
Examples of

                    SearchBean bean = (SearchBean)conditionClass.newInstance();
                    bean.set(setter, tvalue.getObject().toString());
                    return (T)bean;
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                throw new SearchParseException(e);
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            if (c == '(') {
            } else if (c == ')') {
                if (level < 0) {
                    throw new SearchParseException(String.format("Unexpected closing bracket at position %d",
            String cs = Character.toString(c);
            boolean isOperator = AND.equals(cs) || OR.equals(cs);
            if (level == 0 && isOperator) {
                String s1 = expr.substring(lastIdx, idx);
                String s2 = expr.substring(idx, idx + 1);
                lastIdx = idx + 1;
            boolean isEnd = idx == expr.length() - 1;
            if (isEnd) {
                String s1 = expr.substring(lastIdx, idx + 1);
                lastIdx = idx + 1;
        if (level != 0) {
            throw new SearchParseException(String
                .format("Unmatched opening and closing brackets in expression: %s", expr));
        if (operators.get(operators.size() - 1) != null) {
            String op = operators.get(operators.size() - 1);
            String ex = subexpressions.get(subexpressions.size() - 1);
            throw new SearchParseException("Dangling operator at the end of expression: ..." + ex + op);
        // looking for adjacent ANDs then group them into ORs
        // Note: in case not ANDs is found (e.g only ORs) every single subexpression is
        // treated as "single item group of ANDs"
        int from = 0;
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        if (m.find()) {
            String propertyName = expr.substring(0, m.start(1));
            String operator =;
            String value = expr.substring(m.end(1));
            if ("".equals(value)) {
                throw new SearchParseException("Not a comparison expression: " + expr);
            String name = unwrapSetter(propertyName);
            String beanPropertyName = beanPropertiesMap == null ? null : beanPropertiesMap.get(name);
            if (beanPropertyName != null) {
                name = beanPropertyName;
            TypeInfoObject castedValue = parseType(propertyName, name, value);
            if (castedValue != null) {
                return new Comparison(name, operator, castedValue);
            } else if (MessageUtils.isTrue(contextProperties.get(SearchUtils.LAX_PROPERTY_MATCH))) {
                return null;
            } else {
                throw new PropertyNotFoundException(name, value);
        } else {
            throw new SearchParseException("Not a comparison expression: " + expr);
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                        } else if (isCollection) {
                            typeInfo.setCollectionCheckInfo(new CollectionCheckInfo(collCheck, castedValue));
                            castedValue = getEmptyCollection(valueType);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new SearchParseException("Cannot convert String value \"" + value
                                                     + "\" to a value of class " + valueType.getName(), e);
                } else {
                    Class<?> classType = isCollection ? valueType : value.getClass();
                    try {
                        Method setterM = valueType.getMethod("set" + getMethodNameSuffix(setter),
                                                             new Class[]{classType});
                        Object objectValue = !isCollection ? value : getCollectionSingleton(valueType, value);
                        setterM.invoke(ownerBean, new Object[]{objectValue});
                        castedValue = objectValue;
                    } catch (Throwable ex) {
                        throw new SearchParseException("Cannot convert String value \"" + value
                                                       + "\" to a value of class " + valueType.getName(), ex);
            if (lastCastedValue != null) {
                castedValue = lastCastedValue;
            return castedValue;
        } else {
            String[] names = setter.split("\\.");
            try {
                String nextPart = getMethodNameSuffix(names[1]);
                Method getterM = actualType.getMethod("get" + nextPart, new Class[]{});  
                Class<?> returnType = getterM.getReturnType();
                boolean returnCollection = InjectionUtils.isSupportedCollectionOrArray(returnType);
                Class<?> actualReturnType = !returnCollection ? returnType
                    : InjectionUtils.getActualType(getterM.getGenericReturnType());
                boolean isPrimitive = InjectionUtils.isPrimitive(returnType) || returnType.isEnum();
                boolean lastTry = names.length == 2
                    && (isPrimitive || returnType == Date.class || returnCollection);
                Object valueObject = lastTry && ownerBean != null ? ownerBean : actualType.newInstance();
                Object nextObject;
                if (lastTry) {
                    if (!returnCollection) {
                        nextObject = isPrimitive ? InjectionUtils.convertStringToPrimitive(value, returnType)
                            : convertToDate(value);
                    } else {
