Package org.apache.commons.ssl.asn1

Examples of org.apache.commons.ssl.asn1.DERSet

        KeyPair basickeys = KeyTools.genKeys("1024", AlgorithmConstants.KEYALGORITHM_RSA);
        PKCS10CertificationRequest basicpkcs10 = new PKCS10CertificationRequest("SHA1WithRSA", CertTools.stringToBcX509Name("CN=NOTUSED"), basickeys
                .getPublic(), new DERSet(), basickeys.getPrivate());
        ArrayList<TokenCertificateRequestWS> requests = new ArrayList<TokenCertificateRequestWS>();
        TokenCertificateRequestWS tokenCertReqWS = new TokenCertificateRequestWS();
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        ASN1EncodableVector challpwdattr = new ASN1EncodableVector();
        // Challenge password attribute
        ASN1EncodableVector pwdvalues = new ASN1EncodableVector();
        pwdvalues.add(new DERUTF8String(password));
        challpwdattr.add(new DERSet(pwdvalues));
        // Requested extensions attribute
        ASN1EncodableVector extensionattr = new ASN1EncodableVector();
        // AltNames
        GeneralNames san = CertTools.getGeneralNamesFromAltName(",iPAddress=");
        ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        DEROutputStream dOut = new DEROutputStream(bOut);
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("error encoding value: " + e);
        Vector oidvec = new Vector();
        Vector valuevec = new Vector();
        valuevec.add(new X509Extension(false, new DEROctetString(bOut.toByteArray())));
        X509Extensions exts = new X509Extensions(oidvec,valuevec);
        extensionattr.add(new DERSet(exts));
        // Complete the Attribute section of the request, the set (Attributes) contains two sequences (Attribute)
        ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
        v.add(new DERSequence(challpwdattr));
        v.add(new DERSequence(extensionattr));
        DERSet attributes = new DERSet(v);
        // Create PKCS#10 certificate request
        p10request = new PKCS10CertificationRequest("SHA1WithRSA",
                CertTools.stringToBcX509Name(reqdn), keys.getPublic(), attributes, keys.getPrivate());
        // Create self signed cert, validity 1 day
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        // add authenticated attributes...status, transactionId, sender- and more...
        Hashtable attributes = new Hashtable();
        DERObjectIdentifier oid;
        Attribute attr;
        DERSet value;
        // Message type (certreq)
        oid = new DERObjectIdentifier(ScepRequestMessage.id_messageType);
        value = new DERSet(new DERPrintableString(messageType));
        attr = new Attribute(oid, value);
        attributes.put(attr.getAttrType(), attr);

        // TransactionId
        byte[] digest = CertTools.generateMD5Fingerprint(cert.getPublicKey().getEncoded());
        transactionId = new String(Base64.encode(digest));
        oid = new DERObjectIdentifier(ScepRequestMessage.id_transId);
        value = new DERSet(new DERPrintableString(Base64.encode(digest)));
        attr = new Attribute(oid, value);
        attributes.put(attr.getAttrType(), attr);

        // senderNonce
        byte[] nonce = new byte[16];
        SecureRandom randomSource = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
        senderNonce = new String(Base64.encode(nonce));
        if (nonce != null) {
            oid = new DERObjectIdentifier(ScepRequestMessage.id_senderNonce);
            log.debug("Added senderNonce: " + senderNonce);
            value = new DERSet(new DEROctetString(nonce));
            attr = new Attribute(oid, value);
            attributes.put(attr.getAttrType(), attr);

        // Add our signer info and sign the message
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        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(s);
        cipher.init(1, secretkey, algorithmparameters);
        byte[] abyte1 = cipher.doFinal(in);
        DEROctetString deroctetstring = new DEROctetString(abyte1);
        KeyTransRecipientInfo keytransrecipientinfo = computeRecipientInfo(cert, secretkey.getEncoded());
        DERSet derset = new DERSet(new RecipientInfo(keytransrecipientinfo));
        AlgorithmIdentifier algorithmidentifier = new AlgorithmIdentifier(new DERObjectIdentifier(s), derobject);
        EncryptedContentInfo encryptedcontentinfo =
            new EncryptedContentInfo(, algorithmidentifier, deroctetstring);
        EnvelopedData env = new EnvelopedData(null, derset, encryptedcontentinfo, null);
        ContentInfo contentinfo =
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            for (Object element : certs) {
                ASN1InputStream tempstream = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(((X509Certificate)element).getEncoded()));

