Package org.apache.cxf.swa

Examples of org.apache.cxf.swa.SwAServiceInterface

    public void testSwaDataStruct() throws Exception {
        SwAService service = new SwAService();
        SwAServiceInterface port = service.getSwAServiceHttpPort();
        setAddress(port, "http://localhost:" + serverPort + "/swa");
        Holder<DataStruct> structHolder = new Holder<DataStruct>();
        ByteArrayDataSource source = new ByteArrayDataSource("foobar".getBytes(), "application/octet-stream");
        DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(source);
        DataStruct struct = new DataStruct();
        structHolder.value = struct;


        handler = structHolder.value.getDataRef();
        InputStream bis = null;
        bis = handler.getDataSource().getInputStream();
        byte b[] = new byte[10];
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    public void testSwaTypes() throws Exception {
        SwAService service = new SwAService();
        SwAServiceInterface port = service.getSwAServiceHttpPort();
        setAddress(port, "http://localhost:" + serverPort + "/swa");
        URL url1 = this.getClass().getResource("resources/attach.text");
        URL url2 = this.getClass().getResource("resources/attach.html");
        URL url3 = this.getClass().getResource("resources/attach.xml");
        URL url4 = this.getClass().getResource("resources/attach.jpeg1");
        URL url5 = this.getClass().getResource("resources/attach.jpeg2");

        DataHandler dh1 = new DataHandler(url1);
        DataHandler dh2 = new DataHandler(url2);
        DataHandler dh3 = new DataHandler(url3);
        //DataHandler dh4 = new DataHandler(url4);
        //DataHandler dh5 = new DataHandler(url5);
        Holder<DataHandler> attach1 = new Holder<DataHandler>();
        attach1.value = dh1;
        Holder<DataHandler> attach2 = new Holder<DataHandler>();
        attach2.value = dh2;
        Holder<Source> attach3 = new Holder<Source>();
        attach3.value = new StreamSource(dh3.getInputStream());
        Holder<Image> attach4 = new Holder<Image>();
        Holder<Image> attach5 = new Holder<Image>();
        attach4.value =;
        attach5.value =;
        VoidRequest request = new VoidRequest();
        OutputResponseAll response = port.echoAllAttachmentTypes(request, attach1, attach2, attach3, attach4,
        Map<?, ?> map = CastUtils.cast((Map<?, ?>)((BindingProvider)port).getResponseContext()
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    public void testSwa() throws Exception {
        SwAService service = new SwAService();
        SwAServiceInterface port = service.getSwAServiceHttpPort();
        setAddress(port, "http://localhost:" + serverPort + "/swa");

        Holder<String> textHolder = new Holder<String>();
        Holder<DataHandler> data = new Holder<DataHandler>();
        ByteArrayDataSource source = new ByteArrayDataSource("foobar".getBytes(), "application/octet-stream");
        DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(source);
        data.value = handler;
        textHolder.value = "Hi";

        port.echoData(textHolder, data);
        InputStream bis = null;
        bis = data.value.getDataSource().getInputStream();
        byte b[] = new byte[10];, 0, 10);
        String string = IOUtils.newStringFromBytes(b);
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    public void testSwa() throws Exception {
        SwAService service = new SwAService();
        SwAServiceInterface port = service.getSwAServiceHttpPort();
//        ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,
//                                                        "http://localhost:9037/swa");
        Holder<String> textHolder = new Holder<String>();
        Holder<DataHandler> data = new Holder<DataHandler>();
        ByteArrayDataSource source = new ByteArrayDataSource("foobar".getBytes(), "application/octet-stream");
        DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(source);
        data.value = handler;
        textHolder.value = "Hi";

        port.echoData(textHolder, data);
        InputStream bis = null;
        bis = data.value.getDataSource().getInputStream();
        byte b[] = new byte[10];, 0, 10);
        String string = IOUtils.newStringFromBytes(b);
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    public void testSwaWithHeaders() throws Exception {
        SwAService service = new SwAService();
        SwAServiceInterface port = service.getSwAServiceHttpPort();
//        ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,
//                                                        "http://localhost:9037/swa");
        Holder<String> textHolder = new Holder<String>();
        Holder<String> headerHolder = new Holder<String>();
        Holder<DataHandler> data = new Holder<DataHandler>();
        ByteArrayDataSource source = new ByteArrayDataSource("foobar".getBytes(), "application/octet-stream");
        DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(source);
        data.value = handler;
        textHolder.value = "Hi";
        headerHolder.value = "Header";

