
Examples of

    public String getText( Object obj )
        if ( obj instanceof LdapSyntax )
            LdapSyntax syntax = ( LdapSyntax ) obj;

            // Getting description (and name for backward compatibility)
            String description = syntax.getDescription();
            String name = syntax.getName();

            if ( ( description != null ) || ( name != null ) )
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                if ( description != null )
                    // Using description
                    sb.append( description );
                    // Using name (for backward compatibility)
                    sb.append( name );

                sb.append( "  -  (" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
                sb.append( syntax.getOid() );
                sb.append( ")" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

                return sb.toString();
                return NLS.bind(
                    Messages.getString( "ATESyntaxComboLabelProvider.None" ), new String[] { syntax.getOid() } ); //$NON-NLS-1$
        else if ( obj instanceof NonExistingSyntax )
            return ( ( NonExistingSyntax ) obj ).getDisplayName();
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            syntaxComboViewer.setSelection( new StructuredSelection( new NonExistingSyntax( NonExistingSyntax.NONE ) ),
                true );
            LdapSyntax syntax = schemaHandler.getSyntax( syntaxOID );
            if ( syntax != null )
                syntaxComboViewer.setSelection( new StructuredSelection( syntax ), true );
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                        LdapSyntaxDescriptionSchemaParser parser = new LdapSyntaxDescriptionSchemaParser();
                        parser.setQuirksMode( true );
                        LdapSyntax lsd = parser.parseLdapSyntaxDescription( value );

                        LdapSyntax impl = new LdapSyntax( lsd.getOid() );
                        impl.setDescription( lsd.getDescription() );
                        impl.setNames( new String[]
                            { lsd.getDescription() } );
                        //impl.setObsolete( lsd.isObsolete() );
                        impl.setHumanReadable( true );
                        impl.setSchemaName( schema.getSchemaName() );

                        schema.addSyntax( impl );
                    catch ( ParseException e )
                        // Logging the exception and incrementing the counter
                        PluginUtils.logError( "Unable to parse the syntax.", e );

        // if online: assume all received syntaxes in attributes are valid -> create dummy syntaxes if missing
        for ( AttributeType at : schema.getAttributeTypes() )
            String syntaxOid = at.getSyntaxOid();
            if ( syntaxOid != null && schema.getSyntax( syntaxOid ) == null )
                LdapSyntax impl = new LdapSyntax( syntaxOid );
                impl.setSchemaName( schema.getSchemaName() );
                String oidDescription = Utils.getOidDescription( syntaxOid );
                impl.setDescription( oidDescription != null ? oidDescription : "Dummy" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
                impl.setNames( new String[]
                    { impl.getDescription() } );
                schema.addSyntax( impl );

        Attribute matchingRulesAttribute = searchResult.getAttributes().get( "matchingRules" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
        if ( matchingRulesAttribute != null )
            NamingEnumeration<?> ne = matchingRulesAttribute.getAll();
            if ( ne != null )
                while ( ne.hasMoreElements() )
                    String value = ( String ) ne.nextElement();

                        MatchingRuleDescriptionSchemaParser parser = new MatchingRuleDescriptionSchemaParser();
                        parser.setQuirksMode( true );
                        MatchingRule mrd = parser.parseMatchingRuleDescription( value );

                        MutableMatchingRule impl = new MutableMatchingRule( mrd.getOid() );
                        impl.setDescription( mrd.getDescription() );
                        impl.setNames( mrd.getNames().toArray( new String[0] ) );
                        impl.setObsolete( mrd.isObsolete() );
                        impl.setSyntaxOid( mrd.getSyntaxOid() );
                        impl.setSchemaName( schema.getSchemaName() );

                        schema.addMatchingRule( impl );
                    catch ( ParseException e )
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     *      the schema
     * @throws XMLSchemaFileImportException
    private static void readSyntax( Element element, Schema schema ) throws XMLSchemaFileImportException
        LdapSyntax syntax = null;

        // OID
        Attribute oidAttribute = element.attribute( OID_TAG );
        if ( ( oidAttribute != null ) && ( !oidAttribute.getValue().equals( "" ) ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$
            syntax = new LdapSyntax( oidAttribute.getValue() );
            throw new XMLSchemaFileImportException( Messages.getString( "XMLSchemaFileImporter.InvalidSyntaxForOID" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

