
Examples of

            Dn remoteDn = directoryService.getDnFactory().create( remoteEntry.getDn().getName() );

            Dn localParentDn = localDn.getParent();
            Dn remoteParentDn = directoryService.getDnFactory().create( remoteDn.getParent().getName() );

            Rdn localRdn = localDn.getRdn();
            Rdn remoteRdn = directoryService.getDnFactory().create( remoteDn.getRdn().getName() ).getRdn();

            if ( localRdn.equals( remoteRdn ) )
                // If the RDN are equals, it's a MOVE
                modDnType = SyncModifyDnType.MOVE;
            else if ( localParentDn.equals( remoteParentDn ) )
                // If the parentDn are equals, it's a RENAME
                modDnType = SyncModifyDnType.RENAME;
                // Otherwise, it's a MOVE and RENAME
                modDnType = SyncModifyDnType.MOVE_AND_RENAME;

            // Check if the OldRdn has been deleted
            boolean deleteOldRdn = !remoteEntry.contains( localRdn.getNormType(), localRdn.getNormValue() );

            switch ( modDnType )
                case MOVE:
                    CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "moving {} to the new parent {}", localDn, remoteParentDn );
                    MoveOperationContext movCtx = new MoveOperationContext( session, localDn, remoteParentDn );
                    movCtx.setReplEvent( true );
                    movCtx.setRid( rid );
                    directoryService.getOperationManager().move( movCtx );


                case RENAME:
                    CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "renaming the Dn {} with new Rdn {} and deleteOldRdn flag set to {}", localDn.getName(), remoteRdn.getName(), String.valueOf( deleteOldRdn ) );

                    RenameOperationContext renCtx = new RenameOperationContext( session, localDn, remoteRdn,
                        deleteOldRdn );
                    renCtx.setReplEvent( true );
                    renCtx.setRid( rid );
                    directoryService.getOperationManager().rename( renCtx );


                case MOVE_AND_RENAME:
                        "moveAndRename on the Dn {} with new newParent Dn {}, new Rdn {} and deleteOldRdn flag set to {}",
                                String.valueOf( deleteOldRdn ) );

                    MoveAndRenameOperationContext movRenCtx = new MoveAndRenameOperationContext( session, localDn,
                        remoteParentDn, remoteRdn, deleteOldRdn );
                    movRenCtx.setReplEvent( true );
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        // calculate parents
        Dn oldBase = oldDn.getParent();
        Dn newBase = newDn.getParent();

        // Compute the Rdn for each of the Dn
        Rdn newRdn = newDn.getRdn();
        Rdn oldRdn = oldDn.getRdn();

         * We need to determine if this rename operation corresponds to a simple
         * Rdn name change or a move operation.  If the two names are the same
         * except for the Rdn then it is a simple modifyRdn operation.  If the
         * names differ in size or have a different baseDN then the operation is
         * a move operation.  Furthermore if the Rdn in the move operation
         * changes it is both an Rdn change and a move operation.
        if ( ( oldDn.size() == newDn.size() ) && oldBase.equals( newBase ) )
            adminSession.rename( oldDn, newRdn, delOldRdn );
            Dn target = newDn.getParent();

            if ( newRdn.equals( oldRdn ) )
                adminSession.move( oldDn, target );
                adminSession.moveAndRename( oldDn, target, new Rdn( newRdn ), delOldRdn );
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            // Read the Dn, if any
            byte hasDn = in.readByte();

            if ( hasDn == 1 )
                Rdn rdn = new Rdn( schemaManager );
                rdn.readExternal( in );

                    entry.setDn( new Dn( schemaManager, rdn ) );
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    public void testCount() throws Exception
        assertEquals( 0, idx.count() );

        ParentIdAndRdn key = new ParentIdAndRdn( Strings.getUUID( 0L ), new Rdn( "cn=key" ) );

        idx.add( key, Strings.getUUID( 0L ) );
        assertEquals( 1, idx.count() );

        // setting a different parentId should make this key a different key
        key = new ParentIdAndRdn( Strings.getUUID( 1L ), new Rdn( "cn=key" ) );

        idx.add( key, Strings.getUUID( 1L ) );
        assertEquals( 2, idx.count() );

