
Examples of

        SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
        int mrrSize = schemaManager.getMatchingRuleRegistry().size();
        int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

        MutableMatchingRule matchingRule = new MutableMatchingRule( "1.1.0" );
        matchingRule.setNames( "Test", "objectIdentifierMatch" );
        matchingRule.setSyntaxOid( "" );

        // It should fail (name already registered)
        assertFalse( schemaManager.add( matchingRule ) );

        List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
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        SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
        int mrrSize = schemaManager.getMatchingRuleRegistry().size();
        int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

        MutableMatchingRule matchingRule = new MutableMatchingRule( "1.1.0" );
        matchingRule.setNames( "Test", "cn" );
        matchingRule.setSyntaxOid( "" );

        // It should not fail
        assertTrue( schemaManager.add( matchingRule ) );

        List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
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        SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
        int mrrSize = schemaManager.getMatchingRuleRegistry().size();
        int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

        MutableMatchingRule matchingRule = new MutableMatchingRule( "1.1.0" );
        matchingRule.setNames( "Test" );
        matchingRule.setSyntaxOid( "1.1.1" );

        // It should fail
        assertFalse( schemaManager.add( matchingRule ) );

        List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
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        SchemaManager schemaManager = loadSystem();
        int mrrSize = schemaManager.getMatchingRuleRegistry().size();
        int goidSize = schemaManager.getGlobalOidRegistry().size();

        MutableMatchingRule matchingRule = new MutableMatchingRule( "1.1.0" );
        matchingRule.setNames( "Test" );
        matchingRule.setSyntaxOid( "" );
        matchingRule.setSchemaName( "bad" );

        // It should fail
        assertFalse( schemaManager.add( matchingRule ) );

        List<Throwable> errors = schemaManager.getErrors();
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                return true;
        } );

        MutableMatchingRule matchingRule = new MutableMatchingRule( "" );
        matchingRule.setSyntax( syntax );

        matchingRule.setLdapComparator( new LdapComparator<String>( matchingRule.getOid() )
            /** The mandatory serialVersionUID field */
            public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public int compare( String o1, String o2 )
                return ( o1 == null ?
                    ( o2 == null ? 0 : -1 ) :
                    ( o2 == null ? 1 : o1.compareTo( o2 ) ) );
        } );

        Normalizer normalizer = new Normalizer( "1.1.1" )
            /** The mandatory serialVersionUID field */
            public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public Value<?> normalize( Value<?> value ) throws LdapException
                if ( value.isHumanReadable() )
                    return new StringValue( Strings.toLowerCase( value.getString() ) );

                throw new IllegalStateException();

            public String normalize( String value ) throws LdapException
                return Strings.toLowerCase( value );

        matchingRule.setNormalizer( normalizer );

        attributeType.setEquality( matchingRule );
        attributeType.setSyntax( syntax );

        return attributeType;
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                return ( ( String ) value == null ) || ( ( ( String ) value ).length() < 7 );
        } );

        MutableMatchingRule matchingRule = new MutableMatchingRule( "1.1.2" );
        matchingRule.setSyntax( syntax );

        matchingRule.setLdapComparator( new LdapComparator<String>( matchingRule.getOid() )
            /** The mandatory serialVersionUID field */
            public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public int compare( String o1, String o2 )
                return ( ( o1 == null ) ?
                    ( o2 == null ? 0 : -1 ) :
                    ( o2 == null ? 1 : o1.compareTo( o2 ) ) );
        } );

        matchingRule.setNormalizer( new DeepTrimToLowerNormalizer( matchingRule.getOid() ) );

        attributeType.setEquality( matchingRule );
        attributeType.setSyntax( syntax );

        return attributeType;
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                return ( value == null ) || ( ( ( byte[] ) value ).length < 5 );
        } );

        MutableMatchingRule matchingRule = new MutableMatchingRule( "1.2.2" );
        matchingRule.setSyntax( syntax );

        matchingRule.setLdapComparator( new ByteArrayComparator( "1.2.2" ) );

        matchingRule.setNormalizer( new Normalizer( "1.1.1" )
            /** The mandatory serialVersionUID field */
            public static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

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            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_10023, entry.getDn().getName(), schemaName );
   msg );
            schema = schemaManager.getLoadedSchema( schemaName );

        MutableMatchingRule matchingRule = new MutableMatchingRule( oid );

        // The syntax field
        Attribute mSyntax = entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_SYNTAX_AT );

        if ( mSyntax != null )
            matchingRule.setSyntaxOid( mSyntax.getString() );

        // The normalizer and comparator fields will be updated when we will
        // apply the registry
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    public static MatchingRule[] getMatchingRules()
        MutableMatchingRule[] mrs = new MutableMatchingRule[3];

        mrs[0] = new MutableMatchingRule( "" );
        mrs[0].setSyntax( getSyntaxes()[1] );
        mrs[0].addName( "caseIgnoreMatch" );
        mrs[0].setDescription( "Ignores case in strings" );

        mrs[1] = new MutableMatchingRule( "" );
        mrs[0].setSyntax( getSyntaxes()[2] );
        mrs[1].addName( "caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch" );
        mrs[1].setDescription( "Ignores case in substrings" );

        mrs[2] = new MutableMatchingRule( "" );
        mrs[0].setSyntax( getSyntaxes()[0] );
        mrs[2].addName( "distinguishedNameMatch" );
        mrs[2].setDescription( "distinguishedNameMatch" );

        return mrs;
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    public static MutableMatchingRule matchingRuleFactory( String oid )
        MutableMatchingRule matchingRule = new MutableMatchingRule( oid );

        return matchingRule;
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