reservedSpaceFieldId += startField;
// the new data the needs to be written at newOffset but can't until
// unsedSpace >= newDataToWrite.length (allowing for the header)
DynamicByteArrayOutputStream newDataToWrite = null;
// write the record header, which may change in size
int oldLength = recordHeader.size();
int newLength = newRecorderHeader.size();
int unusedSpace = oldLength; // the unused space at newOffset
// no fields, so we can eat into the reserve space
if (reservedSpaceFieldId < startField) // no fields
unusedSpace += getReservedCount(slot);
if (unusedSpace >= newLength) {
newOffset += newLength;
unusedSpace -= newLength;
} else {
newDataToWrite = new DynamicByteArrayOutputStream(getPageSize());
oldOffset += oldLength;
int recordDelta = (newLength - oldLength);
int oldFieldStatus = 0;
int oldFieldDataLength = 0;
int newFieldStatus = 0;
int newFieldDataLength = 0;
int oldEndFieldExclusive = startField + oldFieldCount;
int newEndFieldExclusive = startField + newFieldCount;
for (int fieldId = startField; fieldId < newEndFieldExclusive; fieldId++) {
int oldFieldLength = 0;
if (fieldId < oldEndFieldExclusive) {
oldFieldStatus = StoredFieldHeader.readStatus(rawDataIn);
oldFieldDataLength = StoredFieldHeader.readFieldDataLength(rawDataIn, oldFieldStatus, slotFieldSize);
oldFieldLength = StoredFieldHeader.size(oldFieldStatus, oldFieldDataLength, slotFieldSize)
+ oldFieldDataLength;
newFieldStatus = StoredFieldHeader.readStatus(in);
newFieldDataLength = StoredFieldHeader.readFieldDataLength(in, newFieldStatus, slotFieldSize);
// if no value was provided on an update of a field then use the old value,
// unless the old field didn't exist.
if (StoredFieldHeader.isNonexistent(newFieldStatus) && (fieldId < oldEndFieldExclusive)) {
// may need to move this old field ...
if ((newDataToWrite == null) || (newDataToWrite.getUsed() == 0)) {
// the is no old data to catch up on, is the data at
// the correct position already?
if (newOffset == oldOffset) {
// yes, nothing to do!!
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
if (unusedSpace != 0)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("Unused space is out of sync, expect 0 got " + unusedSpace);
} else {
// need to shift the field left
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
if (unusedSpace != (oldOffset - newOffset))
"Unused space is out of sync expected " + (oldOffset - newOffset) + " got " + unusedSpace);
System.arraycopy(pageData, oldOffset, pageData, newOffset, oldFieldLength);
newOffset += oldFieldLength;
// last field to be updated can eat into the reserve space
if (fieldId == reservedSpaceFieldId)
unusedSpace += getReservedCount(slot);
} else {
// there is data still to be written, just append this field to the
// saved data
int position = newDataToWrite.getPosition();
newDataToWrite.setPosition(position + oldFieldLength);
System.arraycopy(pageData, oldOffset,
newDataToWrite.getByteArray(), position, oldFieldLength);
unusedSpace += oldFieldLength;
// last field to be updated can eat into the reserve space
if (fieldId == reservedSpaceFieldId)
unusedSpace += getReservedCount(slot);
// attempt to write out some of what we have in the side buffer now.
int copyLength = moveSavedDataToPage(newDataToWrite, unusedSpace, newOffset);
newOffset += copyLength;
unusedSpace -= copyLength;
oldOffset += oldFieldLength;
newFieldStatus = StoredFieldHeader.setFixed(newFieldStatus, false);
int newFieldHeaderLength = StoredFieldHeader.size(newFieldStatus, newFieldDataLength, slotFieldSize);
int newFieldLength = newFieldHeaderLength + newFieldDataLength;
recordDelta += (newFieldLength - oldFieldLength);
// See if we can write this field now
// space available increases by the amount of the old field
unusedSpace += oldFieldLength;
oldOffset += oldFieldLength;
// last field to be updated can eat into the reserve space
if (fieldId == reservedSpaceFieldId)
unusedSpace += getReservedCount(slot);
if ((newDataToWrite != null) && (newDataToWrite.getUsed() != 0)) {
// catch up on the old data if possible
int copyLength = moveSavedDataToPage(newDataToWrite, unusedSpace, newOffset);
newOffset += copyLength;
unusedSpace -= copyLength;
if (((newDataToWrite == null) || (newDataToWrite.getUsed() == 0))
&& (unusedSpace >= newFieldHeaderLength)) {
// can fit the header in
newOffset += StoredFieldHeader.write(rawDataOut, newFieldStatus, newFieldDataLength, slotFieldSize);
unusedSpace -= newFieldHeaderLength;
if (newFieldDataLength != 0) {
// read as much as the field as possible
int fieldCopy = unusedSpace >= newFieldDataLength ?