            DERSet dercertificates = new DERSet(v);

            // Create signerinfo structure.
            ASN1EncodableVector signerinfo = new ASN1EncodableVector();

            // Add the signerInfo version
            signerinfo.add(new DERInteger(signerversion));

            v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
            v.add(new DERInteger(signCert.getSerialNumber()));
            signerinfo.add(new DERSequence(v));

            // Add the digestAlgorithm
            v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
            v.add(new DERObjectIdentifier(digestAlgorithm));
            v.add(new DERNull());
            signerinfo.add(new DERSequence(v));

            // add the authenticated attribute if present
            if (secondDigest != null && signingTime != null) {
                signerinfo.add(new DERTaggedObject(false, 0, getAuthenticatedAttributeSet(secondDigest, signingTime, ocsp)));
            // Add the digestEncryptionAlgorithm
            v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
            v.add(new DERObjectIdentifier(digestEncryptionAlgorithm));
            v.add(new DERNull());
            signerinfo.add(new DERSequence(v));

            // Add the digest
            signerinfo.add(new DEROctetString(digest));

            // When requested, go get and add the timestamp. May throw an exception.
            // Added by Martin Brunecky, 07/12/2007 folowing Aiken Sam, 2006-11-15
            // Sam found Adobe expects time-stamped SHA1-1 of the encrypted digest
            if (tsaClient != null) {
                byte[] tsImprint = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1").digest(digest);
                byte[] tsToken = tsaClient.getTimeStampToken(this, tsImprint);
                if (tsToken != null) {
                    ASN1EncodableVector unauthAttributes = buildUnauthenticatedAttributes(tsToken);
                    if (unauthAttributes != null) {
                        signerinfo.add(new DERTaggedObject(false, 1, new DERSet(unauthAttributes)));

            // Finally build the body out of all the components above
            ASN1EncodableVector body = new ASN1EncodableVector();
            body.add(new DERInteger(version));
            body.add(new DERSet(digestAlgorithms));
            body.add(new DERTaggedObject(false, 0, dercertificates));

            // Only allow one signerInfo
            body.add(new DERSet(new DERSequence(signerinfo)));

            // Now we have the body, wrap it in it's PKCS7Signed shell
            // and return it
            ASN1EncodableVector whole = new ASN1EncodableVector();
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        ASN1EncodableVector unauthAttributes = new ASN1EncodableVector();

        ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
        v.add(new DERObjectIdentifier(ID_TIME_STAMP_TOKEN)); // id-aa-timeStampToken
        ASN1Sequence seq = (ASN1Sequence) tempstream.readObject();
        v.add(new DERSet(seq));

        unauthAttributes.add(new DERSequence(v));
        return unauthAttributes;
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    private DERSet getAuthenticatedAttributeSet(byte secondDigest[], Calendar signingTime, byte[] ocsp) {
        try {
            ASN1EncodableVector attribute = new ASN1EncodableVector();
            ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
            v.add(new DERObjectIdentifier(ID_CONTENT_TYPE));
            v.add(new DERSet(new DERObjectIdentifier(ID_PKCS7_DATA)));
            attribute.add(new DERSequence(v));
            v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
            v.add(new DERObjectIdentifier(ID_SIGNING_TIME));
            v.add(new DERSet(new DERUTCTime(signingTime.getTime())));
            attribute.add(new DERSequence(v));
            v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
            v.add(new DERObjectIdentifier(ID_MESSAGE_DIGEST));
            v.add(new DERSet(new DEROctetString(secondDigest)));
            attribute.add(new DERSequence(v));
            if (ocsp != null || !crls.isEmpty()) {
                v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
                v.add(new DERObjectIdentifier(ID_ADBE_REVOCATION));

