if (lcc.getRunTimeStatisticsMode())
endExecutionTime = getCurrentTimeMillis();
// get the ResultSetStatisticsFactory, which gathers RuntimeStatistics
ExecutionFactory ef = lcc.getLanguageConnectionFactory().getExecutionFactory();
ResultSetStatisticsFactory rssf;
rssf = ef.getResultSetStatisticsFactory();
// get the RuntimeStatisticsImpl object which is the wrapper for all
// gathered statistics about all the different resultsets
RunTimeStatistics rsImpl = rssf.getRunTimeStatistics(activation, this, subqueryTrackingArray);
// save the RTW (wrapper)object in the lcc
// now explain gathered statistics, using an appropriate visitor
XPLAINVisitor visitor = ef.getXPLAINFactory().getXPLAINVisitor();
int staLength = (subqueryTrackingArray == null) ? 0 :