        // Schema
        syntax.setSchemaName( schema.getSchemaName() );

        // Aliases
        Element aliasesElement = element.element( ALIASES_TAG );
        if ( aliasesElement != null )
            List<String> aliases = new ArrayList<String>();
            for ( Iterator<?> i = aliasesElement.elementIterator( ALIAS_TAG ); i.hasNext(); )
                Element aliasElement = ( Element );
                aliases.add( aliasElement.getText() );
            if ( aliases.size() >= 1 )
                syntax.setNames( aliases.toArray( new String[0] ) );

        // Description
        Element descriptionElement = element.element( DESCRIPTION_TAG );
        if ( ( descriptionElement != null ) && ( !descriptionElement.getText().equals( "" ) ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$
            syntax.setDescription( descriptionElement.getText() );

        // Obsolete
        Attribute obsoleteAttribute = element.attribute( OBSOLETE_TAG );
        if ( ( obsoleteAttribute != null ) && ( !obsoleteAttribute.getValue().equals( "" ) ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$
            syntax.setObsolete( readBoolean( obsoleteAttribute.getValue() ) );

        // Human Readible
        Attribute humanReadibleAttribute = element.attribute( HUMAN_READABLE_TAG );
        if ( ( humanReadibleAttribute != null ) && ( !humanReadibleAttribute.getValue().equals( "" ) ) ) //$NON-NLS-1$
            syntax.setHumanReadable( readBoolean( humanReadibleAttribute.getValue() ) );

        // Adding the syntax to the schema
        schema.addSyntax( syntax );
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            return ( IValueEditor ) class2ValueEditors.get( syntaxValueEditorMap.get( Strings
                .toLowerCase( syntaxNumericOid ) ) );

        // return default
        LdapSyntax lsd = schema.getLdapSyntaxDescription( syntaxNumericOid );
        if ( SchemaUtils.isBinary( lsd ) )
            return defaultBinaryValueEditor;
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                            MatchingRule mr = createMatchingRule( searchResult );
                            mr.setSchemaName( name );
                            schema.addMatchingRule( mr );
                        case SYNTAX:
                            LdapSyntax syntax = createSyntax( searchResult );
                            syntax.setSchemaName( name );
                            schema.addSyntax( syntax );
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     * ObjectClass could be created
     * @throws NamingException
    private static LdapSyntax createSyntax( SearchResult sr ) throws NamingException
        LdapSyntax syntax = new LdapSyntax( getOid( sr ) );
        syntax.setNames( getNames( sr ) );
        syntax.setDescription( getDescription( sr ) );
        syntax.setObsolete( isObsolete( sr ) );
        syntax.setHumanReadable( isHumanReadable( sr ) );
        return syntax;
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            objectClassesMap.put( oc.getOid(), oc );
        else if ( object instanceof LdapSyntax )
            LdapSyntax syntax = ( LdapSyntax ) object;
            syntaxesList.add( syntax );
            List<String> names = syntax.getNames();
            if ( names != null )
                for ( String name : names )
                    syntaxesMap.put( Strings.toLowerCase( name ), syntax );
            syntaxesMap.put( syntax.getOid(), syntax );
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            objectClassesMap.remove( oc.getOid() );
        else if ( object instanceof LdapSyntax )
            LdapSyntax syntax = ( LdapSyntax ) object;
            syntaxesList.remove( syntax );
            List<String> names = syntax.getNames();
            if ( names != null )
                for ( String name : names )
                    syntaxesMap.remove( Strings.toLowerCase( name ) );
            syntaxesMap.remove( syntax.getOid() );
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            public String getText( Object element )
                if ( element instanceof LdapSyntax )
                    LdapSyntax syntax = ( LdapSyntax ) element;

                    String name = syntax.getName();
                    if ( name != null )
                        return NLS
                                Messages.getString( "NewAttributeTypeContentWizardPage.NameOID" ), new String[] { name, syntax.getOid() } ); //$NON-NLS-1$
                        return NLS
                                Messages.getString( "NewAttributeTypeContentWizardPage.NoneOID" ), new String[] { syntax.getOid() } ); //$NON-NLS-1$

                return super.getText( element );
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