                        CollectionCheck collCheck = getCollectionCheck(originalPropName, true, actualReturnType);
                        if (collCheck == null) {
                            nextObject = getCollectionSingleton(valueType, value);
                        } else {
                            typeInfo.setCollectionCheckInfo(new CollectionCheckInfo(collCheck, value));
                            nextObject = getEmptyCollection(valueType);
                } else {
                    nextObject = returnType.newInstance();
                Method setterM = actualType.getMethod("set" + nextPart, new Class[]{returnType});
                setterM.invoke(valueObject, new Object[]{nextObject});
                lastCastedValue = lastCastedValue == null ? valueObject : lastCastedValue;
                if (lastTry) {
                    return isCollection ? getCollectionSingleton(valueType, lastCastedValue) : lastCastedValue;
                TypeInfo nextTypeInfo = new TypeInfo(nextObject.getClass(), getterM.getGenericReturnType());
                return parseType(originalPropName,
                                 setter.substring(index + 1),
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                throw new SearchParseException("Cannot convert String value \"" + value
                                               + "\" to a value of class " + valueType.getName(), e);
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            try {
                Date now = new Date();
                return now;
            } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e1) {
                throw new SearchParseException(e1);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) {
                throw new SearchParseException("Can parse " + value + " neither as date nor duration", e);
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                    SearchBean bean = (SearchBean)conditionClass.newInstance();
                    bean.set(setter, tvalue.getObject().toString());
                    return (T)bean;
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                throw new SearchParseException(e);
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            if (c == '(') {
            } else if (c == ')') {
                if (level < 0) {
                    throw new SearchParseException(String.format("Unexpected closing bracket at position %d",
            String cs = Character.toString(c);
            boolean isOperator = AND.equals(cs) || OR.equals(cs);
            if (level == 0 && isOperator) {
                String s1 = expr.substring(lastIdx, idx);
                String s2 = expr.substring(idx, idx + 1);
                lastIdx = idx + 1;
            boolean isEnd = idx == expr.length() - 1;
            if (isEnd) {
                String s1 = expr.substring(lastIdx, idx + 1);
                lastIdx = idx + 1;
        if (level != 0) {
            throw new SearchParseException(String
                .format("Unmatched opening and closing brackets in expression: %s", expr));
        if (operators.get(operators.size() - 1) != null) {
            String op = operators.get(operators.size() - 1);
            String ex = subexpressions.get(subexpressions.size() - 1);
            throw new SearchParseException("Dangling operator at the end of expression: ..." + ex + op);
        // looking for adjacent ANDs then group them into ORs
        // Note: in case not ANDs is found (e.g only ORs) every single subexpression is
        // treated as "single item group of ANDs"
        int from = 0;
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        if (m.find()) {
            String propertyName = expr.substring(0, m.start(1));
            String operator =;
            String value = expr.substring(m.end(1));
            if ("".equals(value)) {
                throw new SearchParseException("Not a comparison expression: " + expr);
            String name = unwrapSetter(propertyName);
            name = getActualSetterName(name);
            TypeInfoObject castedValue = parseType(propertyName, name, value);
            if (castedValue != null) {
                return new Comparison(name, operator, castedValue);
            } else {
                return null;
        } else {
            throw new SearchParseException("Not a comparison expression: " + expr);
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                    SearchBean bean = (SearchBean)conditionClass.newInstance();
                    bean.set(setter, tvalue.getObject().toString());
                    return (T)bean;
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                throw new SearchParseException(e);
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            final T condition = conditionClass.newInstance();
            final FilterExpression expression = parser.parseFilterString(searchExpression);
            final FilterExpressionVisitor visitor = new FilterExpressionVisitor(condition);           
            return (SearchCondition< T >)expression.accept(visitor);           
        } catch (ODataMessageException ex) {
            throw new SearchParseException(ex);
        } catch (ODataApplicationException ex) {
            throw new SearchParseException(ex);
        } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
            throw new SearchParseException(ex);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
            throw new SearchParseException(ex);
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