        port.echoDataWithHeader(textHolder, data, headerHolder);
        InputStream bis = null;
        bis = data.value.getDataSource().getInputStream();
        byte b[] = new byte[10];, 0, 10);
        String string = IOUtils.newStringFromBytes(b);
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    public void testSwaDataStruct() throws Exception {
        SwAService service = new SwAService();
        SwAServiceInterface port = service.getSwAServiceHttpPort();
//        ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,
//                                                        "http://localhost:9037/swa");
        Holder<DataStruct> structHolder = new Holder<DataStruct>();
        ByteArrayDataSource source = new ByteArrayDataSource("foobar".getBytes(), "application/octet-stream");
        DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(source);
        DataStruct struct = new DataStruct();
        structHolder.value = struct;


        handler = structHolder.value.getDataRef();
        InputStream bis = null;
        bis = handler.getDataSource().getInputStream();
        byte b[] = new byte[10];
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        SwAService service = new SwAService();
        SwAServiceInterface port = service.getSwAServiceHttpPort();
        URL url1 = this.getClass().getResource("resources/attach.text");
        URL url2 = this.getClass().getResource("resources/attach.html");
        URL url3 = this.getClass().getResource("resources/attach.xml");
        URL url4 = this.getClass().getResource("resources/attach.jpeg1");
        URL url5 = this.getClass().getResource("resources/attach.jpeg2");

        DataHandler dh1 = new DataHandler(url1);
        DataHandler dh2 = new DataHandler(url2);
        DataHandler dh3 = new DataHandler(url3);
        //DataHandler dh4 = new DataHandler(url4);
        //DataHandler dh5 = new DataHandler(url5);
        Holder<DataHandler> attach1 = new Holder<DataHandler>();
        attach1.value = dh1;
        Holder<DataHandler> attach2 = new Holder<DataHandler>();
        attach2.value = dh2;
        Holder<Source> attach3 = new Holder<Source>();
        attach3.value = new StreamSource(dh3.getInputStream());
        Holder<Image> attach4 = new Holder<Image>();
        Holder<Image> attach5 = new Holder<Image>();
        attach4.value =;
        attach5.value =;
        VoidRequest request = new VoidRequest();
        OutputResponseAll response = port.echoAllAttachmentTypes(request, attach1, attach2, attach3, attach4,
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    public void testSwa() throws Exception {
        SwAService service = new SwAService();
        SwAServiceInterface port = service.getSwAServiceHttpPort();
//        ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,
//                                                        "http://localhost:9037/swa");
        Holder<String> textHolder = new Holder<String>();
        Holder<DataHandler> data = new Holder<DataHandler>();
        ByteArrayDataSource source = new ByteArrayDataSource("foobar".getBytes(), "application/octet-stream");
        DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(source);
        data.value = handler;
        textHolder.value = "Hi";

        port.echoData(textHolder, data);
        InputStream bis = null;
        bis = data.value.getDataSource().getInputStream();
        byte b[] = new byte[10];, 0, 10);
        String string = new String(b);
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    public void testSwaWithHeaders() throws Exception {
        SwAService service = new SwAService();
        SwAServiceInterface port = service.getSwAServiceHttpPort();
//        ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,
//                                                        "http://localhost:9037/swa");
        Holder<String> textHolder = new Holder<String>();
        Holder<String> headerHolder = new Holder<String>();
        Holder<DataHandler> data = new Holder<DataHandler>();
        ByteArrayDataSource source = new ByteArrayDataSource("foobar".getBytes(), "application/octet-stream");
        DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(source);
        data.value = handler;
        textHolder.value = "Hi";
        headerHolder.value = "Header";

        port.echoDataWithHeader(textHolder, data, headerHolder);
        InputStream bis = null;
        bis = data.value.getDataSource().getInputStream();
        byte b[] = new byte[10];, 0, 10);
        String string = new String(b);
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    public void testSwaDataStruct() throws Exception {
        SwAService service = new SwAService();
        SwAServiceInterface port = service.getSwAServiceHttpPort();
//        ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,
//                                                        "http://localhost:9037/swa");
        Holder<DataStruct> structHolder = new Holder<DataStruct>();
        ByteArrayDataSource source = new ByteArrayDataSource("foobar".getBytes(), "application/octet-stream");
        DataHandler handler = new DataHandler(source);
        DataStruct struct = new DataStruct();
        structHolder.value = struct;


        handler = structHolder.value.getDataRef();
        InputStream bis = null;
        bis = handler.getDataSource().getInputStream();
        byte b[] = new byte[10];
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Related Classes of org.apache.cxf.swa.SwAServiceInterface

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