// if we are shutting down don't attempt to boot or create the database
boolean shutdown = Boolean.valueOf(info.getProperty(Attribute.SHUTDOWN_ATTR)).booleanValue();
// see if database is already booted
Database database = (Database) Monitor.findService(Property.DATABASE_MODULE, tr.getDBName());
// See if user wants to create a new database.
boolean createBoot = createBoot(info);
// DERBY-2264: keeps track of whether we do a plain boot before an
// (re)encryption or hard upgrade boot to (possibly) authenticate
// first. We can not authenticate before we have booted, so in
// order to enforce data base owner powers over encryption or
// upgrade, we need a plain boot, then authenticate, then, if all
// is well, boot with (re)encryption or upgrade. Encryption at
// create time is not checked.
boolean isTwoPhaseEncryptionBoot = (!createBoot &&
boolean isTwoPhaseUpgradeBoot = (!createBoot &&
boolean isStartSlaveBoot = isStartReplicationSlaveBoot(info);
// Set to true if startSlave command is attempted on an
// already booted database. Will raise an exception when
// credentials have been verified
boolean slaveDBAlreadyBooted = false;
boolean isFailoverMasterBoot = false;
boolean isFailoverSlaveBoot = false;
// check that a replication operation is not combined with
// other operations
String replicationOp = getReplicationOperation(info);
if (replicationOp!= null) {
if (createBoot ||
shutdown ||
isTwoPhaseEncryptionBoot ||
isTwoPhaseUpgradeBoot) {
throw StandardException.
if (isReplicationFailover(info)) {
// Check that the database has been booted - otherwise throw
// exception.
// The failover command is the same for master and slave
// databases. If the db is not in slave replication mode, we
// assume that it is in master mode. If not in any replication
// mode, the connection attempt will fail with an exception
if (database.isInSlaveMode()) {
isFailoverSlaveBoot = true;
} else {
isFailoverMasterBoot = true;