return true;
} );
MutableMatchingRule matchingRule = new MutableMatchingRule( "" );
matchingRule.setSyntax( syntax );
matchingRule.setLdapComparator( new LdapComparator<String>( matchingRule.getOid() )
/** The mandatory serialVersionUID field */
public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public int compare( String o1, String o2 )
return ( o1 == null ?
( o2 == null ? 0 : -1 ) :
( o2 == null ? 1 : o1.compareTo( o2 ) ) );
} );
Normalizer normalizer = new Normalizer( "1.1.1" )
/** The mandatory serialVersionUID field */
public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Value<?> normalize( Value<?> value ) throws LdapException
if ( value.isHumanReadable() )
return new StringValue( Strings.toLowerCase( value.getString() ) );
throw new IllegalStateException();
public String normalize( String value ) throws LdapException
return Strings.toLowerCase( value );
matchingRule.setNormalizer( normalizer );
attributeType.setEquality( matchingRule );
attributeType.setSyntax( syntax );
return attributeType;