Class defining a real-valued vector with basic algebraic operations.
vector element indexing is 0-based -- e.g., {@code getEntry(0)}returns the first element of the vector.
The {@code code map} and {@code mapToSelf} methods operateon vectors element-wise, i.e. they perform the same operation (adding a scalar, applying a function ...) on each element in turn. The {@code map}versions create a new vector to hold the result and do not change the instance. The {@code mapToSelf} version uses the instance itself to store theresults, so the instance is changed by this method. In all cases, the result vector is returned by the methods, allowing the fluent API style, like this:
RealVector result = v.mapAddToSelf(3.4).mapToSelf(new Tan()).mapToSelf(new Power(2.3));
@since 2.1