
Examples of$CtxStack

    //REMIND: someone is leaving an incorrect manager on when they
    // are exiting the system in the nested case.
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      if (tr.getCsf() != null) {
        ContextManager cm1 = tr.getCsf().getCurrentContextManager();
        ContextManager cm2 = tr.getContextManager();
        // If the system has been shut down, cm1 can be null.
        // Otherwise, cm1 and cm2 should be identical.
        Util.ASSERT(this, (cm1 == cm2 || cm1 == null),
          "Current Context Manager not the one was expected: " +
           cm1 + " " + cm2);
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        ts = (TopService) services.get(position);

      // push a new context manager
      ContextManager cm = contextService.newContextManager();
      try {
        // pop the default shutdown context, we are shutting down


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    ProtocolKey serviceKey = ProtocolKey.create(factoryInterface, serviceName);
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG && reportOn) {
      report("Booting service " + serviceKey + " create = " + create);

    ContextManager previousCM = contextService.getCurrentContextManager();
    ContextManager cm = previousCM;
    Object instance;
    TopService ts = null;
    Context sb = null;

    try {

      synchronized (this) {

        if (inShutdown) {
          throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.CLOUDSCAPE_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN);

        for (int i = 1; i < services.size(); i++) {
          TopService ts2 = (TopService) services.get(i);
          if (ts2.isPotentialService(serviceKey)) {
            // if the service already exists then  just return null
            return null;

        Locale serviceLocale = null;
        if (create) {

          // always wrap the property set in an outer set.
          // this ensures that any random attributes from
          // a JDBC URL are not written into the
          // file (e.g. like user and password :-)
          properties = new Properties(properties);

          serviceLocale = setLocale(properties);

          properties.put(Property.SERVICE_PROTOCOL, factoryInterface);

          serviceName = provider.createServiceRoot(serviceName,

          serviceKey = ProtocolKey.create(factoryInterface, serviceName);
        } else if (properties != null) {
          String serverLocaleDescription = properties.getProperty(Property.SERVICE_LOCALE);
          if ( serverLocaleDescription != null)
            serviceLocale = staticGetLocaleFromString(serverLocaleDescription);

        ts = new TopService(this, serviceKey, provider, serviceLocale);

      if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
        if (provider != null)
            "mismatched canonical names " + provider.getCanonicalServiceName(serviceName)
            + " != " + serviceName);
            "mismatched names " + serviceName + " != " + serviceKey.getIdentifier());

      if (properties != null) {

        // these properties must not be stored in the persistent properties,
        // otherwise moving databases from one directory to another
        // will not work. Thus they all have a fixed prefix

        // the root of the data
        properties.put(PersistentService.ROOT, serviceName);

        // the type of the service
        properties.put(PersistentService.TYPE, provider.getType());

      if (SanityManager.DEBUG && reportOn) {
        dumpProperties("Service Properties: " + serviceKey.toString(), properties);

      // push a new context manager
      if (previousCM == null) {
        cm = contextService.newContextManager();

      sb = new ServiceBootContext(cm);

      UpdateServiceProperties usProperties;
      Properties serviceProperties;

      //while doing restore from backup, we don't want service properties to be
      //updated until all the files are copied from backup.
      boolean inRestore = (properties !=null ?
                 properties.getProperty(Property.IN_RESTORE_FROM_BACKUP) != null:false);
      if ((provider != null) && (properties != null)) {
        // we need to track to see if the properties have
        // been updated or not. If the database is not created yet, we don't create the
        // file yet. We let the following if (create) statement do
        //that at the end of the database creation. After that, the changes in
        // file will be tracked by UpdateServiceProperties.
        usProperties = new UpdateServiceProperties(provider,
                               !(create || inRestore));
        serviceProperties = usProperties;
      } else {
        usProperties = null;
        serviceProperties = properties;

      instance = ts.bootModule(create, null, serviceKey, serviceProperties);

      if (create || inRestore) {
        // remove all the in-memory properties
        provider.saveServiceProperties(serviceName, usProperties.getStorageFactory(),
            BaseMonitor.removeRuntimeProperties(properties), false);
            if (cm != previousCM) {
                //Assume database is not active. DERBY-4856 thread dump
                cm.cleanupOnError(StandardException.closeException(), false);
    } catch (Throwable t) {