        //count shouldn't get affected cause of inserting the same key
            // We should not be able to add a new value to an existing key
            idx.add( key, Strings.getUUID( 2L ) );
        catch ( DuplicateValueNotAllowedException dvnae )
            // expected

        assertEquals( 2, idx.count() );

        key = new ParentIdAndRdn( Strings.getUUID( 2L ), new Rdn( "cn=key" ) );
        idx.add( key, Strings.getUUID( 3L ) );
        assertEquals( 3, idx.count() );
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    public void testCountOneArg() throws Exception

        ParentIdAndRdn key = new ParentIdAndRdn( Strings.getUUID( 0L ), new Rdn( "cn=key" ) );

        assertEquals( 0, idx.count( key ) );

        idx.add( key, Strings.getUUID( 0L ) );
        assertEquals( 1, idx.count( key ) );
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    public void testLookups() throws Exception

        ParentIdAndRdn key = new ParentIdAndRdn( Strings.getUUID( 0L ), new Rdn( schemaManager, "cn=key" ) );

        assertNull( idx.forwardLookup( key ) );

        idx.add( key, Strings.getUUID( 0L ) );
        assertEquals( Strings.getUUID( 0L ), idx.forwardLookup( key ) );
        assertEquals( key, idx.reverseLookup( Strings.getUUID( 0L ) ) );

        // check with the different case in UP name, this ensures that the custom
        // key comparator is used
        key = new ParentIdAndRdn( Strings.getUUID( 0L ), new Rdn( schemaManager, "cn=KEY" ) );
        assertEquals( Strings.getUUID( 0L ), idx.forwardLookup( key ) );
        assertEquals( key, idx.reverseLookup( Strings.getUUID( 0L ) ) );
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    public void testAddDropById() throws Exception

        ParentIdAndRdn key = new ParentIdAndRdn( Strings.getUUID( 0L ), new Rdn( "cn=key" ) );

        assertNull( idx.forwardLookup( key ) );

        // test add/drop without adding any duplicates
        idx.add( key, Strings.getUUID( 0L ) );
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    public void testCursors() throws Exception

        ParentIdAndRdn key = new ParentIdAndRdn( Strings.getUUID( 0L ), new Rdn( "cn=key" ) );

        assertEquals( 0, idx.count() );

        idx.add( key, Strings.getUUID( 0L ) );
        assertEquals( 1, idx.count() );

        for ( long i = 1; i < 5; i++ )
            key = new ParentIdAndRdn( Strings.getUUID( i ), new Rdn( "cn=key" + i ) );

            idx.add( key, Strings.getUUID( i ) );

        assertEquals( 5, idx.count() );
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        assertTrue( checkEntryReplicated( movedEntryDn ) );
        compareEntries( movedEntryDn );

        // Rename "cn=entryN,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" to "cn=entryNrenamed,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" and check it is replicated
        Rdn newName = new Rdn( schemaManager, movedEntryDn.getRdn().getName() + "renamed" );
        providerSession.rename( movedEntryDn, newName, true );

        Dn renamedEntryDn = usersContainerDn.add( newName );

        assertTrue( checkEntryReplicated( renamedEntryDn ) );
        compareEntries( renamedEntryDn );

        // now move and rename
        Dn newParent = usersContainerDn.getParent();

        newName = new Rdn( schemaManager, renamedEntryDn.getRdn().getName() + "MovedAndRenamed" );

        // Move and rename "cn=entryNrenamed,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" to
        // "cn=entryNMovedAndRenamed,dc=example,dc=com"  and check it is replicated
        providerSession.moveAndRename( renamedEntryDn, newParent, newName, false );
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            Dn movedEntryDn = usersContainer.add( userDn.getRdn() );

            assertTrue( checkEntryReplicated( movedEntryDn ) );
            compareEntries( movedEntryDn );

            Rdn newName = new Rdn( schemaManager, movedEntryDn.getRdn().getName() + "renamed" );

            // Rename "cn=entryN,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" to "cn=entryNrenamed,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"
            providerSession.rename( movedEntryDn, newName, true );

            Dn renamedEntryDn = usersContainer.add( newName );

            assertTrue( checkEntryReplicated( renamedEntryDn ) );
            compareEntries( renamedEntryDn );

            // now move and rename
            Dn newParent = usersContainer.getParent();

            newName = new Rdn( schemaManager, renamedEntryDn.getRdn().getName() + "MovedAndRenamed" );

            // Move and rename "cn=entryNrenamed,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" to
            // "cn=entryNMovedAndRenamed,dc=example,dc=com"
            providerSession.moveAndRename( renamedEntryDn, newParent, newName, false ); //4
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