
Examples of

                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  }  " +

        ACIItem item = parser.parse( spec );
        checkItemToString( spec, item );
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                "       } " +
                "     } " +
                "   }" +
                " }";

        ACIItem item = parser.parse( spec );
        checkItemToString( spec, item );
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                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  }  " +
                "}   ";

        ACIItem item = parser.parse( spec );
        checkItemToString( spec, item );
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                "  identificationTag \"id2\"   , " +
                "  authenticationLevel none, " +
                "  precedence 14 " +
                "}   ";

        ACIItem item = parser.parse( spec );
        checkItemToString( spec, item );
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                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}   ";

        ACIItem item = parser.parse( spec );
        checkItemToString( spec, item );
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            + "subtree {{ base \"ou=system\" }, { base \"ou=ORGANIZATIONUNIT\"," + "minimum  1, maximum   2 } } }  , "
            + "userPermissions { { protectedItems{ entry  , "
            + "restrictedBy { { type, valuesIn ou }, { valuesIn cn, type  } } "
            + " }  , grantsAndDenials { grantBrowse } } } }  }   ";

        ACIItem item = parser.parse( spec );
        checkItemToString( spec, item );
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            + "itemOrUserFirst userFirst:  { userClasses {  allUsers  , name { \"ou=people,cn=ersin\" }, "
            + "subtree {{ base \"ou=system\" }, { base \"ou=ORGANIZATIONUNIT\"," + "minimum  1, maximum   2 } } }  , "
            + "userPermissions { { protectedItems{ entry  , maxImmSub 5 "
            + " }  , grantsAndDenials { grantBrowse } } } }  }   ";

        ACIItem item = parser.parse( spec );
        checkItemToString( spec, item );
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                "      } " +
                "    } " +
                "  } " +
                "}   ";

        ACIItem item = parser.parse( spec );
        checkItemToString( spec, item );
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            + "precedence 1, protectedItems { attributeType { userPassword } }, grantsAndDenials "
            + "{ denyRead, denyReturnDN, denyBrowse } }, { precedence 2, protectedItems "
            + "{ entry, allUserAttributeTypesAndValues }, grantsAndDenials "
            + "{ grantReturnDN, grantRead, grantBrowse } } } } }";

        ACIItem item = parser.parse( spec );
        checkItemToString( spec, item );

        UserFirstACIItem userFirstItem = ( UserFirstACIItem ) item;
        int aciPrecedence = userFirstItem.getPrecedence();
        assertEquals( 14, aciPrecedence );
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     * @throws ParseException if the syntax is invalid
    public void setInput( String input ) throws ParseException
        ACIItemParser parser = new ACIItemParser( null );
        ACIItem aciItem = parser.parse( input );

        if ( aciItem != null )
            generalComposite.setIdentificationTag( aciItem.getIdentificationTag() );
            generalComposite.setPrecedence( aciItem.getPrecedence() );
            generalComposite.setAuthenticationLevel( aciItem.getAuthenticationLevel() );

            if ( aciItem instanceof ItemFirstACIItem )
                ItemFirstACIItem itemFirstACI = ( ItemFirstACIItem ) aciItem;
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