      StandardException se;
      // ensure that the severity will shutdown the service
      if ((t instanceof StandardException) && (((StandardException) t).getSeverity() == ExceptionSeverity.DATABASE_SEVERITY))
        se = (StandardException) t;
        se = Monitor.exceptionStartingModule(t);

      if (cm != previousCM) {
                //Assume database is not active. DERBY-4856 thread dump
                cm.cleanupOnError(se, false);

      if (ts != null) {
        synchronized (this) {
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    Get the locale from the ContextManager and then find the bundle
    based upon that locale.
  public ResourceBundle getBundle(String messageId) {
    ContextManager cm;
    try {
      cm = ContextService.getFactory().getCurrentContextManager();
    } catch (ShutdownException se) {
      cm = null;

    if (cm != null) {
      return MessageService.getBundleForLocale(cm.getMessageLocale(), messageId);
    return null;
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     * @exception StandardException thrown if something goes wrong
    private void resetSavepoints() throws StandardException
        final ContextManager cm = getContextManager();
        final List stmts = cm.getContextStack(org.apache.derby.
        final int end = stmts.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
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        XAXactId xid_im = new XAXactId(xid);
        XATransactionState tranState = getTransactionState(xid_im);
        if (tranState == null) {
            XAResourceManager rm = ra.getXAResourceManager();
            ContextManager inDoubtCM = rm.find(xid);
            // RM also does not know about this xid.
            if (inDoubtCM == null)
                throw new XAException(XAException.XAER_NOTA);
            ContextService csf = ContextService.getFactory();
            try {
                rm.commit(inDoubtCM, xid_im, onePhase);
                // close the connection/transaction since it can never
                // be used again. DERBY-4856 No extended diagnostic information needed.
            } catch (StandardException se) {
                // The rm threw an exception, clean it up in the approprate
                // context.  There is no transactionResource to handle the
                // exception for us.
                inDoubtCM.cleanupOnError(se, con.isActive());
                throw wrapInXAException(se);
            } finally {
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        XATransactionState tranState = getTransactionState(xid_im);
        if (tranState == null) {
            XAResourceManager rm = ra.getXAResourceManager();
            ContextManager inDoubtCM = rm.find(xid);
            // RM also does not know about this xid.
            if (inDoubtCM == null)
                throw new XAException(XAException.XAER_NOTA);
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        XATransactionState tranState = getTransactionState(xid_im);
        if (tranState == null) {
            XAResourceManager rm = ra.getXAResourceManager();
            ContextManager inDoubtCM = rm.find(xid);
            // RM also does not know about this xid.
            if (inDoubtCM == null)
                throw new XAException(XAException.XAER_NOTA);
            ContextService csf = ContextService.getFactory();
            try {
                rm.forget(inDoubtCM, xid_im);
                // close the connection/transaction since it can never be used again.
            } catch (StandardException se) {
                // The rm threw an exception, clean it up in the approprate
                // context.  There is no transactionResource to handle the
                // exception for us.
                inDoubtCM.cleanupOnError(se, con.isActive());
                throw wrapInXAException(se);
            } finally {
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        XATransactionState tranState = getTransactionState(xid_im);
        if (tranState == null) {
            XAResourceManager rm = ra.getXAResourceManager();
            ContextManager inDoubtCM = rm.find(xid);
            // RM also does not know about this xid.
            if (inDoubtCM == null)
                throw new XAException(XAException.XAER_NOTA);
            ContextService csf = ContextService.getFactory();
            try {
                rm.rollback(inDoubtCM, xid_im);
                // close the connection/transaction since it can never be used again.
            } catch (StandardException se) {
                // The rm threw an exception, clean it up in the approprate
                // context.  There is no transactionResource to handle the
                // exception for us.
                inDoubtCM.cleanupOnError(se, con.isActive());
                throw wrapInXAException(se);
            } finally {
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    ** The current connection is the one in the current
    ** connection context, so get the context.
    ContextManager  cm = getCurrentContextManager();

    ConnectionContext localCC = null;

      cm is null the very first time, and whenever
      we aren't actually nested.
    if (cm != null) {
      localCC = (ConnectionContext)

    return localCC;
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Related Classes of$CtxStack

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