BTree
        revisionBTree = BTreeFactory.createPersistedBTree( REVISION_BTREE_NAME, new RevisionNameSerializer(),
            new LongSerializer() );

        // Inject these BTrees into the RecordManager
            manage( copiedPageBTree );
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        copiedPageBTree = new BTree<RevisionName, long[]>( COPIED_PAGE_BTREE_NAME, new RevisionNameSerializer(),
            new LongArraySerializer() );

        // and initialize the Revision BTree
        revisionBTree = new BTree<RevisionName, Long>( REVISION_BTREE_NAME, new RevisionNameSerializer(),
            new LongSerializer() );

        // Inject these BTrees into the RecordManager
            manage( copiedPageBTree );
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        long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        int n = 0;
        long delta = l1;
        int nbElems = 100000;

        BTree<Long, String> btree = new BTree<Long, String>( "test", new LongSerializer(), new StringSerializer() );
        btree.setPageSize( 32 );

        for ( int i = 0; i < nbElems; i++ )
            Long key = ( long ) random.nextLong();
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        String data100K = create100KElementsFile();
        File dataFile = new File( data100K );
        BTree<Long, String> btree = new BTree<Long, String>(
            new LongSerializer(),
            new StringSerializer() );
        btree.setPageSize( 32 );
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