* Co-groups the two {@link PTable} arguments.
* @return a {@code PTable} representing the co-grouped tables.
public static <K, U, V> PTable<K, Pair<Collection<U>, Collection<V>>> cogroup(PTable<K, U> left, PTable<K, V> right) {
PTypeFamily ptf = left.getTypeFamily();
PType<K> keyType = left.getPTableType().getKeyType();
PType<U> leftType = left.getPTableType().getValueType();
PType<V> rightType = right.getPTableType().getValueType();
PType<Pair<U, V>> itype = ptf.pairs(leftType, rightType);
PTable<K, Pair<U, V>> cgLeft = left.parallelDo("coGroupTag1", new CogroupFn1<K, U, V>(),
ptf.tableOf(keyType, itype));
PTable<K, Pair<U, V>> cgRight = right.parallelDo("coGroupTag2", new CogroupFn2<K, U, V>(),
ptf.tableOf(keyType, itype));
PTable<K, Pair<U, V>> both = cgLeft.union(cgRight);
PType<Pair<Collection<U>, Collection<V>>> otype = ptf.pairs(ptf.collections(leftType), ptf.collections(rightType));
return both.groupByKey().parallelDo("cogroup",
new PostGroupFn<K, U, V>(leftType, rightType), ptf.tableOf(keyType, otype));