Package org.apache.cxf.transport.http.auth

Examples of org.apache.cxf.transport.http.auth.DigestAuthSupplier$DigestInfo

    private byte[] derEncode(
        byte[]  hash)
        throws IOException
        DigestInfo              dInfo = new DigestInfo(algId, hash);

        return dInfo.getEncoded(ASN1Encodable.DER);
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            ASN1InputStream     aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(pkcs12));
            ASN1Sequence        obj = (ASN1Sequence)aIn.readObject();
            Pfx                 bag = new Pfx(obj);
            ContentInfo         info = bag.getAuthSafe();
            MacData             mData = bag.getMacData();
            DigestInfo          dInfo = mData.getMac();
            AlgorithmIdentifier algId = dInfo.getAlgorithmId();
            byte[]              salt = mData.getSalt();
            int                 itCount = mData.getIterationCount().intValue();

            aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(((ASN1OctetString)info.getContent()).getOctets()));

            AuthenticatedSafe   authSafe = new AuthenticatedSafe((ASN1Sequence)aIn.readObject());
            ContentInfo[]       c = authSafe.getContentInfo();

            // private key section
            if (!c[0].getContentType().equals(
                return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed comparison data test");
            aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(((ASN1OctetString)c[0].getContent()).getOctets()));
            ASN1Sequence    seq = (ASN1Sequence)aIn.readObject();
            SafeBag b = new SafeBag((ASN1Sequence)seq.getObjectAt(0));
            if (!b.getBagId().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag))
                return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed comparison shroudedKeyBag test");
            EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo encInfo = EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.getInstance((ASN1Sequence)b.getBagValue());
            encInfo = new EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(encInfo.getEncryptionAlgorithm(), encInfo.getEncryptedData());
            b = new SafeBag(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag, encInfo.toASN1Object(), b.getBagAttributes());
            ByteArrayOutputStream abOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ASN1OutputStream      berOut = new ASN1OutputStream(abOut);
            berOut.writeObject(new DERSequence(b));
            c[0] = new ContentInfo(, new BERConstructedOctetString(abOut.toByteArray()));
            // certificates
            if (!c[1].getContentType().equals(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.encryptedData))
                return new SimpleTestResult(false, getName() + ": failed comparison encryptedData test");
            EncryptedData   eData = EncryptedData.getInstance(c[1].getContent());
            c[1] = new ContentInfo(PKCSObjectIdentifiers.encryptedData, eData);
            // create an octet stream represent the BER encoding of authSafe
            authSafe = new AuthenticatedSafe(c);
            abOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            berOut = new ASN1OutputStream(abOut);

            info = new ContentInfo(, new BERConstructedOctetString(abOut.toByteArray()));
            mData = new MacData(new DigestInfo(algId, dInfo.getDigest()), salt, itCount);
            bag = new Pfx(info, mData);

            // comparison test
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        boolean         wrongPKCS12Zero = false;

        if (bag.getMacData() != null)           // check the mac code
            MacData                     mData = bag.getMacData();
            DigestInfo                  dInfo = mData.getMac();
            AlgorithmIdentifier         algId = dInfo.getAlgorithmId();
            byte[]                      salt = mData.getSalt();
            int                         itCount = mData.getIterationCount().intValue();

            byte[]  data = ((ASN1OctetString)info.getContent()).getOctets();

                byte[] res = calculatePbeMac(algId.getObjectId(), salt, itCount, password, false, data);
                byte[] dig = dInfo.getDigest();

                if (!Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(res, dig))
                    if (password.length > 0)
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            byte[] res = calculatePbeMac(id_SHA1, mSalt, itCount, password, false, data);

            AlgorithmIdentifier     algId = new AlgorithmIdentifier(id_SHA1, new DERNull());
            DigestInfo              dInfo = new DigestInfo(algId, res);

            mData = new MacData(dInfo, mSalt, itCount);
        catch (Exception e)
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            // For raw RSA, the DigestInfo must be prepared externally
            return hash;

        DigestInfo              dInfo = new DigestInfo(algId, hash);

        return dInfo.getEncoded(ASN1Encodable.DER);
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        byte[]  hash = new byte[digest.getDigestSize()];

        digest.doFinal(hash, 0);

        DigestInfo  digInfo;
        byte[]      sig;

            sig = cipher.processBlock(sigBytes, 0, sigBytes.length);
            digInfo = derDecode(sig);
        catch (Exception e)
            return false;

        if (!digInfo.getAlgorithmId().getObjectId().equals(algId.getObjectId()))
            return false;
        if (!isNull(digInfo.getAlgorithmId().getParameters()))
            return false;

        byte[]  sigHash = digInfo.getDigest();

        if (hash.length != sigHash.length)
            return false;
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    private byte[] derEncode(
        byte[]  hash)
        throws IOException
        DigestInfo              dInfo = new DigestInfo(algId, hash);

        return dInfo.getEncoded(ASN1Encodable.DER);
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        ByteArrayInputStream    bIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(encoding);
        ASN1InputStream         aIn = new ASN1InputStream(bIn);

        return new DigestInfo((ASN1Sequence)aIn.readObject());
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        if (bag.getMacData() != null)           // check the mac code
            ByteArrayOutputStream       bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            BEROutputStream             berOut = new BEROutputStream(bOut);
            MacData                     mData = bag.getMacData();
            DigestInfo                  dInfo = mData.getMac();
            AlgorithmIdentifier         algId = dInfo.getAlgorithmId();
            byte[]                      salt = mData.getSalt();
            int                         itCount = mData.getIterationCount().intValue();

            byte[]  data = ((ASN1OctetString)info.getContent()).getOctets();

                Mac                 mac = Mac.getInstance(algId.getObjectId().getId(), "BC");
                SecretKeyFactory    keyFact = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(algId.getObjectId().getId(), "BC");
                PBEParameterSpec    defParams = new PBEParameterSpec(salt, itCount);
                PBEKeySpec          pbeSpec = new PBEKeySpec(password);

                mac.init(keyFact.generateSecret(pbeSpec), defParams);


                byte[]  res = mac.doFinal();
                byte[]  dig = dInfo.getDigest();

                if (res.length != dInfo.getDigest().length)
                    throw new IOException("PKCS12 key store mac invalid - wrong password or corrupted file.");

                boolean okay = true;
                for (int i = 0; i != res.length; i++)
                    if (res[i] != dig[i])
                        if (password.length != 0// may be dodgey zero password
                            throw new IOException("PKCS12 key store mac invalid - wrong password or corrupted file.");
                            okay = false;
                // may be incorrect zero length password
                if (!okay)
                    SecretKey k = keyFact.generateSecret(pbeSpec);
                    mac.init(k, defParams);
                    res = mac.doFinal();
                    dig = dInfo.getDigest();
                    for (int i = 0; i != res.length; i++)
                        if (res[i] != dig[i])
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            byte[]      res = mac.doFinal();

            AlgorithmIdentifier     algId = new AlgorithmIdentifier(id_SHA1, new DERNull());
            DigestInfo              dInfo = new DigestInfo(algId, res);

            mData = new MacData(dInfo, mSalt, itCount);
        catch (Exception e)
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Related Classes of org.apache.cxf.transport.http.auth.DigestAuthSupplier$DigestInfo

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