public static Test suite()
//NetworkServerTestSetup.setWaitTime( 10000L );
BaseTestSuite suite = new BaseTestSuite("SecureServerTest");
// Server booting requires that we run from the jar files
if ( !TestConfiguration.loadingFromJars() ) { return suite; }
// Need derbynet.jar in the classpath!
if (!Derby.hasServer())
return suite;
// O = Overriden
// A = Authenticated
// C = Custom properties
// W = Wildcard host
// .addTest( decorateTest( O, A, C, W, Outcome ) );
suite.addTest( decorateTest( false, false, null, null, RUNNING_SECURITY_BOOTED ) );
suite.addTest( decorateTest( false, false, BASIC, null, RUNNING_SECURITY_BOOTED ) );
suite.addTest( decorateTest( false, true, null, null, RUNNING_SECURITY_BOOTED ) );
suite.addTest( decorateTest( false, true, null, HOSTW, RUNNING_SECURITY_BOOTED ) );
suite.addTest( decorateTest( false, true, null, ALTW, RUNNING_SECURITY_BOOTED ) );
// this wildcard port is rejected by the server right now
//suite.addTest( decorateTest( false, true, null, IPV6W, RUNNING_SECURITY_BOOTED ) );
suite.addTest( decorateTest( true, false, null, null, RUNNING_SECURITY_NOT_BOOTED ) );
suite.addTest( decorateTest( true, true, null, null, RUNNING_SECURITY_NOT_BOOTED ) );
return suite;