if ( parent == null )
// We don't have any AC administrativePoint in the tree, this is an error
String message = "Cannot add an IAP with no parent : " + adminPoint;
LOG.error( message );
throw new LdapUnwillingToPerformException( message );
else if ( isCollectiveAttributeInnerRole( role ) )
DnNode<CollectiveAttributeAdministrativePoint> caCache = directoryService.getCollectiveAttributeAPCache();
boolean hasAP = caCache.hasParentElement( dn );
if ( !hasAP )
// We don't have any AC administrativePoint in the tree, this is an error
String message = "Cannot add an IAP with no parent : " + adminPoint;
LOG.error( message );
throw new LdapUnwillingToPerformException( message );
else if ( isTriggerExecutionInnerRole( role ) )
DnNode<TriggerExecutionAdministrativePoint> caCache = directoryService.getTriggerExecutionAPCache();
DnNode<TriggerExecutionAdministrativePoint> parent = caCache.getNode( dn );
if ( parent == null )
// We don't have any AC administrativePoint in the tree, this is an error
String message = "Cannot add an IAP with no parent : " + adminPoint;
LOG.error( message );
throw new LdapUnwillingToPerformException( message );
// Wtf ? We *must* have an IAP here...
String message = "This is not an IAP : " + role;
LOG.error( message );
throw new LdapUnwillingToPerformException( message );