
Examples of

            SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_TYPE_STATE, UniversalTag.ENUMERATED.getValue(),
            new GrammarAction<SyncStateValueContainer>( "Set SyncStateValueControl state type" )
                public void action( SyncStateValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        // Check that the value is into the allowed interval
                        int syncStateType = IntegerDecoder.parse( value, SyncStateTypeEnum.PRESENT.getValue(),
                            SyncStateTypeEnum.MODDN.getValue() );

                        SyncStateTypeEnum syncStateTypeEnum = SyncStateTypeEnum.getSyncStateType( syncStateType );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "SyncStateType = {}", syncStateTypeEnum );

                        container.getSyncStateValueControl().setSyncStateType( syncStateTypeEnum );

                        // move on to the entryUUID transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( false );
                    catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04030 );
                        LOG.error( msg, e );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );
            } );

         * Transition from sync state tpe to entryUUID
         * SyncStateValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     entryUUID     syncUUID
         *     ...
         * Stores the entryUUID
        super.transitions[SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_TYPE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition<SyncStateValueContainer>(
            SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_TYPE_STATE, SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_UUID_STATE,
            new GrammarAction<SyncStateValueContainer>( "Set SyncStateValueControl entryUUID" )
                public void action( SyncStateValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    byte[] entryUUID = value.getData();

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "entryUUID = {}", Strings.dumpBytes( entryUUID ) );

                    container.getSyncStateValueControl().setEntryUUID( entryUUID );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );

         * Transition from entryUUID to cookie
         * SyncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     cookie    syncCookie OPTIONAL
         * }
         * Stores the reloadHint flag
        super.transitions[SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_UUID_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition<SyncStateValueContainer>(
            SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_UUID_STATE, SyncStateValueStatesEnum.COOKIE_STATE,
            new GrammarAction<SyncStateValueContainer>( "Set SyncStateValueControl cookie value" )
                public void action( SyncStateValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    BerValue value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    byte[] cookie = value.getData();

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "cookie = {}", cookie );
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                if ( type.equals( "int" ) )
                        return IntegerDecoder.parse( new BerValue( ( byte[] ) obj ) );
                    catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                        throw new RuntimeException( "Failed to decode INTEGER: " +
                            Strings.dumpBytes( ( byte[] ) obj ), e );
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            throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04067 ) );

        Checksum checksum = checksumContainer.getChecksum();
        // The Checksum's type is an integer
        BerValue value = tlv.getValue();

            int cksumType = IntegerDecoder.parse( value );

            checksum.setChecksumType( ChecksumType.getTypeByValue( cksumType ) );

            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                LOG.debug( "cksumType : " + cksumType );
        catch ( IntegerDecoderException ide )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04070, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ), ide
                .getLocalizedMessage() ) );

            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( ide.getMessage() );
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        // Get the principalName
        PrincipalName principalName = principalNameContainer.getPrincipalName();

        BerValue value = tlv.getValue();

        // The PrincipalName must be pure ASCII witout any control character
        if ( KerberosUtils.isKerberosString( value.getData() ) )
            String nameString = Strings.utf8ToString( value.getData() );

            principalName.addName( nameString );
            principalNameContainer.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );

            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                LOG.debug( "PrincipalName String : {}", nameString );
            String valBytes = Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() );
            String valStr = Strings.utf8ToString( value.getData() );
            String valAll = valBytes + "/" + valStr;
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_745_NOT_A_KERBEROS_STRING, valAll ) );

            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_745_NOT_A_KERBEROS_STRING, valAll ) );
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            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04067 ) );

        // The etype is an integer
        BerValue value = tlv.getValue();

        EncryptionType etype = null;
        ETypeInfoEntry etypeInfoEntry = eTypeInfoEntryContainer.getETypeInfoEntry();

            int eType = IntegerDecoder.parse( value );
            etype = EncryptionType.getTypeByValue( eType );

            etypeInfoEntry.setEType( etype );

            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                LOG.debug( "etype : " + etype );

            // The next tag is optional, we can end here
            eTypeInfoEntryContainer.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
        catch ( IntegerDecoderException ide )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04070, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ), ide
                .getLocalizedMessage() ) );

            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( ide.getMessage() );
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            throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04067 ) );

        PaData paData = paDataContainer.getPaData();
        // The PaData's type is an integer
        BerValue value = tlv.getValue();

            int paDataType = IntegerDecoder.parse( value );

            paData.setPaDataType( PaDataType.getTypeByValue( paDataType ) );

            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                LOG.debug( "padata-type : {}", paDataType );
        catch ( IntegerDecoderException ide )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04070, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ), ide
                .getLocalizedMessage() ) );

            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( ide.getMessage() );
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            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04067 ) );

        // The value is the realm
        BerValue value = tlv.getValue();
        String realm = Strings.utf8ToString( value.getData() );

        if ( IS_DEBUG )
            LOG.debug( "read realm value : " + realm );
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            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04067 ) );

        BerValue value = tlv.getValue();

            int pvno = IntegerDecoder.parse( value );

            if ( pvno != 5 )
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04070, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ), "The PVNO should be 5" ) );

                // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
                throw new DecoderException( "The PVNO should be 5" );

            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                LOG.debug( "pvno : {}", pvno );

            setPvno( pvno, container );
        catch ( IntegerDecoderException ide )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04070, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ), ide
                .getLocalizedMessage() ) );

            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( ide.getMessage() );
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            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04067 ) );

        // The value is the KerberosTime
        BerValue value = tlv.getValue();
        String date = Strings.utf8ToString( value.getData() );

            KerberosTime krbTime = new KerberosTime( date );
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            throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04067 ) );

        KdcReqBody kdcReqBody = kdcReqBodyContainer.getKdcReqBody();

        BerValue value = tlv.getValue();

            int etype = IntegerDecoder.parse( value );
            EncryptionType encryptionType = EncryptionType.getTypeByValue( etype );

            kdcReqBody.addEType( encryptionType );

            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                LOG.debug( "EncryptionType : {}", encryptionType );
        catch ( IntegerDecoderException ide )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04070, Strings.dumpBytes( value.getData() ), ide
                .getLocalizedMessage() ) );

            // This will generate a PROTOCOL_ERROR
            throw new DecoderException( ide.getMessage() );
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