
Examples of

     * @throws Exception if there is a problem adding the attribute
    public static void addSubentryACI( String aciItem ) throws Exception
        // modify the entry relative to ou=system to include the aciItem
        ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modReq.setName( new Dn( "ou=system" ) );
        modReq.add( "subentryACI", aciItem );
        getAdminConnection().modify( modReq );
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     * @param aciItem the new value for the ACI item
     * @throws Exception if the modify fails
    public static void changePresciptiveACI( String cn, String aciItem ) throws Exception
        ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modReq.setName( new Dn( "cn=" + cn + ",ou=system" ) );
        modReq.replace( "prescriptiveACI", aciItem );
        getAdminConnection().modify( modReq );
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    public static void addPrescriptiveACI( String cn, String aciItem ) throws Exception
        ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modReq.setName( new Dn( "cn=" + cn + ",ou=system" ) );
        modReq.add( "prescriptiveACI", aciItem );
        getAdminConnection().modify( modReq );
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        // tag after the addition before modify ADD
        Tag t0 = getService().getChangeLog().tag();
        assertPresent( sysRoot, "ou=test5,ou=system" );

        // modify the test entry to add description and test new attr appears
        ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modReq.setName( entry.getDn() );
        modReq.add( "description", "a desc value" );
        sysRoot.modify( modReq );

        Entry resusitated = sysRoot.lookup( "ou=test5,ou=system" );
        assertNotNull( resusitated );
        Attribute description = resusitated.get( "description" );
        assertNotNull( description );
        assertTrue( description.contains( "a desc value" ) );

        // now revert and assert that the added entry re-appears
        getService().revert( t0.getRevision() );
        resusitated = sysRoot.lookup( "ou=test5,ou=system" );
        assertNotNull( resusitated );
        assertNull( resusitated.get( "description" ) );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Modify REPLACE Test
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        // add the attribute again and make sure it is old value
        modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modReq.setName( resusitated.getDn() );
        modReq.add( "description", "old value" );
        sysRoot.modify( modReq );
        resusitated = sysRoot.lookup( "ou=test5,ou=system" );
        assertNotNull( resusitated );
        description = resusitated.get( "description" );
        assertNotNull( description );
        assertTrue( description.contains( "old value" ) );

        // now tag then replace the value to "new value" and confirm
        Tag t1 = getService().getChangeLog().tag();
        modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modReq.setName( resusitated.getDn() );
        modReq.replace( "description", "new value" );
        sysRoot.modify( modReq );

        resusitated = sysRoot.lookup( "ou=test5,ou=system" );
        assertNotNull( resusitated );
        assertTrue( resusitated.containsAttribute( "description" ) );
        description = resusitated.get( "description" );
        assertNotNull( description );
        assertTrue( description.contains( "new value" ) );

        // now revert and assert the old value is now reverted
        getService().revert( t1.getRevision() );
        resusitated = sysRoot.lookup( "ou=test5,ou=system" );
        assertNotNull( resusitated );
        description = resusitated.get( "description" );
        assertNotNull( description );
        assertTrue( description.contains( "old value" ) );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Modify REMOVE Test
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        Tag t2 = getService().getChangeLog().tag();
        modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modReq.setName( resusitated.getDn() );
        modReq.remove( "description", "old value" );
        sysRoot.modify( modReq );

        resusitated = sysRoot.lookup( "ou=test5,ou=system" );
        assertNotNull( resusitated );
        description = resusitated.get( "description" );
        assertNull( description );

        // now revert and assert the old value is now reverted
        getService().revert( t2.getRevision() );
        resusitated = sysRoot.lookup( "ou=test5,ou=system" );
        assertNotNull( resusitated );
        description = resusitated.get( "description" );
        assertNotNull( description );
        assertTrue( description.contains( "old value" ) );

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Modify Multi Operation Test
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        // add a userPassword attribute so we can test replacing it
        modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modReq.setName( resusitated.getDn() );
        modReq.add( "userPassword", "to be replaced" );
        sysRoot.modify( modReq );
        resusitated = sysRoot.lookup( "ou=test5,ou=system" );
        assertPassword( resusitated, "to be replaced" );

        modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modReq.setName( resusitated.getDn() );
        modReq.remove( "description", "old value" );
        modReq.add( "seeAlso", "ou=added" );
        modReq.replace( "userPassword", "a replaced value" );

        Tag t3 = getService().getChangeLog().tag();

        // now make the modification and check that description is gone,
        // seeAlso is added, and that the userPassword has been replaced
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            if ( i == 5000 )
                t00 = System.currentTimeMillis();

            ModifyRequest modRequest = new ModifyRequestImpl();
            modRequest.setName( dn );
            Modification modification = new DefaultModification();
            Attribute attribute = new DefaultAttribute( "sn" );

            attribute.add( "test" + i );

            modification.setAttribute( attribute );
            modification.setOperation( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE );
            modRequest.addModification( modification );

            long ttt0 = System.nanoTime();
            connection.modify( modRequest );
            long ttt1 = System.nanoTime();
            //System.out.println("added " + i + ", delta = " + (ttt1-ttt0)/1000);
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    public void testModifyOnAdminByAdmin() throws Exception
        LdapConnection connection = getAdminConnection();
        Dn adminDn = new Dn( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
        ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modReq.setName( adminDn );
        String newPwd = "replaced";
        modReq.replace( SchemaConstants.USER_PASSWORD_AT, newPwd );
        connection.modify( modReq );

        connection = getConnectionAs( adminDn, newPwd );
        Entry entry = connection.lookup( adminDn.getName() );
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            LOG.debug( "received a null entry for modification" );
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Entry to be modified cannot be null" );

        ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modReq.setName( entry.getDn() );

        Iterator<Attribute> itr = entry.iterator();

        while ( itr.hasNext() )
            modReq.addModification(, modOp );

        ModifyResponse modifyResponse = modify( modReq );

        processResponse( modifyResponse );
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            String msg = "Cannot process a ModifyRequest without any modification";
            LOG.debug( msg );
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );

        ModifyRequest modReq = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        modReq.setName( dn );

        for ( Modification modification : modifications )
            modReq.addModification( modification );

        ModifyResponse modifyResponse = modify( modReq );

        processResponse( modifyResponse );
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     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void action( LdapMessageContainer<ModifyRequestDecorator> container ) throws DecoderException
        ModifyRequestDecorator modifyRequestDecorator = container.getMessage();
        ModifyRequest modifyRequest = modifyRequestDecorator.getDecorated();

        TLV tlv = container.getCurrentTLV();

        // Store the value. It can't be null
        String type = null;

        if ( tlv.getLength() == 0 )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04083 );
            LOG.error( msg );

            ModifyResponseImpl response = new ModifyResponseImpl( modifyRequest.getMessageId() );
            throw new ResponseCarryingException( msg, response, ResultCodeEnum.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX,
                modifyRequest.getName(), null );
            type = Strings.utf8ToString( tlv.getValue().getData() );
            modifyRequestDecorator.addAttributeTypeAndValues( type );
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     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void action( LdapMessageContainer<ModifyRequestDecorator> container )
        // Now, we can allocate the ModifyRequest Object
        ModifyRequest internalModifyRequest = new ModifyRequestImpl();
        internalModifyRequest.setMessageId( container.getMessageId() );
        ModifyRequestDecorator modifyRequestDecorator = new ModifyRequestDecorator(
            container.getLdapCodecService(), internalModifyRequest );
        container.setMessage( modifyRequestDecorator );
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