
Examples of

                // call setNull() and provide the type information.  Otherwise, we won't
                // be able to guess the right PROTOCOL type to send to the server, and an
                // exception is thrown.

                if (jdbcType == 0) {
                    throw new SqlException(netAgent_.logWriter_,
                        new ClientMessageId(SQLState.NET_INVALID_JDBC_TYPE_FOR_PARAM),
                        new Integer(i));

                switch (jdbcType) {
                case java.sql.Types.CHAR:
                case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR:
                    // lid: PROTOCOL_TYPE_NVARMIX, length override: 32767 (max)
                    // dataFormat: String
                    // this won't work if 1208 is not supported
                    s = (String) inputRow[i];
                    // assumes UTF-8 characters at most 3 bytes long
                    // Flow the String as a VARCHAR
                    if (s == null || s.length() <= 32767 / 3) {
                        lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NVARMIX;
                        lidAndLengths[i][1] = 32767;
                    } else {
                        // Flow the data as CLOB data if the data too large to for LONGVARCHAR
               bais = null;
                        byte[] ba = null;
                        try {
                            ba = s.getBytes("UTF-8");
                            bais = new;
                            Clob c = new Clob(netAgent_, bais, "UTF-8", ba.length);
                            // inputRow[i] = c;
                            // Place the new Lob in the promototedParameter_ collection for
                            // NetStatementRequest use
                            promototedParameters_.put(new Integer(i), c);

                            lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLOBCMIXED;
                            lidAndLengths[i][1] = buildPlaceholderLength(c.length());
                        } catch ( e) {
                            throw new SqlException(netAgent_.logWriter_,
                                new ClientMessageId(SQLState.UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING),
                                "byte array", "Clob", e);
                case java.sql.Types.INTEGER:
                    // lid: PROTOCOL_TYPE_NINTEGER, length override: 4
                    // dataFormat: Integer
                    lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NINTEGER;
                    lidAndLengths[i][1] = 4;
                case java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN:
                case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT:
                case java.sql.Types.TINYINT:
                case java.sql.Types.BIT:
                    // lid: PROTOCOL_TYPE_NSMALL,  length override: 2
                    // dataFormat: Short
                    lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NSMALL;
                    lidAndLengths[i][1] = 2;
                case java.sql.Types.REAL:
                    // lid: PROTOCOL_TYPE_NFLOAT4, length override: 4
                    // dataFormat: Float
                    lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NFLOAT4;
                    lidAndLengths[i][1] = 4;
                case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE:
                case java.sql.Types.FLOAT:
                    // lid: PROTOCOL_TYPE_NFLOAT8, length override: 8
                    // dataFormat: Double
                    lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NFLOAT8;
                    lidAndLengths[i][1] = 8;
                case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC:
                case java.sql.Types.DECIMAL:
                    // lid: PROTOCOL_TYPE_NDECIMAL
                    // dataFormat: java.math.BigDecimal
                    // input only:
                    //   if null and describe input - use describe input precision and scale
                    //   if not null and describe input - calculate precision and actual scale from data
                    //   if null and no describe input - guess with precision 1 scale 0
                    //   if not null and no describe input - calculate precision and actual scale from data
                    // output only:
                    //   use largest precision/scale based on registered scale from registerOutParameter
                    // inout:
                    //   if null - use largest precision/scale based on scale from registerOutParameter
                    //   if not null - write bigDecimal () pass registered scale so it can pad, you don't even
                    //      have to look at the actual scale at this level.
                    if (parameterMetaData.isGuessed) {
                      java.math.BigDecimal bigDecimal = (java.math.BigDecimal) inputRow[i];
                      int precision = Utils.computeBigDecimalPrecision (bigDecimal);
                      lidAndLengths[i][1] = (precision << 8) + // use precision above
                                          (bigDecimal.scale() << 0);
                    // Split this entire method into two parts, the first method is called only once and the inputRow is not passed,!!
                    // the second method is called for every inputRow and overrides inputDA lengths/scales based upon the acutal data!
                    // for decimal and blob columns only
                    int precision = parameterMetaData.sqlPrecision_[i];
                    int scale = parameterMetaData.sqlScale_[i];
                    lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NDECIMAL;
                    lidAndLengths[i][1] = (precision << 8) + (scale << 0);
                case java.sql.Types.DATE:
                    // for input, output, and inout parameters
                    // lid: PROTOCOL_TYPE_NDATE, length override: 8
                    // dataFormat: java.sql.Date
                    lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NDATE;
                    lidAndLengths[i][1] = 10;
                case java.sql.Types.TIME:
                    // for input, output, and inout parameters
                    // lid: PROTOCOL_TYPE_NTIME, length override: 8
                    // dataFormat: java.sql.Time
                    lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NTIME;
                    lidAndLengths[i][1] = 8;
                case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP:
                    // for input, output, and inout parameters
                    // lid: PROTOCOL_TYPE_NTIME, length overrid: 26
                    // dataFormat: java.sql.Timestamp
                    lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NTIMESTAMP;
                    lidAndLengths[i][1] = 26;
                case java.sql.Types.BIGINT:
                    // if SQLAM < 6 this should be mapped to decimal (19,0) in common layer
                    // if SQLAM >=6, lid: PROTOCOL_TYPE_NINTEGER8, length override: 8
                    // dataFormat: Long
                    lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NINTEGER8;
                    lidAndLengths[i][1] = 8;
                case java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR:
                    // Is this the right thing to do  // should this be 32700
                    s = (String) inputRow[i];
                    if (s == null || s.length() <= 32767 / 3) {
                        lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLONGMIX;
                        lidAndLengths[i][1] = 32767;
                    } else {
                        // Flow the data as CLOB data if the data too large to for LONGVARCHAR
               bais = null;
                        byte[] ba = null;
                        try {
                            ba = s.getBytes("UTF-8");
                            bais = new;
                            Clob c = new Clob(netAgent_, bais, "UTF-8", ba.length);

