//check if there is already a SELECT privilege requirement on any
//of the columns in the table. If yes, then we do not need to add
//MIN_SELECT_PRIV requirement for the table because that
//requirement is already getting satisfied with the already
//existing SELECT privilege requirement
StatementTablePermission key = new StatementTablePermission(
tableUUID, Authorizer.SELECT_PRIV);
StatementColumnPermission tableColumnPrivileges
= (StatementColumnPermission) requiredColumnPrivileges.get( key);
if( tableColumnPrivileges != null)
if( currPrivType == Authorizer.SELECT_PRIV){
//If we are here for SELECT_PRIV requirement, then first check
//if there is already any MIN_SELECT_PRIV privilege required
//on this table. If yes, then that requirement will be fulfilled
//by the SELECT_PRIV requirement we are adding now. Because of
//that, remove the MIN_SELECT_PRIV privilege requirement
StatementTablePermission key = new StatementTablePermission(
tableUUID, Authorizer.MIN_SELECT_PRIV);
StatementColumnPermission tableColumnPrivileges
= (StatementColumnPermission) requiredColumnPrivileges.get( key);
if( tableColumnPrivileges != null)
StatementTablePermission key = new StatementTablePermission( tableUUID, currPrivType);
StatementColumnPermission tableColumnPrivileges
= (StatementColumnPermission) requiredColumnPrivileges.get( key);
if( tableColumnPrivileges == null)
tableColumnPrivileges = new StatementColumnPermission( tableUUID,