The extension comparison is case insensitive.
The selector makes a copy of a given Collection or array. Changing the object passed in the constructors will not affect the selector.
DefaultFileSystemManager fs = getProviderConfig().getDefaultFileSystemManager(); fs.setFilesCache(getProviderConfig().getFilesCache()); getProviderConfig().prepare(fs); if (!fs.hasProvider("file")) { fs.addProvider("file", new DefaultLocalFileProvider()); } return fs; }
providerConfig.prepare(manager); if (!manager.hasProvider("file")) { manager.addProvider("file", new DefaultLocalFileProvider()); } manager.init(); // Locate the base folders
public void prepare(final DefaultFileSystemManager manager) throws Exception { try { manager.addProvider("ram", new RamFileProvider()); manager.addProvider("file", new DefaultLocalFileProvider()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e);
protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); manager = new DefaultFileSystemManager(); manager.addProvider("ram", new RamFileProvider()); manager.init(); // File Systems Options RamFileSystemConfigBuilder.getInstance().setMaxSize(zeroSized, 0); RamFileSystemConfigBuilder.getInstance().setMaxSize(smallSized, 10);
{ if (!inited) { // Import the test tree FileObject fo = manager.resolveFile("ram:/"); RamFileSystem fs = (RamFileSystem) fo.getFileSystem(); fs.importTree(new File(AbstractVfsTestCase.getTestDirectory())); fo.close(); inited=true; }
extends AbstractProviderTestConfig implements ProviderTestConfig { public static Test suite() throws Exception { CacheTestSuite suite = new CacheTestSuite(new org.apache.commons.vfs2.cache.NullFilesCacheTestCase()); suite.addTests(NullFilesCacheTests.class); return suite; }
extends AbstractProviderTestConfig implements ProviderTestConfig { public static Test suite() throws Exception { CacheTestSuite suite = new CacheTestSuite(new LRUFilesCacheTestCase()); suite.addTests(LRUFilesCacheTests.class); return suite; }
/** * Creates the test suite for the ram file system. */ public static Test suite() throws Exception { return new ProviderTestSuite(new RamProviderTestCase()); }
private static final String TEST_URI = "test.http.uri"; public static Test suite() throws Exception { if (System.getProperty(TEST_URI) != null) { return new ProviderTestSuite(new HttpProviderTestCase()); } else { return notConfigured(HttpProviderTestCase.class); }
/** * Creates the test suite for the jar file system. */ public static Test suite() throws Exception { return new ProviderTestSuite(new JarProviderTestCase(), true); }