
Examples of

        Message message = ex.getOutMessage();
        CounterRepository cr = bus.getExtension(CounterRepository.class);
        if (null == cr) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "NO_COUNTER_REPOSITORY");
        } else {           
            Service service = ex.get(Service.class);           
            OperationInfo opInfo = ex.get(OperationInfo.class);
            Endpoint endpoint = ex.get(Endpoint.class);
            String portName = "\"" + endpoint.getEndpointInfo().getName() + "\"";
            String serviceName = "\"" + service.getName() + "\"";           
            String operationName = "\"" + opInfo.getName().toString() + "\"";
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME + ":");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.BUS_ID_PROP + "=" + bus.getId() + ",");
            if (isClient(message)) {
                buffer.append(ManagementConstants.TYPE_PROP + "=" + Counter.PERFORMANCE_COUNTER + ".Client,");
            } else {
                buffer.append(ManagementConstants.TYPE_PROP + "=" + Counter.PERFORMANCE_COUNTER + ".Server,");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.SERVICE_NAME_PROP + "=" + serviceName + ",");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.PORT_NAME_PROP + "=" + portName);
            String serviceCounterName = buffer.toString();
            buffer.append("," + ManagementConstants.OPERATION_NAME_PROP + "=" + operationName);
            String operationCounterName = buffer.toString();
            try {              
                ObjectName serviceCounter =
                    new ObjectName(serviceCounterName);               
                cr.increaseCounter(serviceCounter, mhtr);
                ObjectName operationCounter = new ObjectName(operationCounterName);
                cr.increaseCounter(operationCounter, mhtr);               
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "CREATE_COUNTER_OBJECTNAME_FAILED", exception);
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    public void testCountersWithInstrumentationManager() throws Exception {
        // create Client with other bus
        Bus bus = BusFactory.getDefaultBus();
        CounterRepository cr = bus.getExtension(CounterRepository.class);
        InstrumentationManager im = bus.getExtension(InstrumentationManager.class);
        InstrumentationManagerImpl impl = (InstrumentationManagerImpl)im;
        MBeanServer mbs = im.getMBeanServer();
        ObjectName name = new ObjectName(ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME
                                         + ":" + ManagementConstants.BUS_ID_PROP
                                         + "=cxf" + bus.hashCode() + ",*");       
        SOAPService service = new SOAPService();
        Greeter greeter = service.getPort(portName, Greeter.class);
        String response = new String("Bonjour");
        String reply = greeter.sayHi();
        //assertNotNull("no response received from service", reply);
        //assertEquals(response, reply); 
        assertEquals("The Counters are not create yet", 4, cr.getCounters().size());
        Set counterNames = mbs.queryNames(name, null);
        assertEquals("The Counters are not export to JMX: " + counterNames,
                     4 + 3 , counterNames.size());
        ObjectName sayHiCounter =  new ObjectName(ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME
            + ":operation=\"{}sayHi\",*");
        Set s = mbs.queryNames(sayHiCounter, null);       
        Iterator it = s.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            ObjectName counterName = (ObjectName);
            Object val = mbs.getAttribute(counterName, "NumInvocations");   
            assertEquals("Wrong Counters Number of Invocations", val, 1);
        reply = greeter.sayHi();
        assertNotNull("no response received from service", reply);
        assertEquals(response, reply);
        s = mbs.queryNames(sayHiCounter, null);       
        it = s.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            ObjectName counterName = (ObjectName);
            Object val = mbs.getAttribute(counterName, "NumInvocations");   
            assertEquals("Wrong Counters Number of Invocations", val, 2);
        assertEquals("The Counters are not create yet", 6, cr.getCounters().size());
        counterNames = mbs.queryNames(name, null);
        assertEquals("The Counters are not export to JMX ", 6 + 3, counterNames.size());
        ObjectName greetMeOneWayCounter =  new ObjectName(ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME
            + ":operation=\"{}greetMeOneWay\",*");
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    public void testCountersWithInstrumentationManager() throws Exception {
        // create Client with other bus
        Bus bus = BusFactory.getDefaultBus();
        CounterRepository cr = bus.getExtension(CounterRepository.class);
        InstrumentationManager im = bus.getExtension(InstrumentationManager.class);
        InstrumentationManagerImpl impl = (InstrumentationManagerImpl)im;
        MBeanServer mbs = im.getMBeanServer();
        ObjectName name = new ObjectName(ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME
                                         + ":" + ManagementConstants.BUS_ID_PROP
                                         + "=cxf" + bus.hashCode() + ",*");       
        SOAPService service = new SOAPService();
        Greeter greeter = service.getPort(portName, Greeter.class);