                            // inputRow[i] = c;
                            // Place the new Lob in the promototedParameter_ collection for
                            // NetStatementRequest use
                            promototedParameters_.put(new Integer(i), c);

                            lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLOBCMIXED;
                            lidAndLengths[i][1] = buildPlaceholderLength(c.length());
                        } catch ( e) {
                            throw new SqlException(netAgent_.logWriter_,
                                new ClientMessageId(SQLState.UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING),
                                "byte array", "Clob");
                case java.sql.Types.BINARY:
                case java.sql.Types.VARBINARY:
                    byte[] ba = (byte[]) inputRow[i];
                    if (ba == null) {
                        lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NVARBYTE;
                        lidAndLengths[i][1] = 32767;
                    } else if (ba.length <= 32767) {
                        lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NVARBYTE;
                        lidAndLengths[i][1] = 32767;
                    } else {
                        // Promote to a BLOB. Only reach this path in the absence of describe information.
                        Blob b = new Blob(ba, netAgent_, 0);

                        // inputRow[i] = b;
                        // Place the new Lob in the promototedParameter_ collection for
                        // NetStatementRequest use
                        promototedParameters_.put(new Integer(i), b);

                        lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLOBBYTES;
                        lidAndLengths[i][1] = buildPlaceholderLength(ba.length);
                case java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY:
                    ba = (byte[]) inputRow[i];
                    if (ba == null) {
                        lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLONGVARBYTE;
                        lidAndLengths[i][1] = 32767;
                    } else if (ba.length <= 32767) {
                        lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLONGVARBYTE;
                        lidAndLengths[i][1] = 32767;
                    } else {
                        // Promote to a BLOB. Only reach this path in the absensce of describe information.
                        Blob b = new Blob(ba, netAgent_, 0);

                        // inputRow[i] = b;
                        // Place the new Lob in the promototedParameter_ collection for
                        // NetStatementRequest use
                        promototedParameters_.put(new Integer(i), b);

                        lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLOBBYTES;
                        lidAndLengths[i][1] = buildPlaceholderLength(ba.length);
                case java.sql.Types.BLOB:
                    java.sql.Blob b = (java.sql.Blob) inputRow[i];
                    if (b == null) {
                        lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLOBBYTES;
                        lidAndLengths[i][1] =
                    } else {
                        lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLOBBYTES;
                        try {
                            lidAndLengths[i][1] = buildPlaceholderLength(b.length());
                        } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
                            throw new SqlException(netAgent_.logWriter_,
                                new ClientMessageId(SQLState.NET_ERROR_GETTING_BLOB_LENGTH), e);
                case java.sql.Types.CLOB:
                        // use columnMeta.singleMixedByteOrDouble_ to decide protocolType
                        java.sql.Clob c = (java.sql.Clob) inputRow[i];
                        boolean isExternalClob = !(c instanceof;
                        long lobLength = 0;
                        if (c == null) {
                            lobLength = parameterMetaData.sqlLength_[i];
                        } else if (isExternalClob) {
                            try {
                                lobLength = c.length();
                            } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {
                                throw new SqlException(netAgent_.logWriter_,
                                    new ClientMessageId(SQLState.NET_ERROR_GETTING_BLOB_LENGTH),
                        } else {
                            lobLength = ((Clob) c).length();
                        if (c == null) {
                            lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLOBCMIXED;
                            lidAndLengths[i][1] = buildPlaceholderLength(lobLength);
                        } else if (isExternalClob) {
                            lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLOBCDBCS;
                            lidAndLengths[i][1] = buildPlaceholderLength(lobLength);
                        } else if (((Clob) c).isCharacterStream()) {
                            lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLOBCDBCS;
                            lidAndLengths[i][1] = buildPlaceholderLength(lobLength);
                        } else if (((Clob) c).isUnicodeStream()) {
                            lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLOBCMIXED;
                            lidAndLengths[i][1] = buildPlaceholderLength(lobLength);
                        } else if (((Clob) c).isAsciiStream()) {
                            lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLOBCSBCS;
                            lidAndLengths[i][1] = buildPlaceholderLength(lobLength);
                        } else if (((Clob) c).isString()) {
                            lidAndLengths[i][0] = DRDAConstants.DRDA_TYPE_NLOBCMIXED;
                            lidAndLengths[i][1] = buildPlaceholderLength(((Clob) c).getUTF8Length());
                default :
                    throw new SqlException(netAgent_.logWriter_,
                        new ClientMessageId(SQLState.UNRECOGNIZED_JAVA_SQL_TYPE),
                        new Integer(jdbcType));