                ASN1EncodableVector revocationV = new ASN1EncodableVector();

                if (!crls.isEmpty()) {
                    ASN1EncodableVector v2 = new ASN1EncodableVector();
                    for (Object element : crls) {
                        ASN1InputStream t = new ASN1InputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(((X509CRL)element).getEncoded()));
                    revocationV.add(new DERTaggedObject(true, 0, new DERSequence(v2)));

                if (ocsp != null) {
                  DEROctetString doctet = new DEROctetString(ocsp);
                  ASN1EncodableVector vo1 = new ASN1EncodableVector();
                  ASN1EncodableVector v2 = new ASN1EncodableVector();
                  DEREnumerated den = new DEREnumerated(0);
                  ASN1EncodableVector v3 = new ASN1EncodableVector();
                  v3.add(new DERTaggedObject(true, 0, new DERSequence(v2)));
                  vo1.add(new DERSequence(v3));
                  revocationV.add(new DERTaggedObject(true, 1, new DERSequence(vo1)));

                v.add(new DERSet(new DERSequence(revocationV)));
                attribute.add(new DERSequence(v));

            return new DERSet(attribute);
        catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ExceptionConverter(e);
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        ASN1EncodableVector challpwdattr = new ASN1EncodableVector();
        // Challenge password attribute
        ASN1EncodableVector pwdvalues = new ASN1EncodableVector();
        pwdvalues.add(new DERUTF8String(password));
        challpwdattr.add(new DERSet(pwdvalues));
        ASN1EncodableVector extensionattr = new ASN1EncodableVector();
        extensionattr.add(new DERSet(exts));
        // Complete the Attribute section of the request, the set (Attributes) contains two sequences (Attribute)
        ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector();
        v.add(new DERSequence(challpwdattr));
        v.add(new DERSequence(extensionattr));
        DERSet attributes = new DERSet(v);
        // Create PKCS#10 certificate request
        this.p10request = new PKCS10CertificationRequest("SHA1WithRSA",
                CertTools.stringToBcX509Name(reqdn), keys.getPublic(), attributes, keys.getPrivate());
        // Create self signed cert, validity 1 day
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        // add authenticated attributes...status, transactionId, sender- and more...
        Hashtable attributes = new Hashtable();
        DERObjectIdentifier oid;
        Attribute attr;
        DERSet value;
        // Message type (certreq)
        oid = new DERObjectIdentifier(ScepRequestMessage.id_messageType);
        value = new DERSet(new DERPrintableString(messageType));
        attr = new Attribute(oid, value);
        attributes.put(attr.getAttrType(), attr);

        // TransactionId
        oid = new DERObjectIdentifier(ScepRequestMessage.id_transId);
        value = new DERSet(new DERPrintableString(transactionId));
        attr = new Attribute(oid, value);
        attributes.put(attr.getAttrType(), attr);

        // senderNonce
        byte[] nonce = new byte[16];
        senderNonce = new String(Base64.encode(nonce));
        if (nonce != null) {
            oid = new DERObjectIdentifier(ScepRequestMessage.id_senderNonce);
            log.debug("Added senderNonce: " + senderNonce);
            value = new DERSet(new DEROctetString(nonce));
            attr = new Attribute(oid, value);
            attributes.put(attr.getAttrType(), attr);

        // Add our signer info and sign the message
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     * @see CA#createRequest(Collection, String, Certificate, int)
    public byte[] createRequest(Collection<DEREncodable> attributes, String signAlg, Certificate cacert, int signatureKeyPurpose) throws CATokenOfflineException {
    log.trace(">createRequest: "+signAlg+", "+CertTools.getSubjectDN(cacert)+", "+signatureKeyPurpose);
      ASN1Set attrset = new DERSet();
      if (attributes != null) {
        log.debug("Adding attributes in the request");
        Iterator<DEREncodable> iter = attributes.iterator();
      ASN1EncodableVector vec = new ASN1EncodableVector();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          DEREncodable o = (DEREncodable);
          attrset = new DERSet(vec);
        X509NameEntryConverter converter = null;
        if (getUsePrintableStringSubjectDN()) {
          converter = new PrintableStringEntryConverter();
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.ssl.asn1.DERSet

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