        String response = new String("Bonjour");
        String reply = greeter.sayHi();
        //assertNotNull("no response received from service", reply);
        //assertEquals(response, reply); 
        assertEquals("The Counters are not create yet", 4, cr.getCounters().size());
        Set counterNames = mbs.queryNames(name, null);
        assertEquals("The Counters are not export to JMX ", 4 + 2 , counterNames.size());
        ObjectName sayHiCounter =  new ObjectName(ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME
            + ":operation=\"{}sayHi\",*");
        Set s = mbs.queryNames(sayHiCounter, null);       
        Iterator it = s.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            ObjectName counterName = (ObjectName);
            Object val = mbs.getAttribute(counterName, "NumInvocations");   
            assertEquals("Wrong Counters Number of Invocations", val, 1);
        reply = greeter.sayHi();
        assertNotNull("no response received from service", reply);
        assertEquals(response, reply);
        s = mbs.queryNames(sayHiCounter, null);       
        it = s.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            ObjectName counterName = (ObjectName);
            Object val = mbs.getAttribute(counterName, "NumInvocations");   
            assertEquals("Wrong Counters Number of Invocations", val, 2);
        assertEquals("The Counters are not create yet", 6, cr.getCounters().size());
        counterNames = mbs.queryNames(name, null);
        assertEquals("The Counters are not export to JMX ", 6 + 2, counterNames.size());
        ObjectName greetMeOneWayCounter =  new ObjectName(ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME
            + ":operation=\"{}greetMeOneWay\",*");
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            context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("managed-spring-twobuses.xml");

            cxf1 = (Bus)context.getBean("cxf1");
            InstrumentationManager im1 = cxf1.getExtension(InstrumentationManager.class);
            assertNotNull("Instrumentation Manager of cxf1 should not be null", im1);
            CounterRepository cr1 = cxf1.getExtension(CounterRepository.class);
            assertNotNull("CounterRepository of cxf1 should not be null", cr1);
            assertEquals("CounterRepository of cxf1 has the wrong bus", cxf1, cr1.getBus());
            cxf2 = (Bus)context.getBean("cxf2");
            InstrumentationManager im2 = cxf2.getExtension(InstrumentationManager.class);
            assertNotNull("Instrumentation Manager of cxf2 should not be null", im2);
            CounterRepository cr2 = cxf2.getExtension(CounterRepository.class);
            assertNotNull("CounterRepository of cxf2 should not be null", cr2);
            assertEquals("CounterRepository of cxf2 has the wrong bus", cxf2, cr2.getBus());

        } finally {
            if (cxf1 != null) {
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            bus = BusFactory.getThreadDefaultBus();
        Message message = ex.getOutMessage();
        CounterRepository cr = bus.getExtension(CounterRepository.class);
        if (null == cr) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "NO_COUNTER_REPOSITORY");
        } else {
            Service service = ex.get(Service.class);           
            Endpoint endpoint = ex.get(Endpoint.class);
            String serviceName = "\"" + service.getName() + "\"";           
            String portName = "\"" + endpoint.getEndpointInfo().getName().getLocalPart() + "\"";
            OperationInfo opInfo = ex.get(OperationInfo.class);
            String operationName = opInfo == null ? null : "\"" + opInfo.getName().getLocalPart() + "\"";
            if (operationName == null) {
                Object nameProperty = ex.get("");
                if (nameProperty != null) {
                    operationName = "\"" + escapePatternChars(nameProperty.toString()) + "\"";
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME + ":");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.BUS_ID_PROP + "=" + bus.getId() + ",");
            if (isClient(message)) {
                buffer.append(ManagementConstants.TYPE_PROP + "=" + Counter.PERFORMANCE_COUNTER + ".Client,");
            } else {
                buffer.append(ManagementConstants.TYPE_PROP + "=" + Counter.PERFORMANCE_COUNTER + ".Server,");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.SERVICE_NAME_PROP + "=" + serviceName + ",");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.PORT_NAME_PROP + "=" + portName);
            String serviceCounterName = buffer.toString();
            try {          
                ObjectName serviceCounter =
                    new ObjectName(serviceCounterName);               
                cr.increaseCounter(serviceCounter, mhtr);
                if (operationName != null) {
                    buffer.append("," + ManagementConstants.OPERATION_NAME_PROP + "=" + operationName);
                    String operationCounterName = buffer.toString();
                    ObjectName operationCounter = new ObjectName(operationCounterName);
                    cr.increaseCounter(operationCounter, mhtr);               
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "CREATE_COUNTER_OBJECTNAME_FAILED", exception);
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        Message message = ex.getOutMessage();
        CounterRepository cr = bus.getExtension(CounterRepository.class);
        if (null == cr) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "NO_COUNTER_REPOSITORY");