newFieldDataLength : unusedSpace;
if (fieldCopy != 0) {
in.readFully(pageData, newOffset, fieldCopy);
newOffset += fieldCopy;
unusedSpace -= fieldCopy;
fieldCopy = newFieldDataLength - fieldCopy;
if (fieldCopy != 0) {
if (newDataToWrite == null)
newDataToWrite = new DynamicByteArrayOutputStream(newFieldLength * 2);
// append the remaining portion of the field to the saved data
int position = newDataToWrite.getPosition();
newDataToWrite.setPosition(position + fieldCopy);
position, fieldCopy);
} else {
// can't fit these header, or therefore the field, append it
// to the buffer.
if (newDataToWrite == null)
newDataToWrite = new DynamicByteArrayOutputStream(newFieldLength * 2);
StoredFieldHeader.write(newDataToWrite, newFieldStatus, newFieldDataLength, slotFieldSize);
// save the new field data
if (newFieldDataLength != 0) {
int position = newDataToWrite.getPosition();
newDataToWrite.setPosition(position + newFieldDataLength);
position, newFieldDataLength);
// at this point there may still be data left in the saved buffer
// but presumably we can't fit it in
int reservedDelta;
if ((newDataToWrite != null) && (newDataToWrite.getUsed() != 0)) {
// need to shift the later records down ...
int nextRecordOffset = startingOffset + getTotalSpace(slot);
int spaceRequiredFromFreeSpace = newDataToWrite.getUsed() - (nextRecordOffset - newOffset);
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
if (newOffset > nextRecordOffset)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("data has overwritten next record - offset " + newOffset
+ " next record " + nextRecordOffset);
if ((spaceRequiredFromFreeSpace <= 0) || (spaceRequiredFromFreeSpace > freeSpace))
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("invalid space required " + spaceRequiredFromFreeSpace
+ " newDataToWrite.getUsed() " + newDataToWrite.getUsed()
+ " nextRecordOffset " + nextRecordOffset
+ " newOffset " + newOffset
+ " reservedSpaceFieldId " + reservedSpaceFieldId
+ " startField " + startField
+ " newEndFieldExclusive " + newEndFieldExclusive
+ " newFieldCount " + newFieldCount
+ " oldFieldCount " + oldFieldCount
+ " slot " + slot
+ " freeSpace " + freeSpace
+ " unusedSpace " + unusedSpace
+ " page " + getPageId());
if ((getReservedCount(slot) + spaceRequiredFromFreeSpace) != recordDelta)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("mismatch on count: reserved " + getReservedCount(slot) +
"free space take " + spaceRequiredFromFreeSpace +
"record delta " + recordDelta);
if (spaceRequiredFromFreeSpace > freeSpace) {
throw dataFactory.markCorrupt(
SQLState.DATA_CORRUPT_PAGE, getPageId()));
// see if this is the last record on the page, if so a simple
// shift of the remaining fields will sufice...
expandPage(nextRecordOffset, spaceRequiredFromFreeSpace);
unusedSpace += spaceRequiredFromFreeSpace;
moveSavedDataToPage(newDataToWrite, unusedSpace, newOffset);
reservedDelta = -1 * getReservedCount(slot);
if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
if (newDataToWrite.getUsed() != 0)
SanityManager.THROWASSERT("data is left in save buffer ... " + newDataToWrite.getUsed());
} else {
reservedDelta = -1 * recordDelta;