
Examples of


        searchRequest.addControl( syncReq );

        // Do the search. We use a searchAsync because we want to get SearchResultDone responses
        SearchFuture sf = connection.searchAsync( searchRequest );

        Response resp = sf.get();
        CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Response from {} : {}", config.getProducer(), resp );

        // Now, process the responses. We loop until we have a connection termination or
        // a SearchResultDone (RefreshOnly mode)
        while ( !( resp instanceof SearchResultDone ) && !sf.isCancelled() && !disconnected )
            if ( resp instanceof SearchResultEntry )
                SearchResultEntry result = ( SearchResultEntry ) resp;

                handleSearchResultEntry( result );
            else if ( resp instanceof SearchResultReference )
                handleSearchReference( ( SearchResultReference ) resp );
            else if ( resp instanceof IntermediateResponse )
                handleSyncInfo( ( IntermediateResponse ) resp );

            // Next entry
            resp = sf.get();
            CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Response from {} : {}", config.getProducer(), resp );
        if ( sf.isCancelled()  )
            CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Search sync on {} has been canceled ", config.getProducer(), sf.getCause() );
            return ReplicationStatusEnum.DISCONNECTED;
        else if ( disconnected )
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        searchRequest.setMessageId( newId );

        LOG.debug( "-----------------------------------------------------------------" );
        LOG.debug( "Sending request \n{}", searchRequest );

        SearchFuture searchFuture = new SearchFuture( this, searchRequest.getMessageId() );
        addToFutureMap( searchRequest.getMessageId(), searchFuture );

        // Send the request to the server
        writeRequest( searchRequest );

        // Check that the future hasn't be canceled
        if ( searchFuture.isCancelled() )
            // Thow an exception here
            throw new LdapException( searchFuture.getCause() );

        // Ok, done return the future
        return searchFuture;
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            String msg = "Cannot process a null searchRequest";
            LOG.debug( msg );
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );

        SearchFuture searchFuture = searchAsync( searchRequest );

        long timeout = getTimeout( searchRequest.getTimeLimit() );

        return new SearchCursorImpl( searchFuture, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
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            case SEARCH_RESULT_DONE:
                // Store the response into the responseQueue
                SearchResultDone searchResultDone = ( SearchResultDone ) response;

                SearchFuture searchFuture = ( SearchFuture ) responseFuture;

                if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
                    if ( searchResultDone.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
                        // Everything is fine, return the response
                        LOG.debug( "Search successful : {}", searchResultDone );
                        // We have had an error
                        LOG.debug( "Search failed : {}", searchResultDone );

                // Store the response into the future
                searchFuture.set( searchResultDone );

                // Remove the future from the map
                removeFromFutureMaps( messageId );


            case SEARCH_RESULT_ENTRY:
                // Store the response into the responseQueue
                SearchResultEntry searchResultEntry = ( SearchResultEntry ) response;

                if ( schemaManager != null )
                    searchResultEntry.setEntry( new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, searchResultEntry.getEntry() ) );

                searchFuture = ( SearchFuture ) responseFuture;

                if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
                    LOG.debug( "Search entry found : {}", searchResultEntry );

                // Store the response into the future
                searchFuture.set( searchResultEntry );


                // Store the response into the responseQueue
                SearchResultReference searchResultReference = ( SearchResultReference ) response;

                searchFuture = ( SearchFuture ) responseFuture;

                if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
                    LOG.debug( "Search reference found : {}", searchResultReference );

                // Store the response into the future
                searchFuture.set( searchResultReference );


                throw new IllegalStateException( "Unexpected response type " + response.getType() );
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        searchRequest.setMessageId( newId );

        LOG.debug( "-----------------------------------------------------------------" );
        LOG.debug( "Sending request \n{}", searchRequest );

        SearchFuture searchFuture = new SearchFuture( this, searchRequest.getMessageId() );
        addToFutureMap( searchRequest.getMessageId(), searchFuture );

