Package org.apache.cxf.frontend

Examples of org.apache.cxf.frontend.ServerFactoryBean

    protected void setUp() throws Exception {

        // start a simple front service
        ServerFactoryBean svrBean = new ServerFactoryBean();
        svrBean.setServiceBean(new HelloServiceImpl());

        simpleServer = (ServerImpl)svrBean.create();

        GreeterImpl greeterImpl = new GreeterImpl();
        jaxwsEndpoint = Endpoint.publish(JAXWS_SERVER_ADDRESS, greeterImpl);
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        assertNotNull("No context found!", context);

    protected void startService() {
        //start a service
        ServerFactoryBean svrBean = new ServerFactoryBean();

        svrBean.setServiceBean(new HelloServiceImpl());

        server = (ServerImpl)svrBean.create();
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        Service service = bean.create();

        InterfaceInfo i = service.getServiceInfos().get(0).getInterface();
        assertEquals(4, i.getOperations().size());

        ServerFactoryBean svrFactory = new ServerFactoryBean();
        Collection<BindingInfo> bindings = service.getServiceInfos().get(0).getBindings();
        assertEquals(1, bindings.size());
        ServiceWSDLBuilder wsdlBuilder =
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public class ServerFactoryTest extends AbstractSimpleFrontendTest {

    public void testSetDF() throws Exception {
        ServerFactoryBean svrBean = new ServerFactoryBean();
        svrBean.setServiceBean(new HelloServiceImpl());
        svrBean.setDestinationFactory(new CustomDestinationFactory());

        ServerImpl server = (ServerImpl)svrBean.create();
        assertTrue(server.getDestination() instanceof CustomDestination);
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    public void testJaxbExtraClass() throws Exception {
        ServerFactoryBean svrBean = new ServerFactoryBean();

        Map props = svrBean.getProperties();
        if (props == null) {
            props = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                  new Class[] {GreetMe.class, GreetMeOneWay.class});
        Server serv = svrBean.create();
        Class[] extraClass = ((JAXBDataBinding)serv.getEndpoint().getService()
        assertEquals(extraClass.length, 2);
        assertEquals(extraClass[0], GreetMe.class);
        assertEquals(extraClass[1], GreetMeOneWay.class);
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        // create server factory bean
        // Shouldn't use CxfEndpointUtils.getServerFactoryBean(cls) as it is for
        // CxfSoapComponent
        ServerFactoryBean answer = null;

        if (cls == null) {
            checkName(portName, " endpoint/port name");
            checkName(serviceName, " service name");
            answer = new ServerFactoryBean(new WSDLServiceFactoryBean());
        } else if (CxfEndpointUtils.hasWebServiceAnnotation(cls)) {
            answer = new JaxWsServerFactoryBean();
        } else {
            answer = new ServerFactoryBean();

        // setup server factory bean
        setupServerFactoryBean(answer, cls);
        return answer;
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        Class<?> cls = getSEIClass();               
        // create server factory bean
        // Shouldn't use CxfEndpointUtils.getServerFactoryBean(cls) as it is for
        // CxfSoapComponent
        ServerFactoryBean answer = null;

        if (cls == null) {
            if (!getDataFormat().equals(DataFormat.POJO)) {
                answer = new ServerFactoryBean(new WSDLServiceFactoryBean());
            } else {
                ObjectHelper.notNull(cls, CxfConstants.SERVICE_CLASS);
        } else if (CxfEndpointUtils.hasWebServiceAnnotation(cls)) {
            answer = new JaxWsServerFactoryBean();
        } else {
            answer = new ServerFactoryBean();

        // setup server factory bean
        setupServerFactoryBean(answer, cls);

        // fill in values that have not been filled.
        if (answer.getServiceName() == null && getServiceLocalName() != null) {
            answer.setServiceName(new QName(getServiceNamespace(), getServiceLocalName()));
        if (answer.getEndpointName() == null && getEndpointLocalName() != null) {
            answer.setEndpointName(new QName(getEndpointNamespace(), getEndpointLocalName()));

        if (cls == null) {
            checkName(answer.getEndpointName(), "endpoint/port name");
            checkName(answer.getServiceName(), "service name");
        return answer;
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    public static void startService() {      
        //start a service
        ServerFactoryBean svrBean = new ServerFactoryBean();
        svrBean.setServiceBean(new HelloServiceImpl());
        server = svrBean.create();
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    public CxfConsumer(final CxfEndpoint endpoint, Processor processor) throws Exception {
        super(endpoint, processor);
        // create server
        ServerFactoryBean svrBean = endpoint.createServerFactoryBean();
        svrBean.setInvoker(new Invoker() {

            // we receive a CXF request when this method is called
            public Object invoke(Exchange cxfExchange, Object o) {
                LOG.trace("Received CXF Request: {}", cxfExchange);               
                Continuation continuation;
                if (!endpoint.isSynchronous() && isAsyncInvocationSupported(cxfExchange)
                    && (continuation = getContinuation(cxfExchange)) != null) {
                    LOG.trace("Calling the Camel async processors.");
                    return asyncInvoke(cxfExchange, continuation);
                } else {
                    LOG.trace("Calling the Camel sync processors.");
                    return syncInvoke(cxfExchange);
            // NOTE this code cannot work with CXF 2.2.x
            private Object asyncInvoke(Exchange cxfExchange, final Continuation continuation) {
                synchronized (continuation) {
                    if (continuation.isNew()) {
                        final org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange = perpareCamelExchange(cxfExchange);
                        // Now we don't set up the timeout value
                        LOG.trace("Suspending continuation of exchangeId: {}", camelExchange.getExchangeId());
                        // TODO Support to set the timeout in case the Camel can't send the response back on time.
                        // The continuation could be called before the suspend is called

