
Examples of

     * Test parsing of a response with MatchedDN attribute
    public void testResponseWithMatchedDNAttribute()
        Dsmlv2ResponseParser parser = null;
            parser = new Dsmlv2ResponseParser();

            parser.setInputFile( SearchResultDoneTest.class.getResource( "response_with_matchedDN_attribute.xml" )
                .getFile() );

        catch ( Exception e )
            fail( e.getMessage() );

        SearchResultDone searchResultDone = ( ( SearchResponse ) parser.getBatchResponse().getCurrentResponse() )

        LdapResult ldapResult = searchResultDone.getLdapResult();

        assertEquals( "cn=Bob Rush,ou=Dev,dc=Example,dc=COM", ldapResult.getMatchedDN() );
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        if ( LdapConstants.ADD_RESPONSE == response.getMessageType() )
            AddResponse addResponse = response.getAddResponse();
            copyMessageIdAndControls( response, addResponse );

            AddResponseDsml addResponseDsml = new AddResponseDsml( addResponse );
            batchResponse.addResponse( addResponseDsml );
        else if ( LdapConstants.BIND_RESPONSE == response.getMessageType() )
            BindResponse bindResponse = response.getBindResponse();
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        else if ( LdapConstants.BIND_RESPONSE == response.getMessageType() )
            BindResponse bindResponse = response.getBindResponse();
            copyMessageIdAndControls( response, bindResponse );

            AuthResponseDsml authResponseDsml = new AuthResponseDsml( bindResponse );
            batchResponse.addResponse( authResponseDsml );
        else if ( LdapConstants.COMPARE_RESPONSE == response.getMessageType() )
            CompareResponse compareResponse = response.getCompareResponse();
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        catch ( Exception e )
            fail( e.getMessage() );

        BatchResponse batchResponse = parser.getBatchResponse();

        assertEquals( 2, batchResponse.getResponses().size() );

        LdapResponse response = batchResponse.getCurrentResponse();

        if ( response instanceof ModifyDNResponse )
            assertTrue( true );
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        catch ( Exception e )
            fail( e.getMessage() );

        BatchResponse batchResponse = parser.getBatchResponse();

        assertEquals( 2, batchResponse.getResponses().size() );

        LdapResponse response = batchResponse.getCurrentResponse();

        if ( response instanceof ModifyResponse )
            assertTrue( true );
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        catch ( Exception e )
            fail( e.getMessage() );

        BatchResponse batchResponse = parser.getBatchResponse();

        assertEquals( 2, batchResponse.getResponses().size() );

        LdapResponse response = batchResponse.getCurrentResponse();

        if ( response instanceof SearchResponse )
            assertTrue( true );
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     * @return
     *      the XML response in DSMLv2 Format
    private String processDSML()
        batchResponse = new BatchResponseDsml();

        // Binding to LDAP Server
            bind( 1 );
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        else if ( LdapConstants.COMPARE_RESPONSE == response.getMessageType() )
            CompareResponse compareResponse = response.getCompareResponse();
            copyMessageIdAndControls( response, compareResponse );

            CompareResponseDsml authResponseDsml = new CompareResponseDsml( compareResponse );
            batchResponse.addResponse( authResponseDsml );
        else if ( LdapConstants.DEL_RESPONSE == response.getMessageType() )
            DelResponse delResponse = response.getDelResponse();
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        else if ( LdapConstants.DEL_RESPONSE == response.getMessageType() )
            DelResponse delResponse = response.getDelResponse();
            copyMessageIdAndControls( response, delResponse );

            DelResponseDsml delResponseDsml = new DelResponseDsml( delResponse );
            batchResponse.addResponse( delResponseDsml );
        else if ( LdapConstants.MODIFY_RESPONSE == response.getMessageType() )
            ModifyResponse modifyResponse = response.getModifyResponse();
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        catch ( Exception e )
            // Unable to connect to server
            // We create a new ErrorResponse and return the XML response.
            ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse( 0, ErrorResponseType.COULD_NOT_CONNECT, e.getMessage() );
            batchResponse.addResponse( errorResponse );
            return batchResponse.toDsml();

        // Processing BatchRequest:
        //    - Parsing and Getting BatchRequest
        //    - Getting and registering options from BatchRequest
        catch ( XmlPullParserException e )
            // We create a new ErrorResponse and return the XML response.
            ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse( 0, ErrorResponseType.MALFORMED_REQUEST, e.getMessage()
                + " - Line " + e.getLineNumber() + " - Column " + e.getColumnNumber() );
            batchResponse.addResponse( errorResponse );
            return batchResponse.toDsml();

        // Processing each request:
        //    - Getting a new request
        //    - Checking if the request is well formed
        //    - Sending the request to the server
        //    - Getting and converting reponse(s) as XML
        //    - Looping until last request
        LdapMessage request = null;
            request = parser.getNextRequest();
        catch ( XmlPullParserException e )
            // We create a new ErrorResponse and return the XML response.
            ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse( 0, ErrorResponseType.MALFORMED_REQUEST, e.getMessage()
                + " - Line " + e.getLineNumber() + " - Column " + e.getColumnNumber() );
            batchResponse.addResponse( errorResponse );
            return batchResponse.toDsml();

        while ( request != null ) // (Request == null when there's no more request to process)
            // Checking the request has a requestID attribute if Processing = Parallel and ResponseOrder = Unordered
            if ( ( batchRequest.getProcessing().equals( Processing.PARALLEL ) )
                && ( batchRequest.getResponseOrder().equals( ResponseOrder.UNORDERED ) )
                && ( request.getMessageId() == 0 ) )
                // Then we have to send an errorResponse
                ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse( 0, ErrorResponseType.MALFORMED_REQUEST,
                    "A requestID must be specified to each request when Processing is Parallel and ReponseOrder is Unordered." );
                batchResponse.addResponse( errorResponse );
                return batchResponse.toDsml();

                processRequest( request );
            catch ( Exception e )
                // We create a new ErrorResponse and return the XML response.
                ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse( 0, ErrorResponseType.GATEWAY_INTERNAL_ERROR,
                    "Internal Error: " + e.getMessage() );
                batchResponse.addResponse( errorResponse );
                return batchResponse.toDsml();

            // Checking if we need to exit processing (if an error has ocurred if onError == Exit)
            if ( exit )

            // Getting next request
                request = parser.getNextRequest();
            catch ( XmlPullParserException e )
                // We create a new ErrorResponse and return the XML response.
                ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse( 0, ErrorResponseType.MALFORMED_REQUEST, e.getMessage()
                    + " - Line " + e.getLineNumber() + " - Column " + e.getColumnNumber() );
                batchResponse.addResponse( errorResponse );
                return batchResponse.toDsml();
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