super.addListener(d, e);
if (mo instanceof ChainInitiationObserver) {
ChainInitiationObserver cio = (ChainInitiationObserver) mo;
Binding b = e.getBinding();
Binding b2 = cio.getEndpoint().getBinding();
if (b == b2) {
//re-registering the same endpoint?
Object o = cio.getEndpoint().get("allow-multiplex-endpoint");
if (o instanceof String) {
o = Boolean.parseBoolean((String)o);
} else if (o == null) {
o = Boolean.FALSE;
if (b instanceof org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapBinding
&& b2 instanceof org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapBinding
&& ((org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapBinding)b).getSoapVersion()
&& Boolean.FALSE.equals(o)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Soap "
+ ((org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapBinding)b)
+ " endpoint already registered on address "
+ e.getEndpointInfo().getAddress());
MultipleEndpointObserver newMO = new MultipleEndpointObserver(getBus()) {
protected Message createMessage(Message message) {
return new SoapMessage(message);
newMO.getBindingInterceptors().add(new AttachmentInInterceptor());
newMO.getBindingInterceptors().add(new StaxInInterceptor());
// This will not work if one of the endpoints disables message
// processing. But, if you've disabled message processing, you
// probably aren't going to use this feature.
newMO.getBindingInterceptors().add(new ReadHeadersInterceptor(getBus(), (SoapVersion)null));
newMO.getBindingInterceptors().add(new StartBodyInterceptor());
newMO.getBindingInterceptors().add(new CheckFaultInterceptor());
// Add in a default selection interceptor
newMO.getRoutingInterceptors().add(new EndpointSelectionInterceptor());
mo = newMO;
if (mo instanceof MultipleEndpointObserver) {