                        // use the asynchronous API to process the exchange
                        getAsyncProcessor().process(camelExchange, new AsyncCallback() {
                            public void done(boolean doneSync) {
                                // make sure the continuation resume will not be called before the suspend method in other thread
                                synchronized (continuation) {
                                    LOG.trace("Resuming continuation of exchangeId: {}", camelExchange.getExchangeId());
                                    // resume processing after both, sync and async callbacks
                    } else if (continuation.isResumed()) {
                        org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange = (org.apache.camel.Exchange)continuation
                        setResponseBack(cxfExchange, camelExchange);

                return null;

            private Continuation getContinuation(Exchange cxfExchange) {
                ContinuationProvider provider =
                return provider == null ? null : provider.getContinuation();
            private Object syncInvoke(Exchange cxfExchange) {
                org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange = perpareCamelExchange(cxfExchange);              
                // send Camel exchange to the target processor
                LOG.trace("Processing +++ START +++");
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new Fault(e);
                LOG.trace("Processing +++ END +++");
                setResponseBack(cxfExchange, camelExchange);
                // response should have been set in outMessage's content
                return null;
            private org.apache.camel.Exchange perpareCamelExchange(Exchange cxfExchange) {
                // get CXF binding
                CxfEndpoint endpoint = (CxfEndpoint)getEndpoint();
                CxfBinding binding = endpoint.getCxfBinding();

                // create a Camel exchange
                org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange = endpoint.createExchange();
                DataFormat dataFormat = endpoint.getDataFormat();

                BindingOperationInfo boi = cxfExchange.getBindingOperationInfo();
                // make sure the "boi" is remained as wrapped in PAYLOAD mode
                if (dataFormat == DataFormat.PAYLOAD && boi.isUnwrapped()) {
                    boi = boi.getWrappedOperation();
                    cxfExchange.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
                if (boi != null) {
                    camelExchange.setProperty(BindingOperationInfo.class.getName(), boi);
                    LOG.trace("Set exchange property: BindingOperationInfo: {}", boi);
                // set data format mode in Camel exchange
                camelExchange.setProperty(CxfConstants.DATA_FORMAT_PROPERTY, dataFormat);  
                LOG.trace("Set Exchange property: {}={}", DataFormat.class.getName(), dataFormat);
                camelExchange.setProperty(Message.MTOM_ENABLED, String.valueOf(endpoint.isMtomEnabled()));
                // bind the CXF request into a Camel exchange
                binding.populateExchangeFromCxfRequest(cxfExchange, camelExchange);
                // extract the header
                Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                binding.extractJaxWsContext(cxfExchange, context);
                // put the context into camelExchange
                camelExchange.setProperty(CxfConstants.JAXWS_CONTEXT, context);
                return camelExchange;
            private void setResponseBack(Exchange cxfExchange, org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange) {
                CxfEndpoint endpoint = (CxfEndpoint)getEndpoint();
                CxfBinding binding = endpoint.getCxfBinding();               
                checkFailure(camelExchange, cxfExchange);
                binding.populateCxfResponseFromExchange(camelExchange, cxfExchange);
                // check failure again as fault could be discovered by converter
                checkFailure(camelExchange, cxfExchange);

                // copy the headers header back
                binding.copyJaxWsContext(cxfExchange, (Map<String, Object>)camelExchange.getProperty(CxfConstants.JAXWS_CONTEXT));

            private void checkFailure(org.apache.camel.Exchange camelExchange, Exchange cxfExchange) throws Fault {
                final Throwable t;
                if (camelExchange.isFailed()) {
                    t = (camelExchange.hasOut() && camelExchange.getOut().isFault()) ? camelExchange.getOut()
                        .getBody(Throwable.class) : camelExchange.getException();
                    cxfExchange.getInMessage().put(FaultMode.class, FaultMode.UNCHECKED_APPLICATION_FAULT);
                    if (t instanceof Fault) {
                        cxfExchange.getInMessage().put(FaultMode.class, FaultMode.CHECKED_APPLICATION_FAULT);
                        throw (Fault)t;
                    } else if (t != null) {                       
                        // This is not a CXF Fault. Build the CXF Fault manuallly.
                        Fault fault = new Fault(t);
                        if (fault.getMessage() == null) {
                            // The Fault has no Message. This is the case if t had
                            // no message, for
                            // example was a NullPointerException.
                        WebFault faultAnnotation = t.getClass().getAnnotation(WebFault.class);
                        Object faultInfo = null;
                        try {
                            Method method = t.getClass().getMethod("getFaultInfo", new Class[0]);
                            faultInfo = method.invoke(t, new Object[0]);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            // do nothing here                           
                        if (faultAnnotation != null && faultInfo == null) {
                            // t has a JAX-WS WebFault annotation, which describes
                            // in detail the Web Service Fault that should be thrown. Add the
                            // detail.
                            Element detail = fault.getOrCreateDetail();
                            Element faultDetails = detail.getOwnerDocument()

                        throw fault;


        server = svrBean.create();
        if (ObjectHelper.isNotEmpty(endpoint.getPublishedEndpointUrl())) {
            server.getEndpoint().getEndpointInfo().setProperty("publishedEndpointUrl", endpoint.getPublishedEndpointUrl());
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    public void startService() throws Exception {
        // start a simple front service
        ServerFactoryBean svrBean = new ServerFactoryBean();
        svrBean.setServiceBean(new HelloServiceImpl());
        server = svrBean.create();
        GreeterImpl greeterImpl = new GreeterImpl();
        endpoint = Endpoint.publish(getJaxWsServerAddress(), greeterImpl);
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Related Classes of org.apache.cxf.frontend.ServerFactoryBean

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