
Examples of

            SchemaConstants.USER_PASSWORD_AT );

        Attribute pwdAt = new DefaultAttribute( pwdAtType );
        pwdAt.add( plainPwd );

        Modification mod = new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdAt );
        connection.modify( dn, mod );

        Entry entry = connection.lookup( dn );
        pwdAt = entry.get( pwdAtType );
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            SchemaConstants.USER_PASSWORD_AT );

        Attribute pwdAt = new DefaultAttribute( pwdAtType );
        pwdAt.add( ( byte[] ) null );

        Modification mod = new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdAt );
        connection.modify( dn, mod );

        Entry entry = connection.lookup( dn );
        pwdAt = entry.get( pwdAtType );
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            SchemaConstants.USER_PASSWORD_AT );

        Attribute pwdAt = new DefaultAttribute( pwdAtType );
        pwdAt.add( hashedPwd );

        Modification mod = new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdAt );
        connection.modify( dn, mod );

        Entry entry = connection.lookup( dn );
        pwdAt = entry.get( pwdAtType );
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        LdapConnection connection = getAdminConnection( service );

        // now enable the test schema
        connection.modify( "cn=" + schemaName + ",ou=schema",
            new DefaultModification(
                ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, "m-disabled", "FALSE" ) );
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    public static void disableSchema( DirectoryService service, String schemaName ) throws Exception
        LdapConnection connection = getAdminConnection( service );

        // now enable the test schema
        Modification mod = new DefaultModification(
            ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, "m-disabled", "TRUE" );

        connection.modify( "cn=" + schemaName + ",ou=schema", mod );
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        Dn dn = new Dn( schemaManager, "cn=JOhnny WAlkeR,ou=Sales,o=Good Times Co." );

        Attribute attrib = new DefaultAttribute( SchemaConstants.OU_AT, OU_AT );
        attrib.add( "Engineering" );

        Modification add = new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrib );

        store.modify( dn, add );
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        Attribute attrib = new DefaultAttribute( "sn", SN_AT );

        String attribVal = "Walker";
        attrib.add( attribVal );

        Modification add = new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrib );

        Entry lookedup = store.fetch( store.getEntryId( dn ), dn );

        store.modify( dn, add );
        assertTrue( lookedup.get( "sn" ).contains( attribVal ) );
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        Attribute attrib = new DefaultAttribute( SchemaConstants.SN_AT, SN_AT );

        String attribVal = "Johnny";
        attrib.add( attribVal );

        Modification add = new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attrib );

        Entry lookedup = store.fetch( store.getEntryId( dn ), dn );

        assertEquals( "WAlkeR", lookedup.get( "sn" ).get().getString() ); // before replacing

        lookedup = store.modify( dn, add );
        assertEquals( attribVal, lookedup.get( "sn" ).get().getString() );

        // testing the store.modify( dn, mod, entry ) API
        Modification replace = new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, SN_AT, "JWalker" );

        lookedup = store.modify( dn, replace );
        assertEquals( "JWalker", lookedup.get( "sn" ).get().getString() );
        assertEquals( 1, lookedup.get( "sn" ).size() );
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        Dn dn = new Dn( schemaManager, "cn=JOhnny WAlkeR,ou=Sales,o=Good Times Co." );

        Attribute attrib = new DefaultAttribute( SchemaConstants.SN_AT, SN_AT );

        Modification add = new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attrib );

        Entry lookedup = store.fetch( store.getEntryId( dn ), dn );

        assertNotNull( lookedup.get( "sn" ).get() );

        lookedup = store.modify( dn, add );
        assertNull( lookedup.get( "sn" ) );

        // add an entry for the sake of testing the remove operation
        add = new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, SN_AT, "JWalker" );
        lookedup = store.modify( dn, add );
        assertNotNull( lookedup.get( "sn" ) );

        Modification remove = new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, SN_AT );
        lookedup = store.modify( dn, remove );
        assertNull( lookedup.get( "sn" ) );
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        Attribute attrib = new DefaultAttribute( SchemaConstants.OU_AT, OU_AT );

        String attribVal = "Marketing";
        attrib.add( attribVal );

        Modification add = new DefaultModification( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attrib );

        Entry lookedup = store.fetch( store.getEntryId( dn ), dn );

        assertNull( lookedup.get( "ou" ) ); // before replacing
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