        } else {           
            Service service = ex.get(Service.class);           
            OperationInfo opInfo = ex.get(OperationInfo.class);
            Endpoint endpoint = ex.get(Endpoint.class);
            String serviceName = "\"" + service.getName() + "\"";           
            String portName = "\"" + endpoint.getEndpointInfo().getName().getLocalPart() + "\"";
            String operationName = "\"" + opInfo.getName().getLocalPart() + "\"";
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME + ":");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.BUS_ID_PROP + "=" + bus.getId() + ",");
            if (isClient(message)) {
                buffer.append(ManagementConstants.TYPE_PROP + "=" + Counter.PERFORMANCE_COUNTER + ".Client,");
            } else {
                buffer.append(ManagementConstants.TYPE_PROP + "=" + Counter.PERFORMANCE_COUNTER + ".Server,");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.SERVICE_NAME_PROP + "=" + serviceName + ",");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.PORT_NAME_PROP + "=" + portName);
            String serviceCounterName = buffer.toString();
            buffer.append("," + ManagementConstants.OPERATION_NAME_PROP + "=" + operationName);
            String operationCounterName = buffer.toString();
            try {              
                ObjectName serviceCounter =
                    new ObjectName(serviceCounterName);               
                cr.increaseCounter(serviceCounter, mhtr);
                ObjectName operationCounter = new ObjectName(operationCounterName);
                cr.increaseCounter(operationCounter, mhtr);               
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "CREATE_COUNTER_OBJECTNAME_FAILED", exception);
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        Message message = ex.getOutMessage();
        CounterRepository cr = bus.getExtension(CounterRepository.class);
        if (null == cr) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "NO_COUNTER_REPOSITORY");
        } else {           
            Service service = ex.get(Service.class);           
            OperationInfo opInfo = ex.get(OperationInfo.class);
            Endpoint endpoint = ex.get(Endpoint.class);
            String serviceName = "\"" + service.getName() + "\"";           
            String portName = "\"" + endpoint.getEndpointInfo().getName().getLocalPart() + "\"";
            String operationName = "\"" + opInfo.getName().getLocalPart() + "\"";
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME + ":");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.BUS_ID_PROP + "=" + bus.getId() + ",");
            if (isClient(message)) {
                buffer.append(ManagementConstants.TYPE_PROP + "=" + Counter.PERFORMANCE_COUNTER + ".Client,");
            } else {
                buffer.append(ManagementConstants.TYPE_PROP + "=" + Counter.PERFORMANCE_COUNTER + ".Server,");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.SERVICE_NAME_PROP + "=" + serviceName + ",");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.PORT_NAME_PROP + "=" + portName);
            String serviceCounterName = buffer.toString();
            buffer.append("," + ManagementConstants.OPERATION_NAME_PROP + "=" + operationName);
            String operationCounterName = buffer.toString();
            try {              
                ObjectName serviceCounter =
                    new ObjectName(serviceCounterName);               
                cr.increaseCounter(serviceCounter, mhtr);
                ObjectName operationCounter = new ObjectName(operationCounterName);
                cr.increaseCounter(operationCounter, mhtr);               
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "CREATE_COUNTER_OBJECTNAME_FAILED", exception);
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    public void testCountersWithInstrumentationManager() throws Exception {
        // create Client with other bus
        Bus bus = BusFactory.getDefaultBus();
        CounterRepository cr = bus.getExtension(CounterRepository.class);
        InstrumentationManager im = bus.getExtension(InstrumentationManager.class);
        InstrumentationManagerImpl impl = (InstrumentationManagerImpl)im;
        MBeanServer mbs = im.getMBeanServer();
        ObjectName name = new ObjectName(ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME
            + ":" + ManagementConstants.BUS_ID_PROP + "=cxf" + bus.hashCode() + ",*");       
        SOAPService service = new SOAPService();
        Greeter greeter = service.getPort(portName, Greeter.class);
        String response = new String("Bonjour");
        String reply = greeter.sayHi();
        //assertNotNull("no response received from service", reply);
        //assertEquals(response, reply); 
        assertEquals("The Counters are not create yet", 4, cr.getCounters().size());
        Set counterNames = mbs.queryNames(name, null);
        assertEquals("The Counters are not export to JMX: " + counterNames,
                     4 + 3 , counterNames.size());
        ObjectName sayHiCounter =  new ObjectName(
            ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME + ":operation=\"sayHi\",*");
        Set s = mbs.queryNames(sayHiCounter, null);       
        Iterator it = s.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            ObjectName counterName = (ObjectName);
            Object val = mbs.getAttribute(counterName, "NumInvocations");   
