
Examples of

    public void testFlushBTree() throws Exception
        // Create a BTree with pages containing 8 elements
        String path = tempFolder.getRoot().getCanonicalPath();

        BTree<Integer, String> btree = new BTree<Integer, String>( "test", path, new IntSerializer(),
            new StringSerializer() );
        btree.setPageSize( 8 );

        File journal = btree.getJournal();
        File data = btree.getFile();

            // Inject the values
            for ( int value : sortedValues )
                String strValue = "V" + value;

                btree.insert( value, strValue );

            // The journal must be full
            assertTrue( journal.length() > 0 );

            // Now, flush the btree

            // The journal must be empty
            assertEquals( 0, journal.length() );

            // Load the data into a new tree
            BTree<Integer, String> btreeLoaded = new BTree<Integer, String>( "test", path, new IntSerializer(),
                new StringSerializer() );
            btree.setPageSize( 8 );

            TupleCursor<Integer, String> cursor1 = btree.browse();
            TupleCursor<Integer, String> cursor2 = btree.browse();
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            Tuple<Integer, Integer> t = new Tuple<Integer, Integer>( i, i );
            sortedTuple.add( t );

        IntSerializer ser = new IntSerializer();
        BTreeBuilder<Integer, Integer> bb = new BTreeBuilder<Integer, Integer>( "master", 4, ser, ser );

        // contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
        BTree<Integer, Integer> btree = sortedTuple.iterator() );
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    public void testBrowseForward() throws Exception
        // Create a BTree with pages containing 8 elements
        BTree<Integer, String> btree = new BTree<Integer, String>( "test", new IntSerializer(), new StringSerializer() );
        btree.setPageSize( 8 );

        // Inject the values
        for ( int value : sortedValues )
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    public void testBrowseBackward() throws Exception
        // Create a BTree with pages containing 8 elements
        BTree<Integer, String> btree = new BTree<Integer, String>( "test", new IntSerializer(), new StringSerializer() );
        btree.setPageSize( 8 );

        // Inject the values
        for ( int value : sortedValues )
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    public void testBrowseEmptyTree() throws Exception
        // Create a BTree with pages containing 8 elements
        BTree<Integer, String> btree = new BTree<Integer, String>( "test", new IntSerializer(), new StringSerializer() );
        btree.setPageSize( 8 );

        TupleCursor<Integer, String> cursor = btree.browse();

        assertFalse( cursor.hasNext() );
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    public void testBrowseForwardBackward() throws Exception
        // Create a BTree with pages containing 4 elements
        BTree<Integer, String> btree = new BTree<Integer, String>( "test", new IntSerializer(), new StringSerializer() );
        btree.setPageSize( 4 );

        for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
            String strValue = "V" + i;
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    public void testBrowseNonExistingKey() throws Exception
        // Create a BTree with pages containing 8 elements
        BTree<Integer, String> btree = new BTree<Integer, String>( "test", new IntSerializer(), new StringSerializer() );
        btree.setPageSize( 8 );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 11; i++ )
            btree.insert( i, String.valueOf( i ) );
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     * Creates a 2 level depth tree of full pages
    private BTree<Integer, String> createTwoLevelBTreeFullLeaves() throws IOException
        BTree<Integer, String> btree = new BTree<Integer, String>( "test", new IntSerializer(), new StringSerializer() );
        btree.setPageSize( 4 );

        // Create a tree with 5 children containing 4 elements each. The tree is full.
        int[] keys = new int[]
            { 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4, 9, 10, 7, 8, 13, 14, 11, 12, 17, 18, 15, 16, 19, 20 };
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     * Creates a 2 level depth tree of half full pages
    private BTree<Integer, String> createTwoLevelBTreeHalfFullLeaves() throws IOException
        BTree<Integer, String> btree = new BTree<Integer, String>( "test", new IntSerializer(), new StringSerializer() );
        btree.setPageSize( 4 );

        // Create a tree with 5 children containing 4 elements each. The tree is full.
        int[] keys = new int[]
            { 1, 2, 17, 18, 13, 14, 9, 10, 5, 6, 3 };
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    private BTree<Integer, String> createMultiLevelBTreeLeavesHalfFull() throws IOException
        // Create a BTree with pages containing 4 elements
        int pageSize = 4;

        BTree<Integer, String> btree = new BTree<Integer, String>( "test", new IntSerializer(), new StringSerializer(),
            pageSize );

        Node<Integer, String> root = new Node<Integer, String>( btree, 1L, pageSize );

        // Create the tree with 3 levels, all the leaves containing only N/2 elements
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