
Examples of

            for ( Attribute at : entry )
                MatchingRule mr = at.getAttributeType().getEquality();
                if ( mr != null )
                    if ( SchemaConstants.INTEGER_MATCH_MR_OID.equals( mr.getOid() ) )
                        int t = Integer.parseInt( at.getString() );
                        incMap.put( at.getId(), new AtomicInteger( t ) );
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     * @throws IOException if we cannot initialize the forward and reverse
     * tables
    private void initTables( SchemaManager schemaManager ) throws IOException
        MatchingRule mr = attributeType.getEquality();

        if ( mr == null )
            throw new IOException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_574, attributeType.getName() ) );

        SerializableComparator<K> comp = new SerializableComparator<K>( mr.getOid() );
        comp.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );

         * The forward key/value map stores attribute values to master table
         * primary keys.  A value for an attribute can occur several times in
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        String mrOid = sk.getMatchingRuleId();

        if ( mrOid != null )
            MatchingRule mr = at.getOrdering();

            if ( mr != null )
                if ( !mrOid.equals( mr.getOid() ) )
                    ldapResult.setDiagnosticMessage( "Given matchingrule " + mrOid
                        + " is not applicable for the attribute " + sk.getAttributeTypeDesc() );
                    resp.setSortResult( SortResultCode.INAPPROPRIATEMATCHING );
                    resp.setAttributeName( sk.getAttributeTypeDesc() );
                    return resp;

                schemaManager.lookupComparatorRegistry( mrOid );
            catch ( LdapException e )
                ldapResult.setDiagnosticMessage( "Given matchingrule " + mrOid + " is not supported" );
                resp.setSortResult( SortResultCode.INAPPROPRIATEMATCHING );
                resp.setAttributeName( sk.getAttributeTypeDesc() );
                return resp;
            MatchingRule mr = at.getOrdering();

            if ( mr == null )
                mr = at.getEquality();

            ldapResult.setDiagnosticMessage( "Matchingrule is required for sorting by the attribute "
                + sk.getAttributeTypeDesc() );
            resp.setSortResult( SortResultCode.INAPPROPRIATEMATCHING );
            resp.setAttributeName( sk.getAttributeTypeDesc() );

            if ( mr == null )
                return resp;

                schemaManager.lookupComparatorRegistry( mr.getOid() );
            catch ( LdapException e )
                return resp;
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    private void initTables( SchemaManager schemaManager ) throws IOException
        MatchingRule mr = attributeType.getEquality();

        if ( mr == null )
            throw new IOException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_574, attributeType.getName() ) );
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     * tables
     * @throws NamingException
    private void initTables( SchemaManager schemaManager ) throws IOException
        MatchingRule mr = attributeType.getEquality();

        if ( mr == null )
            throw new IOException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_574, attributeType.getName() ) );
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     * @throws IOException if we cannot initialize the forward and reverse
     * tables
    private void initTables( SchemaManager schemaManager ) throws IOException
        MatchingRule mr = attributeType.getEquality();

        if ( mr == null )
            throw new IOException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_574, attributeType.getName() ) );

        SerializableComparator<K> comp = new SerializableComparator<K>( mr.getOid() );
        comp.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );

         * The forward key/value map stores attribute values to master table
         * primary keys.  A value for an attribute can occur several times in
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    private void initTables( SchemaManager schemaManager ) throws IOException
        MatchingRule mr = attributeType.getEquality();

        if ( mr == null )
            throw new IOException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_574, attributeType.getName() ) );
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        lengthText.setText( getNonNullString( lsdLength > 0 ? Long.toString( lsdLength ) : null ) );

        // set matching rules content
        String emrOid = null;
        MatchingRule emr = null;
        if ( atd != null )
            emrOid = SchemaUtils.getEqualityMatchingRuleNameOrNumericOidTransitive( atd, getSchema() );
            if ( emrOid != null && getSchema().hasMatchingRuleDescription( emrOid ) )
                emr = getSchema().getMatchingRuleDescription( emrOid );
        equalityLink.setText( getNonNullString( emr != null ? SchemaUtils.toString( emr ) : emrOid ) );
        equalityLink.setHref( emr );
        equalityLink.setUnderlined( emr != null );
        equalityLink.setEnabled( emr != null );

        String smrOid = null;
        MatchingRule smr = null;
        if ( atd != null )
            smrOid = SchemaUtils.getSubstringMatchingRuleNameOrNumericOidTransitive( atd, getSchema() );
            if ( smrOid != null && getSchema().hasMatchingRuleDescription( smrOid ) )
                smr = getSchema().getMatchingRuleDescription( smrOid );
        substringLink.setText( getNonNullString( smr != null ? SchemaUtils.toString( smr ) : smrOid ) );
        substringLink.setHref( smr );
        substringLink.setUnderlined( smr != null );
        substringLink.setEnabled( smr != null );

        String omrOid = null;
        MatchingRule omr = null;
        if ( atd != null )
            omrOid = SchemaUtils.getOrderingMatchingRuleNameOrNumericOidTransitive( atd, getSchema() );
            if ( omrOid != null && getSchema().hasMatchingRuleDescription( omrOid ) )
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                            Messages.getString( "AttributeTypeDescriptionDetailsPage.OtherMatchingRulesCount" ), new Object[] { otherMrdNames.size() } ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
                for ( String mrdName : otherMrdNames )
                    if ( getSchema().hasMatchingRuleDescription( mrdName ) )
                        MatchingRule mrd = getSchema().getMatchingRuleDescription( mrdName );
                        Hyperlink otherMatchLink = toolkit.createHyperlink( otherMatchClient, SchemaUtils
                            .toString( mrd ), SWT.WRAP );
                        otherMatchLink.setHref( mrd );
                        otherMatchLink.setLayoutData( new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL ) );
                        otherMatchLink.setUnderlined( true );
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    private void initTables( SchemaManager schemaManager ) throws IOException
        SerializableComparator<K> comp;

        MatchingRule mr = attributeType.getEquality();

        if ( mr == null )
            throw new IOException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_574, attributeType.getName() ) );

        comp = new SerializableComparator<K>( mr.getOid() );

         * The forward key/value map stores attribute values to master table
         * primary keys.  A value for an attribute can occur several times in
         * different entries so the forward map can have more than one value.
        UuidComparator.INSTANCE.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
        comp.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );

        if ( mr.getSyntax().isHumanReadable() )
            forward = new JdbmTable<K, String>( schemaManager, attributeType.getOid() + FORWARD_BTREE, numDupLimit,
                comp, UuidComparator.INSTANCE, StringSerializer.INSTANCE, UuidSerializer.INSTANCE );
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