            assertEquals("Wrong Counters Number of Invocations", val, 1);
        reply = greeter.sayHi();
        assertNotNull("no response received from service", reply);
        assertEquals(response, reply);
        s = mbs.queryNames(sayHiCounter, null);       
        it = s.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            ObjectName counterName = (ObjectName);
            Object val = mbs.getAttribute(counterName, "NumInvocations");   
            assertEquals("Wrong Counters Number of Invocations", val, 2);
        for (int count = 0; count < 10; count++) {
            if (6 != cr.getCounters().size()) {
            } else {
        assertEquals("The Counters are not create yet", 6, cr.getCounters().size());
        for (int count = 0; count < 10; count++) {
            if (10 > mbs.queryNames(name, null).size()) {
            } else {
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    public void testCountersWithInstrumentationManager() throws Exception {
        // create Client with other bus
        Bus bus = BusFactory.getDefaultBus();
        CounterRepository cr = bus.getExtension(CounterRepository.class);
        InstrumentationManager im = bus.getExtension(InstrumentationManager.class);
        InstrumentationManagerImpl impl = (InstrumentationManagerImpl)im;
        MBeanServer mbs = im.getMBeanServer();
        ObjectName name = new ObjectName(ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME
            + ":" + ManagementConstants.BUS_ID_PROP + "=cxf" + bus.hashCode() + ",*");       
        SOAPService service = new SOAPService();
        Greeter greeter = service.getPort(portName, Greeter.class);
        String response = new String("Bonjour");
        String reply = greeter.sayHi();
        //assertNotNull("no response received from service", reply);
        //assertEquals(response, reply); 
        assertEquals("The Counters are not create yet", 4, cr.getCounters().size());
        Set counterNames = mbs.queryNames(name, null);
        assertEquals("The Counters are not export to JMX: " + counterNames,
                     4 + 3 , counterNames.size());
        ObjectName sayHiCounter =  new ObjectName(
            ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME + ":operation=\"sayHi\",*");
        Set s = mbs.queryNames(sayHiCounter, null);       
        Iterator it = s.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            ObjectName counterName = (ObjectName);
            Object val = mbs.getAttribute(counterName, "NumInvocations");   
            assertEquals("Wrong Counters Number of Invocations", val, 1);
        reply = greeter.sayHi();
        assertNotNull("no response received from service", reply);
        assertEquals(response, reply);
        s = mbs.queryNames(sayHiCounter, null);       
        it = s.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            ObjectName counterName = (ObjectName);
            Object val = mbs.getAttribute(counterName, "NumInvocations");   
            assertEquals("Wrong Counters Number of Invocations", val, 2);
        assertEquals("The Counters are not create yet", 6, cr.getCounters().size());
        counterNames = mbs.queryNames(name, null);
        assertEquals("The Counters are not export to JMX ", 6 + 3, counterNames.size());
        ObjectName greetMeOneWayCounter =  new ObjectName(
            ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME + ":operation=\"greetMeOneWay\",*");
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        Message message = ex.getOutMessage();
        CounterRepository cr = bus.getExtension(CounterRepository.class);
        if (null == cr) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "NO_COUNTER_REPOSITORY");
        } else {           
            Service service = ex.get(Service.class);           
            OperationInfo opInfo = ex.get(OperationInfo.class);
            Endpoint endpoint = ex.get(Endpoint.class);
            String serviceName = "\"" + service.getName() + "\"";           
            String portName = "\"" + endpoint.getEndpointInfo().getName().getLocalPart() + "\"";
            String operationName = "\"" + opInfo.getName().getLocalPart() + "\"";
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME + ":");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.BUS_ID_PROP + "=" + bus.getId() + ",");
            if (isClient(message)) {
                buffer.append(ManagementConstants.TYPE_PROP + "=" + Counter.PERFORMANCE_COUNTER + ".Client,");
            } else {
                buffer.append(ManagementConstants.TYPE_PROP + "=" + Counter.PERFORMANCE_COUNTER + ".Server,");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.SERVICE_NAME_PROP + "=" + serviceName + ",");
            buffer.append(ManagementConstants.PORT_NAME_PROP + "=" + portName);
            String serviceCounterName = buffer.toString();
            buffer.append("," + ManagementConstants.OPERATION_NAME_PROP + "=" + operationName);
            String operationCounterName = buffer.toString();
            try {              
                ObjectName serviceCounter =
                    new ObjectName(serviceCounterName);               
                cr.increaseCounter(serviceCounter, mhtr);
                ObjectName operationCounter = new ObjectName(operationCounterName);
                cr.increaseCounter(operationCounter, mhtr);               
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "CREATE_COUNTER_OBJECTNAME_FAILED", exception);
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