// create the non-admin user
createUser( "billyd", "billyd" );
// try a search operation which should fail without any ACI
LdapConnection userCtx = getConnectionAs( "uid=billyd,ou=users,ou=system", "billyd" );
EntryCursor cursor = userCtx.search( "ou=users,ou=system", "(ObjectClass=*)", SearchScope.SUBTREE,
"userPassword" );
int counter = 0;
while ( cursor.next() )
Entry result = cursor.get();
results.put( result.getDn().getName(), result );
assertEquals( 0, counter );
// now add a subentry that enables anyone to search an entry below ou=system
createAccessControlSubentry( "protectUserPassword",
"{" +
" identificationTag \"protectUserPassword\"," +
" precedence 14," +
" authenticationLevel none," +
" itemOrUserFirst itemFirst: " +
" {" +
" protectedItems " +
" {" +
" allAttributeValues { userPassword }" +
" }," +
" itemPermissions " +
" {" +
" {" +
" userClasses " +
" {" +
" allUsers " +
" }," +
" grantsAndDenials { denyBrowse }" +
" }," +
" {" +
" userClasses " +
" {" +
" thisEntry " +
" }," +
" grantsAndDenials { grantBrowse }" +
" }" +
" }" +
" }" +
"}" );
// see if we can now search that tree which we could not before
// should work now with billyd now that all users are authorized
userCtx = getConnectionAs( "uid=billyd,ou=users,ou=system", "billyd" );
cursor = userCtx.search( "ou=users,ou=system", "(ObjectClass=*)", SearchScope.SUBTREE,
"userPassword" );
counter = 0;
while ( cursor.next() )