
Examples of

            Set<SchemaObjectWrapper> schemaObjectWrappers = schema.getContent();

            for ( SchemaObjectWrapper schemaObjectWrapper : schemaObjectWrappers )
                SchemaObject schemaObject = schemaObjectWrapper.get();

                if ( schemaObject instanceof MatchingRule )
                    MatchingRule matchingRule = ( MatchingRule ) schemaObject;
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            Set<SchemaObjectWrapper> schemaObjectWrappers = schema.getContent();

            for ( SchemaObjectWrapper schemaObjectWrapper : schemaObjectWrappers )
                SchemaObject schemaObject = schemaObjectWrapper.get();

                if ( schemaObject instanceof NameForm )
                    NameForm nameForm = ( NameForm ) schemaObject;
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            Set<SchemaObjectWrapper> schemaObjectWrappers = schema.getContent();

            for ( SchemaObjectWrapper schemaObjectWrapper : schemaObjectWrappers )
                SchemaObject schemaObject = schemaObjectWrapper.get();

                if ( schemaObject instanceof NormalizerDescription )
                    NormalizerDescription normalizerDescription = ( NormalizerDescription ) schemaObject;
                    Entry normalizerEntry = getEntry( normalizerDescription );
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            Set<SchemaObjectWrapper> schemaObjectWrappers = schema.getContent();

            for ( SchemaObjectWrapper schemaObjectWrapper : schemaObjectWrappers )
                SchemaObject schemaObject = schemaObjectWrapper.get();

                if ( schemaObject instanceof ObjectClass )
                    ObjectClass objectClass = ( ObjectClass ) schemaObject;
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            Set<SchemaObjectWrapper> schemaObjectWrappers = schema.getContent();

            for ( SchemaObjectWrapper schemaObjectWrapper : schemaObjectWrappers )
                SchemaObject schemaObject = schemaObjectWrapper.get();

                if ( schemaObject instanceof SyntaxCheckerDescription )
                    SyntaxCheckerDescription syntaxCheckerDescription = ( SyntaxCheckerDescription ) schemaObject;
                    Entry syntaxCheckerEntry = getEntry( syntaxCheckerDescription );
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            Set<SchemaObjectWrapper> schemaObjectWrappers = schema.getContent();

            for ( SchemaObjectWrapper schemaObjectWrapper : schemaObjectWrappers )
                SchemaObject schemaObject = schemaObjectWrapper.get();

                if ( schemaObject instanceof LdapSyntax )
                    LdapSyntax ldapSyntax = ( LdapSyntax ) schemaObject;
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    private SchemaObject copy( SchemaObject schemaObject )
        SchemaObject copy = null;

        if ( !( schemaObject instanceof LoadableSchemaObject ) )
            copy = schemaObject.copy();
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        // First, clear the errors

        // Clone the schemaObject
        SchemaObject copy = copy( schemaObject );

        if ( copy == null )
            return false;

        if ( registries.isRelaxed() )
            // Apply the addition right away
            registries.add( errors, copy, true );

            return errors.isEmpty();
            // Clone, apply, check, then apply again if ok
            // The new schemaObject's OID must not already exist
            if ( checkOidExist( copy ) )
                LdapSchemaException ldapSchemaException = new LdapSchemaException(
                    LdapSchemaExceptionCodes.OID_ALREADY_REGISTERED, I18n.err( I18n.ERR_11008, schemaObject.getOid() ) );
                ldapSchemaException.setSourceObject( schemaObject );
                errors.add( ldapSchemaException );

                return false;

            // Build the new AttributeType from the given entry
            String schemaName = getSchemaName( copy );

            if ( schemaName == null )
                // The schema associated with the SchemaaObject does not exist. This is not valid.

                LdapSchemaException ldapSchemaException = new LdapSchemaException(
                    LdapSchemaExceptionCodes.NONEXISTENT_SCHEMA, I18n.err( I18n.ERR_11009, schemaObject.getOid(),
                        copy.getSchemaName() ) );
                ldapSchemaException.setSourceObject( schemaObject );
                ldapSchemaException.setRelatedId( copy.getSchemaName() );
                errors.add( ldapSchemaException );

                return false;