        // Send the request to the server
        writeRequest( searchRequest );

        // Check that the future hasn't be canceled
        if ( searchFuture.isCancelled() )
            // Throw an exception here
            throw new LdapException( searchFuture.getCause() );

        // Ok, done return the future
        return searchFuture;
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            String msg = "Cannot process a null searchRequest";
            LOG.debug( msg );
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );

        SearchFuture searchFuture = searchAsync( searchRequest );

        long timeout = getTimeout( searchRequest.getTimeLimit() );

        return new SearchCursorImpl( searchFuture, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
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            case SEARCH_RESULT_DONE:
                // Store the response into the responseQueue
                SearchResultDone searchResultDone = ( SearchResultDone ) response;

                SearchFuture searchFuture = ( SearchFuture ) responseFuture;

                if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
                    if ( searchResultDone.getLdapResult().getResultCode() == ResultCodeEnum.SUCCESS )
                        // Everything is fine, return the response
                        LOG.debug( "Search successful : {}", searchResultDone );
                        // We have had an error
                        LOG.debug( "Search failed : {}", searchResultDone );

                // Store the response into the future
                searchFuture.set( searchResultDone );

                // Remove the future from the map
                removeFromFutureMaps( messageId );


            case SEARCH_RESULT_ENTRY:
                // Store the response into the responseQueue
                SearchResultEntry searchResultEntry = ( SearchResultEntry ) response;

                if ( schemaManager != null )
                    searchResultEntry.setEntry( new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, searchResultEntry.getEntry() ) );

                searchFuture = ( SearchFuture ) responseFuture;

                if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
                    LOG.debug( "Search entry found : {}", searchResultEntry );

                // Store the response into the future
                searchFuture.set( searchResultEntry );


                // Store the response into the responseQueue
                SearchResultReference searchResultReference = ( SearchResultReference ) response;

                searchFuture = ( SearchFuture ) responseFuture;

                if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
                    LOG.debug( "Search reference found : {}", searchResultReference );

                // Store the response into the future
                searchFuture.set( searchResultReference );


                throw new IllegalStateException( "Unexpected response type " + response.getType() );
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        sr.setBase( new Dn( "ou=system" ) );
        sr.setScope( SearchScope.ONELEVEL );
        sr.setDerefAliases( AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES );

        // Launch the search now
        SearchFuture searchFuture = connection.searchAsync( sr );

        Response searchResponse = null;
        int count = 0;

            searchResponse = searchFuture.get();

            if ( count > 10 )
                searchFuture.cancel( true );
        while ( !( searchResponse instanceof SearchResultDone ) );

        assertTrue( numEntries > count );
        assertTrue( searchFuture.isCancelled() );

        // Now do a simple synchronous search
        Cursor<Response> results = sr );

        int n = -1;
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        searchRequest.setMessageId( newId );

        LOG.debug( "-----------------------------------------------------------------" );
        LOG.debug( "Sending request \n{}", searchRequest );

        SearchFuture searchFuture = new SearchFuture( this, searchRequest.getMessageId() );
        addToFutureMap( searchRequest.getMessageId(), searchFuture );

        // Send the request to the server
        WriteFuture writeFuture = ldapSession.write( searchRequest );

        // Wait for the message to be sent to the server
        if ( !writeFuture.awaitUninterruptibly( timeout ) )
            // We didn't received anything : this is an error
            LOG.error( "Search failed : timeout occured" );

            throw new LdapException( TIME_OUT_ERROR );

        // Chekc that the future hasn't be canceled
        if ( searchFuture.isCancelled() )
            // Thow an exception here
            throw new LdapException( searchFuture.getCause() );

        // Ok, done return the future
        return searchFuture;
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            String msg = "Cannot process a null searchRequest";
            LOG.debug( msg );
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );

        SearchFuture searchFuture = searchAsync( searchRequest );

        long timeout = getTimeout( searchRequest.getTimeLimit() );

        return new SearchCursorImpl( searchFuture, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
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