Segments are identified by integer identifiers that are unique within a RawStoreFactory.
Containers are also identified by unique integer identifiers within a RawStoreFactory, but will overlap with segment identifiers.
This is a list of (hopefully) all limits within the raw store. Where a size has more than one limit all are documented (rather than just the most restrictive) so that the correct limit can be found if the most restictive is every removed.
Access and RawStore work together to provide the ACID properties of transactions. On a high level, RawStore deals with anything that directly impacts persistency. On a more detailed level, RawStore provides logging, rollback and recovery, data management on page, page allocation and deallocation, container allocation and deallocation.
RawStore is organized as 3 branches, transaction, data, and logging. These branches each have its own "factory", the transaction factory hands out transactions, the data factory hands out containers, and the log factory hands out logger (or log buffers) for transactions to write on. For a more detailed description on these factories, please see their corresponding javadocs. MT - Thread Safe @see ContainerHandle