            // At this point, the constructed AttributeType has not been checked against the
            // existing Registries. It may be broken (missing SUP, or such), it will be checked
            // there, if the schema and the AttributeType are both enabled.
            Schema schema = getLoadedSchema( schemaName );

            if ( schema == null )
                // The SchemaObject must be associated with an existing schema
                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_11010, copy.getOid() );
       msg );
                Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
                errors.add( error );
                return false;

            if ( schema.isEnabled() && copy.isEnabled() )
                // As we may break the registries, work on a cloned registries
                Registries clonedRegistries = null;

                    clonedRegistries = registries.clone();
                catch ( CloneNotSupportedException cnse )
                    throw new LdapOtherException( cnse.getMessage() );

                // Inject the new SchemaObject in the cloned registries
                clonedRegistries.add( errors, copy, true );

                // Remove the cloned registries

                // If we didn't get any error, apply the addition to the real retistries
                if ( errors.isEmpty() )
                    // Copy again as the clonedRegistries clear has removed the previous copy
                    copy = copy( schemaObject );

                    // Apply the addition to the real registries
                    registries.add( errors, copy, true );

                    LOG.debug( "Added {} into the enabled schema {}", copy.getName(), schemaName );

                    return true;
                    // We have some error : reject the addition and get out
                    String msg = "Cannot add the SchemaObject " + copy.getOid() + " into the registries, "
                        + "the resulting registries would be inconsistent :" + Strings.listToString( errors );
           msg );

                    return false;
                // At least, we register the OID in the globalOidRegistry, and associates it with the
                // schema
                registries.associateWithSchema( errors, copy );

                LOG.debug( "Added {} into the disabled schema {}", copy.getName(), schemaName );
                return errors.isEmpty();
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                errors.add( error );
                return false;

            // Get the SchemaObject to delete if it's not a LoadableSchemaObject
            SchemaObject toDelete = getSchemaObject( schemaObject );

            // First check that this SchemaObject does not have any referencing SchemaObjects
            Set<SchemaObjectWrapper> referencing = registries.getReferencing( toDelete );

            if ( ( referencing != null ) && !referencing.isEmpty() )
                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_11012, schemaObject.getOid(), Strings.setToString( referencing ) );

                Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
                errors.add( error );
                return false;

            String schemaName = getSchemaName( toDelete );

            // At this point, the deleted AttributeType may be referenced, it will be checked
            // there, if the schema and the AttributeType are both enabled.
            Schema schema = getLoadedSchema( schemaName );

            if ( schema == null )
                // The SchemaObject must be associated with an existing schema
                String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_11013, schemaObject.getOid() );
       msg );
                Throwable error = new LdapProtocolErrorException( msg );
                errors.add( error );
                return false;

            if ( schema.isEnabled() && schemaObject.isEnabled() )
                // As we may break the registries, work on a cloned registries
                Registries clonedRegistries = null;

                    clonedRegistries = registries.clone();
                catch ( CloneNotSupportedException cnse )
                    throw new LdapOtherException( cnse.getMessage() );

                // Delete the SchemaObject from the cloned registries
                clonedRegistries.delete( errors, toDelete );

                // Remove the cloned registries

                // If we didn't get any error, apply the deletion to the real retistries
                if ( errors.isEmpty() )
                    // Apply the deletion to the real registries
                    registries.delete( errors, toDelete );

                    LOG.debug( "Removed {} from the enabled schema {}", toDelete.getName(), schemaName );

                    return true;
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     * @throws ParseException
    public static void testObsolete( AbstractSchemaParser parser, String oid, String required ) throws ParseException
        String value = null;
        SchemaObject asd = null;

        // not obsolete
        value = "( " + oid + " " + required + " )";
        asd = parser.parse( value );
        assertFalse( asd.isObsolete() );

        // not obsolete
        value = "( " + oid + " " + required + " NAME 'test' DESC 'Descripton' )";
        asd = parser.parse( value );
        assertFalse( asd.isObsolete() );

        // obsolete
        value = "(" + oid + " " + required + " NAME 'test' DESC 'Descripton' OBSOLETE)";
        asd = parser.parse( value );
        assertTrue( asd.isObsolete() );

        // obsolete
        value = "(" + oid + " " + required + " OBSOLETE)";
        asd = parser.parse( value );
        assertTrue( asd.isObsolete() );

        // lowercased obsolete
        value = "(" + oid + " " + required + " obsolete)";
        asd = parser.parse( value );
        assertTrue( asd.isObsolete() );

        // invalid
        value = "(" + oid + " " + required + " NAME 'test' DESC 'Descripton' OBSOLET )";
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