public ExecRow makeRow(TupleDescriptor td, TupleDescriptor parent)
throws StandardException
DataTypeDescriptor dtd;
ExecRow row;
DataValueDescriptor col;
String name = null;
UUID uuid = null;
UUID suuid = null; // schema
UUID tuuid = null; // referenced table
UUID actionSPSID = null; // action sps uuid string
UUID whenSPSID = null; // when clause sps uuid string
Timestamp createTime = null;
String event = null;
String time = null;
String type = null;
String enabled = null;
String triggerDefinition = null;
String oldReferencingName = null;
String newReferencingName = null;
ReferencedColumns rcd = null;
boolean referencingOld = false;
boolean referencingNew = false;
if (td != null)
TriggerDescriptor triggerDescriptor = (TriggerDescriptor)td;
name = triggerDescriptor.getName();
uuid = triggerDescriptor.getUUID();
suuid = triggerDescriptor.getSchemaDescriptor().getUUID();
createTime = triggerDescriptor.getCreationTimestamp();
// for now we are assuming that a trigger can only listen to a single event
event = triggerDescriptor.listensForEvent(TriggerDescriptor.TRIGGER_EVENT_UPDATE) ? "U" :
triggerDescriptor.listensForEvent(TriggerDescriptor.TRIGGER_EVENT_DELETE) ? "D" : "I";
time = triggerDescriptor.isBeforeTrigger() ? "B" : "A";
type = triggerDescriptor.isRowTrigger() ? "R" : "S";
enabled = triggerDescriptor.isEnabled() ? "E" : "D";
tuuid = triggerDescriptor.getTableDescriptor().getUUID();
int[] refCols = triggerDescriptor.getReferencedCols();
rcd = (refCols != null) ? new
ReferencedColumnsDescriptorImpl(refCols) : null;
actionSPSID = triggerDescriptor.getActionId();
whenSPSID = triggerDescriptor.getWhenClauseId();
triggerDefinition = triggerDescriptor.getTriggerDefinition();
referencingOld = triggerDescriptor.getReferencingOld();
referencingNew = triggerDescriptor.getReferencingNew();
oldReferencingName = triggerDescriptor.getOldReferencingName();
newReferencingName = triggerDescriptor.getNewReferencingName();
/* Build the row to insert */
row = getExecutionFactory().getValueRow(SYSTRIGGERS_COLUMN_COUNT);
/* 1st column is TRIGGERID */
row.setColumn(1, new SQLChar((uuid == null) ? null : uuid.toString()));
/* 2nd column is TRIGGERNAME */
row.setColumn(2, new SQLVarchar(name));
/* 3rd column is SCHEMAID */
row.setColumn(3, new SQLChar((suuid == null) ? null : suuid.toString()));
/* 4th column is CREATIONTIMESTAMP */
row.setColumn(4, dvf.getDataValue(createTime));
/* 5th column is EVENT */
row.setColumn(5, new SQLChar(event));
/* 6th column is FIRINGTIME */
row.setColumn(6, new SQLChar(time));
/* 7th column is TYPE */
row.setColumn(7, new SQLChar(type));
/* 8th column is STATE */
row.setColumn(8, new SQLChar(enabled));
/* 9th column is TABLEID */
row.setColumn(9, new SQLChar((tuuid == null) ? null : tuuid.toString()));
/* 10th column is WHENSTMTID */
row.setColumn(10, new SQLChar((whenSPSID == null) ? null : whenSPSID.toString()));
/* 11th column is ACTIONSTMTID */
row.setColumn(11, new SQLChar((actionSPSID == null) ? null : actionSPSID.toString()));
/* 12th column is REFERENCEDCOLUMNS
* (user type org.apache.derby.catalog.ReferencedColumns)
row.setColumn(12, dvf.getDataValue(rcd));
/* 13th column is TRIGGERDEFINITION */
row.setColumn(13, dvf.getLongvarcharDataValue(triggerDefinition));
/* 14th column is REFERENCINGOLD */
row.setColumn(14, dvf.getDataValue(referencingOld));
/* 15th column is REFERENCINGNEW */
row.setColumn(15, dvf.getDataValue(referencingNew));
/* 16th column is OLDREFERENCINGNAME */
row.setColumn(16, new SQLVarchar(oldReferencingName));
/* 17th column is NEWREFERENCINGNAME */
row.setColumn(17, new SQLVarchar(newReferencingName));
return row;