                if (!parameterMetaData.nullable_[i]) {
            return overrideMap;
        catch ( java.sql.SQLException se )
            throw new SqlException(se);
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    //   sqlam must support this parameter for the command, method will not check.
    //   prcnam can not be null, SQLException will be thrown
    //   prcnam can not be 0 length or > 255 length, SQLException will be thrown.
    private void buildPRCNAM(String prcnam) throws SqlException {
        if (prcnam == null) {
            throw new SqlException(netAgent_.logWriter_,
                new ClientMessageId(SQLState.NET_NULL_PROCEDURE_NAME));

        int prcnamLength = prcnam.length();
        if ((prcnamLength == 0) || (prcnamLength > 255)) {
            throw new SqlException(netAgent_.logWriter_,
                new ClientMessageId(SQLState.NET_PROCEDURE_NAME_LENGTH_OUT_OF_RANGE),
                new Integer(prcnamLength), new Integer(255));

        writeScalarString(CodePoint.PRCNAM, prcnam);
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    private boolean checkPKGNAMlengths(String identifier,
                                       int maxIdentifierLength,
                                       int lengthRequiringScldta) throws SqlException {
        int length = identifier.length();
        if (length > maxIdentifierLength) {
            throw new SqlException(netAgent_.logWriter_,
                new ClientMessageId(SQLState.LANG_IDENTIFIER_TOO_LONG),
                identifier, new Integer(maxIdentifierLength));

        return (length > lengthRequiringScldta);
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    private byte[] getBytes(String string, String encoding) throws SqlException {
        try {
            return string.getBytes(encoding);
        } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
            throw new SqlException(netAgent_.logWriter_,
                new ClientMessageId(SQLState.JAVA_EXCEPTION),
                e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage(), e);
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        checkRequiredObjects(svrcodReceived, rdbnamReceived);

        netAgent_.accumulateReadException(new SqlException(agent_.logWriter_,
            new ClientMessageId(SQLState.NET_CONNECT_AUTH_FAILED),
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    void doValnsprmSemantics(int codePoint, String value) throws DisconnectException {

        // special case the FDODTA codepoint not to disconnect.
        if (codePoint == CodePoint.FDODTA) {
            agent_.accumulateReadException(new SqlException(agent_.logWriter_,
                new ClientMessageId(SQLState.DRDA_DDM_PARAMVAL_NOT_SUPPORTED),
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    protected void checkResetPreconditions( logWriter,
                                           String user,
                                           String password,
                                           ClientBaseDataSource ds) throws SqlException {
        if (inUnitOfWork_) {
            throw new SqlException(logWriter,
                new ClientMessageId(SQLState.NET_CONNECTION_RESET_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_UNIT_OF_WORK));
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                checkUserPassword(user_, password);

                throw new SqlException(agent_.logWriter_,
                    new ClientMessageId(SQLState.SECMECH_NOT_SUPPORTED),
                    new Integer(securityMechanism));
        } catch (java.lang.Throwable e) { // if *anything* goes wrong, make sure the connection is destroyed
            // always mark the connection closed in case of an error.
            // This prevents attempts to use this closed connection
            // to retrieve error message text if an error SQLCA
            // is returned in one of the connect flows.
            open_ = false;
            // logWriter may be closed in agent_.close(),
            // so SqlException needs to be created before that
            // but to be thrown after.
            SqlException exceptionToBeThrown;
            if (e instanceof SqlException) // rethrow original exception if it's an SqlException
                exceptionToBeThrown = (SqlException) e;
            } else // any other exceptions will be wrapped by an SqlException first
                exceptionToBeThrown = new SqlException(agent_.logWriter_,
                    new ClientMessageId(SQLState.JAVA_EXCEPTION),
                    e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage(), e);

            try {
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            // is returned in one of the connect flows.
            open_ = false;
            // logWriter may be closed in agent_.close(),
            // so SqlException needs to be created before that
            // but to be thrown after.
            SqlException exceptionToBeThrown;
            if (e instanceof SqlException) // rethrow original exception if it's an SqlException
                exceptionToBeThrown = (SqlException) e;
            } else // any other exceptions will be wrapped by an SqlException first
                exceptionToBeThrown = new SqlException(agent_.logWriter_,
                    new ClientMessageId(SQLState.JAVA_EXCEPTION),
                    e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage(), e);

            try {
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                checkUserPassword(user_, password);
                resetConnectionAtFirstSql_ = true;
                return true;
                throw new SqlException(agent_.logWriter_,
                    new ClientMessageId(SQLState.SECMECH_NOT_SUPPORTED),
                    new Integer(securityMechanism));
        } catch (SqlException sqle) {            // this may not be needed because on method up the stack
            open_ = false;                       // all reset exceptions are caught and wrapped in disconnect exceptions
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